< Sucker Punch
Sucker Punch/Characters
Played by Emily Browning—I lost everyone I loved. And then they locked me away...With nowhere to hide from the pain.
- Action Girl
- Adrenaline Makeover
- Ambiguous Situation: In relation to her relationship with Sweet Pea
- Broken Bird
- Bare Your Midriff
- Beware the Quiet Ones:
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Break the Cutie
- Big Sister Instinct
- The Chosen One
- Cool Big Sis
- Dead Little Sister
- Decoy Protagonist
- Despair Event Horizon
- The Determinator:Just doesn't take no for an answer
- Driven to Suicide
- Dull Surprise: Considering she lost her family, her life and her sanity, this is a rare Justified Trope
- Emotionless Girl: After the Lobotomy.
- Fire Motif
- Hair of Gold
- The Hero
- Heroic Sacrifice
- I Just Want to Be Free
- Iron Woobie: and how!
- Identical Stranger: looks EXACTLY like Taylor Momsen of The Pretty Reckless.
- From Nobody to Nightmare: For Blue
- Girlish Pigtails
- Mad Dreamer
- Non-Indicative Name: Not that much of a baby or a doll play thing.
- One-Man Army
- The Quiet One
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Sweet Pea's Blue, Blue to Rocket's Red.
- Sanity Slippage
- Small Girl, Big Gun
- Shattered Sanity: In the first montage.
- Switching POV: With Sweet Pea
- Supporting Leader: For Sweet Pea
- Tranquil Fury:
- Took a Level in Badass
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
- Zettai Ryouiki
- Four Temperament/Philosophy:
- Choleric/Realist
Sweet Pea
Played by Abbie Cornish—All that gyrating and moaning... a dance should be about more than titillation. Mine is personal, it says who I am. What the heck does yours say?
- Action Girl
- Ambiguous Situation: In regards to Babydoll and the Real Narrator
- Author Avatar: Says all Zack wants to say and LIVES!
- Big Sister Instinct: Would die for her
- Broken Bird
- Cool Big Sis
- Hair of Gold
- The Lancer
- Non-Indicative Name: Not that sweet initially.
- Refusal of the Call
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue to both Baby Dolls and Rocket's Red
- Switching POV: With Baby Doll
- Sibling Yin-Yang: with Rocket.
- Tranquil Fury
- Team Mom: Of the imprisoned girls.
- Took a Level in Badass
- Four Temperament/Philosophy
- Phlegmatic II/Cynic
Played by Jena Malone—Don't worry, I don't bite very hard.
- Action Girl
- Anime Hair
- Broken Bird
- The Chick
- Dead Little Sister
- Hair of Gold
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Les Yay: provides most of this with Baby Doll
- Non-Indicative Name: Not any good at Rockets..
- The Heart
- The Runaway
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to both Sweet Pea's and Baby Doll's Blue.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: with Sweet Pea.
- Took a Level in Badass
- Taking the Bullet: For Sweet Pea
- Four Temperament/Philosophy
- Sanguine/Optimist
Played by Vanessa Hudgens—Take that, you ugly motherf...
- Action Girl
- The Big Girl
- Broken Bird
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Non-Indicative Name: She's a brunette.
- Playing Against Type: Vanessa Hudgens, took a level in Badass.
- Sacrificial Lamb
- Took a Level in Badass
- Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves
- Sixth Ranger Traitor: Albeit a reluctant one.
- Four Temperament/Philosophy
- Melancholic/Conflicted
Played by Jamie Chung—Here we go, ladies
- Ace Pilot
- Action Girl
- Broken Bird
- Bunny Motif
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Nerves of Steel
- The Smart Girl
- Sacrificial Lion
- Took a Level in Badass
- Four Temperament/Philosophy
- Phlegmatic/Apathetic
Madame Vera Gorski/Dr Vera Gorski
Played by Carla Gugino—You control this world. Let the pain go, let the hurt go, let the guilt go.
The Wiseman
Played by Scott Glenn—Oh, and one more thing...
- A Father To His Institutionalized Young Girls Who Dreamt Him Up
- Cool Old Guy
- Catch Phrase: ‘And one more thing…’
- Hermit Guru: In his first form.
- The Mentor
- Reasonable Authority Figure
Blue Jones
Played by Oscar Isaac—It's too late to play the good guy!
The Doctor/The High Roller
Played by Jon Hamm—I've seen some tortured souls...
- Affably Evil: Even he admits taking brains out of young ladies is slightly wrong and then in the directors cut wants to know a person for themselves and give them total freedom for once in their lives
- Deadly Doctor
- Punch Clock Villain
- No Name Given
The Stepfather
Played by Gerald Plunkett—We had a deal!!
- Abusive Parent
- Sinister Minister: In his dream form.
- Wicked Stepfather
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