Sterate Baboogeddon
A Crisis Crossover novel about an Author Avatar who has to save a Utopia full of Videogame characters from an army of characters from bad quality movie characters.
Tropes used in Sterate Baboogeddon include:
- Absurdly Spacious Sewer: Hyperion City has these and some nice catacombs underneath it.
- A Day in the Limelight: Book 4 makes Julian the main character. With this, Hilarity Ensues.
- A God Am I: The Antibody exhibits this behavior.
- Alternate Character Interpretation: Is Daniel a heroic idiot that is just trying to save his world? Or a lazy geek that has no intention of going back home?
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Rudrick, the King, is a badass.
- Anticlimax Boss: The Garbage Pail Kids, being the shortest "boss battle" in the entire series.
- Badass Grandpa: Cranky Kong.
- Beta Couple: Judging by Book 4, Andres and Vaynia may become this.
- Confirmed. They kiss in Book 5.
- Big Brother Mentor: Julian just wants whats best for Daniel.
- Big Damn Heroes: Andres saving Daniel and Felincia from an oncoming wave of Shadow Beings.
- Donkey Kong saving Julian, Andres, and Vaynia from Dr Zoom.
- Banjo's team and Donkey Kong's Team saving Don Pirahna from Dr Zoom's mech.
- BFS: Daniel wields one, named Ai Shainingu.
- Julian gets one (The Twilight Sword) in book 4.
- Big Bad: Cailleta, leader of the Sterates of Babooa.
- Non Sequitur Scene: Several, but most notably, the moment where everyone in the entire story begins having an insane fit of laughter in Book 4.
- Bilingual Bonus: Some of the weapon names are in phonetical Japanese.
- Book Ends: At the beggining of Book 3, Felincia wakes Daniel up. At the end of Book 3, she does the same thing.
- Buffy-Speak: Used quite frequently, especially by Daniel.
- Camp Gay: Jolly Roger.
- Cloudcuckoolander: The shopkeeper from Book 3, as well as Daniel himself.
- Complete Monster: Pretty much any "Boss" the heroes come across. Notably, Dr Zoom.
- Continuity Nod: In Book 4, Proffessor Kolorado says in a documentary, "And so, we may never know the mystery of the Frozen Tan Guy, of the ice side of Hailfire Peaks." A villain of the previous book was defeated by Banjo and Kazooie and plummeted to said location.
- Continuity Porn: Being Fanon, this work contains numerous references to a bunch of Nintendo... things.
- Cool Shades: Funky Kong.
- Cool Boat: The Daisy Cruiser.
- Cool Ship: The Banjo Copter.
- Crash Into Hello: How Daniel meets Felincia.
- Creator In-Joke: So many, that this is part of the reason why the author refuses to post this online.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Rudrick Vs The Death Rose. The King of Hyperion, against a throw-in side boss. Hmmm,
- Dark Is Not Evil: Julian's Katana uses darkness, but it is far from being evil.
- Vaynia has red eyes, as opposed to Felincia's green, but she is more of a Tsundere than a villainess.
- Darker and Edgier: Book 4, mildly.
- Death by Cameo: Ntom64 and The Hell Dragon make a cameo after a long dragged on chapter, and criticise it, only to be blown apart by THD's robot butler.
- The Don: Don Pirahna is a friendly example.
- Dumb Muscle: Donkey Kong and Chunky Kong.
- An evil example would be Peter and Ivan, Dr Zoom's two Austrian henchmen.
- Eldritch Abomination: The Antibody, or pretty much any other Shadow Being.
- Everything's Better with Monkeys: The Kong family.
- Family-Unfriendly Death: Dr Zoom suffers this in Book 4, by slowly drowning in his mech suit..
- Five-Man Band:
- The Hero: Daniel
- The Lancer: Andres
- The Big Guy: Julian
- The Smart Guy: Vaynia
- The Chick: Felincia
- Fridge Logic: Won't the parents of the three heros get worried sick and start hiring investigations?
- Subverted. This issue is resolved by Daniel in book 4.
- Genki Girl: Felincia
- Genre Savvy: Damn near everyone.
- Gotta Catch Em All: The quest to find all 7 keys to a dimension where a hungry universe devourer waits.
- Humongous Mecha: Dr Zoom seems to pull these out of his ass.
- I Am Not Shazam: There is no character called Sterate Baboogeddon.
- Idiot Hero: Daniel, mildly.
- It Can Think: The Antibody, unlike other Shadow Beings, is not mindless. But still, mindless.
- Large Ham: King Koopa and Mr Electric
- Heck, even Daniel himself has strayed into this behavior.
- Limit Break: The beam of pure lightning that Daniel annihilated Stanley with is this.
- Marshmallow Hell: Daniel falls face first into Felincia's melons during a "miniboss" fight in Book 5.
- Memetic Mutation: Several lines and innuendos from this story become this between the author and the real life Andres.
- Megaton Punch: How Donkey Kong knocks Dr Zoom out of his own mech suit.
- Mood Whiplash: In Book 1, the transition from an introduction to a cheerful world full of videogame characters, to a girl kidnapped by Austrians and almost raped is quite abrupt.
- Moral Event Horizon: What Dr Zoom planned to do with Felincia.
- Mythology Gag: Thiry Days of Summer has these.
- Nakama: Daniel, Andres, Julian, and Felincia form this.
- No Fourth Wall: The narrators and Cranky Kong make sure of this.
- Pre-Mortem One-Liner: "I am Donkey Kong, and these bananas, ARE MINE!"
- "And you... are fucked."
- Product Placement: Book 1 was written shortly after E3 2010, and what does Felincia carry with her? A Nintendo 3DS.
- Reed Richards Is Useless: Wait, Felincia can open portals to anywhere? Why can't she just teleport behind Cailleta and slit her neck?
- She probably has limits on her teleportation.
- Reference Overdosed: Get a drink. Take a shot every time you get a reference to some videogame.
- Sailor Fuku: Felincia and Vaynia wear this.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: The Antibody.
- Shut UP, Hannibal: The Author loves this trope. It's used in practically every book.
- Shout-Out: A whole hurricane full of them.
- Shoryuken: Daniel does this to Stanley The Troll, except it's a lightning variation.
- Spin-Off: Thirty Days of Summer, written by the Author's best friend, follows Andres, Daniel, Felincia, and Julian as they journey Hyperion to win a videogame tournament.
- Team Pet: Yoshi Until his death.
- Troll Fic: Real life Andres made a retelling of Book 1 where Andres is the heroic one and Daniel is the side character. The Author, was not pleased.
- Vacation Episode: Book 2, as well as the entirety of Thirty Days of Summer.
- Villainous Breakdown: Dr Zoom goes into this after his first defeat.
- What Do You Mean It's Not for Kids?: Most of the videogame characters are from kid friendly games, but this novel is anything but kid friendly.
- World of Badass: Pretty much everyone in Hyperion knows how to kick badguy butt.
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