< Step City

Step City/Characters

"There is no good or evil, there is only groove"
The original tagline
The teaser poster

This is the Characters-Trope page for Step City; for general RP tropes pertaining to Step City, and more information the roleplay, please check there.

When adding a character to the list, please make sure to add them alphabetically (minus the Faction Head, which is at the top of each folder). I guess by first name.

Player Characters

Funk Mafia

Don Bonita

Leader of the Funk Mafia after the fall of James Cornell in the war.


James Cornell

The former leader of the Funk Mafia


Rémi d'Aubigne

A retired professional ballet dancer, he now teaches and tutors others in it at the Bratva Ballet.


  • Deadpan Snarker: Snarksnarksnark.
  • Grumpy Old Man: Goes hand-in-hand with Screw Politeness, I'm a Senior.
  • Screw Politeness, I'm a Senior!: Swears like a sailor and takes shit from no one.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: In relation to Remi's Vibe Abilities; he's able to drain other people's vibes. The nickname "Vibe Vampire" and "Vibepire" have been coined.
  • Intergenerational Friendship: Remi is at least thirteen years older than either of his best friends, and more with everyone else he interacts with regularly. The lack of people around that are his age means that the only friendships he can form are Intergenerational Friendships.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Type 2 with Harold (The Snark and Sass Dynamic; Remi provides the snark, Harold provides the sass).
  • Older Sidekick: Harold is the badass, and Remi is Harold's moody, grumpy (and ultimately useless) older sidekick.
  • Unwanted Glasses Plot: A literal, extremely hungover quest to have Remi properly fitted with the reading glasses he desperately needed.

Frankie Valentine

Swinger, career criminal, ex-hitman, and current Mob boss.


UG/Under Ground


UG Head..


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Dr. Shandrel Trot

A meek medical examiner turned most fabulous doctor in the city.


  • Bunny Ears Lawyer - He was a pretty good doctor to begin with, but when he got healing vibe he became one of the best out there. And also the most outrageously dressed doctor out there.
  • Camp Gay - So much it hurts.
  • Cast From Lifespan: Very few are aware of this. The former UG boss kept him on a short leash to prevent him from expending too much of his life.
  • Healing Factor: Although he cannot heal from Vendies as almost every other citizen of Step City could, he is naturally capable of healing wounds over time.
  • Extreme Omnisexual
  • Healing Hands
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Attempted to resurrect Greg Dorian. Failed.
  • No Sense of Personal Space
  • Older Than They Look: His vibe keeps him so healthy that he has mostly stopped aging since V-Day. Whenever his vibe is running low or otherwise becomes nullified, his body begins to fail as it would with extreme age.
  • Replacement Goldfish: Although he was highly sexual before, he really didn't start sleeping around excessively or flirting with Steven until after Greg's death.
  • Survivor Guilt - Suffered a few months of severe depression after the War. His loyalty to the faction kept him from becoming a Death Seeker. (See Miles to Go Before I Sleep)


The "cool" belly dancer


  • White-Haired Pretty Boy - A teensy bit of a subversion since his white dreadlocks are merely braided into his natural black hair, but he feels it suits him better because of his vibe.
  • An Ice Person - Obviously. Not only can he manipulate snow and ice, but he's incredibly cold to the touch. No ice puns though. Or else.
  • Meaningful Name - Yuki means snow. It's a nickname, but he much prefers it to his legal name "Peter", for obvious reasons.
  • In Touch with His Feminine Side - Since he was mostly raised by a group of very feminine belly dancers, he adopted a lot of their mannerisms and isn't afraid to dress flamboyantly or wear make-up.
  • Even the Guys Want Him - Related to the above.
  • Attention Whore - Look at this guy. Just look at him.
  • Parental Abandonment - Probably the root of a lot of his problems, but his parents gave him up when he was an infant and his foster families didn't keep him around long enough to develop a relationship either.
  • Too Dumb to Live - Subverted in the sense that he hasn't died yet, but he tends to almost gleefully put himself in harm's way, from chasing Mafia members right into their own territory and continually taunting people who could potentially kill him, to always wanting to touch things that he shouldn't be.
  • High-Class Call Girl - Yuki's career from his late teens to mid 20's.

Roller Banditos

Short description.


  • Tropes plus trope summary.


A nutty character.

  • Toon: Becomes a living animated character by absorbing peppy beats.


Short description.


  • Tropes plus trope summary.
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