< Steins;Gate
- Awesome Music: Sky Clad Observer, which sung by Itou Kanako, is already awesome as it is for pc version opening, but when it is played when Hououin speak to his future self in episode 23 add awesomeness to this scene.
- Base-Breaking Character: Some fandoms love Mayuri for being the nicest and outgoing member of Future Gadget, her humorous quotes which are sufficiently hilarious, and the fact that she's fated to die many times in the Alpha worldline helps to play a role in Okabe's Character Development and the plot but some fans dislike her for having a childish naive nature all of the time, having no intellectual common sense and her countless deaths made fans painted her as the Damsel Scrappy.
- Big-Lipped Alligator Moment: An insanely sleazy one, as Okabe seems to inexplicably completely forget about the entire attempt by Ruka to change her gender, leading to him sexually assaulting her in front of everyone. And then once the scene has passed, without any apparent explanation from him, not a single one of them holds it against him in the slightest.
- Complete Monster: Kurisu's father, who is willing to steal his own daughter's work and then kill her to keep her quiet, all out of jealousy since he can't handle the thought of his own daughter being smarter than him.
- Given some of the stuff said about the dystopian future, SERN seems to be this as well.
- Fetish Fuel: The girls at May Queen. Also Ruka, an extremely Bishonen male who often wears a Miko outfit, and one time cosplayed due to Mayuri's insistence. Goes even further when he changes his gender.
- Gateway Series: The visual novel is cited as one of the best ones for new players to check out, as a popular anime series was based on it and it is one of the few to have an official English version.
- Harsher in Hindsight:
- If you rewatch the series and see all those people sending D-mails, it seems much harsher since you know Okabe has to reverse them in order to save Mayuri.
- Okabe's rants about the Organization and people being secret agents becomes much harsher once SERN is introduced and Moeka turns out to be a secret SERN agent.
- Hilarious in Hindsight: A few weeks after ending of anime, CERN published about neutrinos traveling faster than light.
- Ho Yay: Despite him insisting otherwise, it is hinted that Ruka does have romantic feelings for Okabe, even when he was male. Okabe also sees him as a Stupid Sexy Flanders.
- Les Yay: At least that how Itaru sees Mayuri showing Kurisu around.
- Memetic Mutation: Dr. Pepper: an intellectual drink for the chosen ones! It's to Steins;Gate as Pizza Hut is to Code Geass.
- Moral Event Horizon:
- Moeka killing Mayuri in several timelines.
- Kurisu's father stealing his daughter's paper and then either gets her killed or stabs Okabe. Unlike Moeka, there isn't a single point of redemption in his favor.
- The Scrappy: Moeka became instantly hated when she revealed she was a SERN spy and murdered Mayuri.
- Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: For some viewers when her traumatic past was revealed as well as her Redemption Equals Death moment. Only some though.
- Drama CD 3 is this for Moeka.
- Kurisu's father.
- Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: For some viewers when her traumatic past was revealed as well as her Redemption Equals Death moment. Only some though.
- Sophomore Slump: Inverted to an insane degree. The visual novel is the first one in the Science Adventure series to be released overseas, and the anime is the most well-known and well-received adaption in the series.
- Ugly Cute: Daru to some.
- Viewer Gender Confusion: Ruka is very feminine, so much so that Mayuri asks him to try on her cosplay costumes. He also wears a Miko's traditional robes normally.
Rintaro:"But he's a guy."
- The Woobie: Pretty much all of the characters fill this role at least once during the series.
- Woolseyism: The Crunchyroll subs replace references to 2chan memes with ones more familiar to native English speakers.
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