< Stargate Atlantis < Recap < S04

Stargate Atlantis/Recap/S04/E03 Reunion

Still, I know I am going to miss this place and all of you.
Col. Samantha Carter says goodbye to ten years of Stargate SG-1


  • Call Back: Teal'c's "undomesticated equines" comment refers back to the SG-1 episode "Message in a Bottle." Carter hangs a lampshade on it, saying "Nice Call Back."
  • Face Heel Turn: The Satedans, Tyre, Rakai, and Ara.
  • Glad I Thought of It: Sheppard and the fruit basket. McKay is not amused.

Sheppard: What's that?
McKay: It's a selection of fruits from various worlds we trade with. I thought it would be thoughtful.
Sheppard: Try lame.
then later, when the fruit basket turns up in Carter's quarters
Carter: Oh Colonel Sheppard dropped that off. Apparently it's a sampling of fruit from the home worlds of our various trading partners. I thought it was a really thoughtful gesture.
McKay: Son of a...

  • Reality Subtext: It wasn't just Samantha Carter saying goodbye to SG-1, but Amanda Tapping as well. One can only imagine that Tapping's thought process was eerily similar to Carter's during that scene.
  • Stock Episode Titles: 197 uses, making it the single most common episode title after "Pilot," which hardly counts.
  • UST: Discussed. As usual, McKay is the only one who thinks this exists between him and Carter - but it's okay, because now he's seeing someone.
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