< Stargate Atlantis

Stargate Atlantis/Fanfic Recs

Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying for here:

These are recommendations made by Tropers for Fan Fics, all of which have been signed. After a few samples, you will be able to judge whether you might be interested in the 'fic, based on who recommended it. No-name recommendations will be fed To The Wraith. Nobody would back up the rec. Discussion of the recommendation is welcome on the discussion page. As such discussion is important, do remember to add the discussion page to the watchlist, if need be.

Warn for sexually explicit or non-canon territory. Some people just don't like it, and as we all know, Shipping is Serious Business.

Authors, and Websites

Domenika Marzione

  • Recommended by Polaris.
  • Comments: Pretty good Original Flavor fics, and a lot of 'em. Frequently surpasses the writing of the show itself, especially in the later seasons.
    • Additional Comments: These are especially noteworthy because the author is familiar with the U.S. military from the inside, so her writing involving Atlantis' military characters is incredibly authentic feeling.

General Fics

Stories focused on the family and the friendly relationships of the cast. Plot-focused stories or light day-in-the-life stories. Pretty much anything that isn't focused on romance.

Retrograde by Martha Wilson

  • Recommended by Polaris
  • Synopsis: The Atlantis expedition has been lost for three years. SG-1 goes to find them, and arrives just a little too late.

Geeks and Goons series by Koschka

  • Recommended by Acacia
  • Synopsis: A series of post-episode stories, The Defiant One through The Siege Part 3, focusing on the Sheppard-McKay friendship.

Hero For A New Age by Smittywing

  • Recommended by Polaris
  • Synopsis: "Superman's the last of his kind, too," Ronon said quickly. “I'm going to try to get McKay to rig me up some heat vision so I can melt steel like Superman."

The Remnant by Isabelle Ashe (AU from S1 finale)

  • Recommended by Katherine
  • Synopsis: Post-season one AU Dark Fic. The survivors of Atlantis cling to one another, mentally and physically broken after two years on the run from the Wraith.

Asura Path by tobetasered

  • Recommended by Judge King
  • Pairings: None
  • Sypnosis: A change in the Asuran Race's base code leads to a revolution that shall alter the balance of power in four galaxies and forever change the fate of all humans. Janus, what have you done.
  • Comments: A very interesting AU fic in which Janus made some modifications to the Asuran base code.

Flight of the Orion by ajw

  • Recommended by Judge King
  • Pairings: None obviously
  • Sypnosis: AU Stargate One Shot. What could have happened if the Ancient battlecruiser Orion had been fully operational when she engaged the Wraith Hiveships in battle in the third season premier No Mans Land.
  • Comments:

Another Way by ajw

  • Recommended by Judge King
  • Pairings: None
  • Sypnosis: McKay and Daniel make a different choice and take the ZPMs powering the Attero Device instead of the control crystals. An AU of the season five episode "The Lost Tribe".
  • Comments:

The Puddlejumper Diaries by Andrew Joshua Talon

  • Recommended by Judge King
  • Sypnosis: A humorous fic about the Puddle Jumpers being sentient.
  • Comments:

City on the Edge of Forever: Pilot by synecdochic

  • Recommended by Gentlemens Dame 883
  • Synopsis: Weir thinks, really thinks about what the expedition would need and plans accordingly. A "pilot" for an AU. Oneshot, since it seems the author never got around to writing more.
  • Comments:

Stargate Atlantis: Season 7 by Lady Mayrid

  • Recommended by Dangly Legged Owl
  • Synopsis: How much can one person change the outcome of a universe? Sheppard and his team are about to find out as Atlantis receives a new addition. Lines are crossed, boundaries drawn and old alliances formalized as the adventures in the Pegasus continue.
  • Comments: A novel-sized virtual new season of SGA with a huge focus on Wraith characters and culture. There is a growing romance between a Wraith and an OC involved, but I would recommend this fic to anyone for its inventiveness, attention to detail, and overall engaging style. There's also the continuation, Season 8.

Shipping Fics

Stories focused on the romantic relationships between the cast.

The Hard Prayer by Rheanna

  • Recommended by jaimie 2 i
  • Pairings: John/Rodney
  • Synopsis: One year after the end of the world, John meets another survivor.
  • Comments: Brilliant post-apocalyptic fic that has damaged!John meeting up with damaged!Rodney. They are messed-up as befits survivors of the apocalypse, and it is dealt with realistically and is not overblown. This fic also has some great funny moments in it.

Freedom's Just Another Word For Nothing Left to Lose by synecdochic

  • Recommended by D Mint
  • Pairings:
  • Synopsis: A futurefic charting the post-Atlantis career of Rodney McKay over several years at a podunk nowhere college located somewhere in the American Midwest.

Finding Babel by fiercelydreamed (explicit sex)

  • Recommended by Hopeful Nebula
  • Pairings: McKay/Sheppard
  • Synopsis: He wondered if this was how it felt to go crazy -- you didn't lose your mind, it just stopped synching up with the world around you. The Pegasus galaxy makes Rodney an expert in what he can survive without.

Written By The Victors by Speranza (AU)

  • Recommended by Polaris
  • Pairings: Several, both slash and het
  • Synopsis: The history of Atlantis..

Bell Curve, or, Ladies' Night At the Boom Boom Room by Rageprufrock (AU)

  • Recommended by Polaris
  • Pairings: McKay/Sheppard
  • Synopsis: In his rational mind, Rodney knew that following a girl who'd just dumped you into a strip club was really, really pathetic.

The Ratio of Burning by Stillane

  • Recommended by Polaris
  • Pairings: McKay/Sheppard
  • Synopsis: They hand over a fully functioning, loudmouthed genius with a penchant for sarcasm and slight irrationality. They get back a fully functioning, polite savant with a penchant for silence and serenity.

A Farm in Iowa by Sheafrotherdon (AU)

  • Recommended by Polaris
  • Pairings: McKay/Sheppard
  • Synopsis: John inherits a farm, Rodney ends up entirely out of his element, and there is much ado about baseball.

Transcendental by Shalott

  • Recommended by Polaris
  • Pairings: McKay/Sheppard
  • Synopsis: The strangest thing about John's job wasn't actually the Wraith, because he'd seen the first two Alien movies about fifty times apiece, and he figured as long as they didn't have mandibles and lay eggs in you, he was still a few points up on Ripley.

Four Blatant Lies about Atlantis (And One That's Totally True by sabinelagrande

  • Recommended by magentastorm
  • Pairings: McKay/Sheppard
  • Synopsis: Wherein aliens don't make them do it, John loves ASCII, Carson hates everyone, Weir is highly amused, and Lorne's just trying to be a pal.

Widow's Walk by synecdochic

  • Recommended by Rose And Heather
  • Pairings: Weir/Zelenka
  • Summary: Elizabeth is the one to wait, and Zelenka is the one who's done waiting..
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