< Stargate Atlantis < Recap < S03

Stargate Atlantis/Recap/S03/E17 Sunday

I don’t suppose there’s any chance you’d like to come fishing with me on the mainland, is there?
Dr. Beckett has about as much success finding a fishing partner as O'Neill.

Atlantis is experiencing an enforced day of rest. Everyone is indulging their hobbies, be it chess, fishing, painting, babysitting ferns, or making Sheppard look like an idiot in improbable Satedan fighting games. Those without personalities are expressing their interest in the opposite sex - even Dr. Weir has a hot date with some guy we've never heard of before. What a nice, happy, Breather Episode. KABOOM!

The Kaboom turns out to have been Dr. Hewston, a pretty brunette who just exploded for no reason. They eventually piece together that Dr. Hewston and Dr. Watson were exposed to some radiation that caused...wait for it... exploding tumors. That's right. They manage to track down Dr. Watson, who was injured when Hewston blew up but hasn't managed to explode yet, and Dr. Beckett removes the tumor. Huzzah!

But wait - these are exploding tumors, not "safely removed and therefore now harmless" tumors! Even though that's how McKay's Hand Wave explanation suggests they should work. KABOOM! Cut to a massive funeral scene, complete with bagpipes and dress blues, while the fans scratch their heads and say "wait, what?"


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