Star Wars: The Old Republic/Awesome


  • Each of the cinematic trailers showcases a Moment of Awesome for one of the factions.
    • Some of Gnost Daral's videos tell you of others during the war. For instance: A Jedi commander and his badly outnumbered army (numbering about 4,000 including several dozen Jedi) caused a Sith army numbering about 50,000 a Pyrrhic Victory to take the world, fighting to the last man. There's also another about a female smuggler that led a fleet of other smuggler ships against a Mandalorian battle fleet. And won with help from Republic reinforcements.
    • Everything Darth Malgus does in the "Deceived" trailer is one big Moment of Awesome. He takes out seven Temple guards in no time flat, doesn't even flinch while the shuttle crashes behind him, gives a terrifying Kubrick Stare after the Sith Warriors reveal themselves, carves up, strangles, and electrocutes every Jedi he can reach, kills the only Jedi Master as badass as he was, and pulls off an Unflinching Walk away from the burning Jedi Temple and the carnage he himself incited, putting his hood up as he goes. Bad. Ass.
    • The "Hope" Trailer. When Satele Shan ignited her light saber... then ignited the second blade of her light saber.
    • The "Return" trailer have one for each main character.
      • The smuggler's Unflinching Walk while gunning down several Sith soldiers.
      • The Sithpuncher trooper. He keeps his nickname for shooting Darth Malgus's master with a rocket launcher.
      • The entire Jedi/Sith fight. Especially the part where Darth Malgus is about to cut Satele down. Satele's master throws his own lightsaber to deflect Malgus' and save her, gambling that Malgus' master, who was between them, would duck instead of block it.
        • And, within that fight, the infamous triple wield]].
      • The ending:

Darth Malgus: They've escaped, Master. You failed.
Darth Vindican(Malgus' master): No, Malgus. This... is only the beginning!
Darth Malgus: Yes, after a thousand years, Korriban is ours again. Welcome home! (kills Vindican)

  • Republic-side, the Maelstrom Prison Flashpoint is fairly epic, for a number of reasons - not only do you save Revan from his And I Must Scream fate, but the final boss is Grand Moff Kilran himself, who has been a looming threat ever since the very first Flashpoint. Finally killing him in battle is suitably impressive.
    • The Imperial-side counterpart to that, The Foundry, is also epic. It starts off decent enough, with you fighting into the foundry and speaking to its mysterious administrator. Then you hear a very familiar voice over the intercom, speaking in a very familiar way... and by the time you realize WHO it is, you're fighting HK-47 himself. But that's not the best part. After a rough battle where HK shows why he's a great assassin droid (using a sniper rifle to take out huge chunks of health) you fight your way to the final boss of the flashpoint... Revan himself. And the battle is EPIC, complete with Revan leaping about with a violet lightsaber at everyone, calling lightning down, becoming "More powerful than you can possibly imagine" through channeling the Force, and when near death, raining massive chunks of rock down on the party that can take out a quarter of a party member's health in a single hit, if you don't avoid it. And when he's finally defeated, he makes a sad comment to his dead former apprentice, and disappears in an explosion of light. A worthy final battle, to one of the most powerful and influential Force-Users in the history of the Star Wars Galaxy.

Jedi Knight Storyline

  • The forging of your first lightsaber. After questing through Tython and defeating your Master's treacherous former Padawan, you get a cool cutscene of your lightsaber being put together piece by piece accompanied by music from Return of the Jedi. Its a pretty awesome payoff.
  • On Nar Shadaa, killing the monstrous Lord Sadic. Especially if you convince Agent Galen to help you.
  • On Tatooine as a Light-Side Jedi Knight, you can convince Lord Praven that everything he was taught about the Jedi was a lie, and get him to apply to the Jedi Order.
  • Kira breaking the Emperor's hold and expelling him from her mind.
  • The Dark Side choice after the final boss battle. Rather than spare the Emperor, you telekinetically pummel him and crush him with a stone pillar - all while the main theme of the game is playing in the background. Sure, it was just his avatar, but it shows that Evil Is Cool can apply to a Jedi as well.
    • Beating the Emperor, this guy is very likely the most powerful user of the dark side in the whole Star Wars franchise, he can render planets lifeless dominate the will of nearly any other living being. But you still beat him.

Jedi Consular Storyline

  • Storming Vivicar's ship at the end of Act 1, just you and your companion. Then, when you defeat Vivicar, you can use your Shielding Technique to free Parkanas of Terrak's hold.
  • Defeating the First Son on Corellia, then urging Syo to take control of his body. The boss fight is a bastard, but adding to the awesome is the choice of music: a slightly altered Battle of the Heroes from Episode III.
  • Creating your lightsaber at the Forge on Tython.

Trooper Storyline

  • The trooper storyline is full of daring rescues, fortification assaults and special OPS missions. The awesomeness starts when you alone invade the separatists base, find out that Havoc Squad gone rogue and survive a full room of Imperials that are trying to kill you.
  • Fighting Gearbox in Alderaan. He is riding a walker with missile launchers, and you have to destroy it to win.
  • The assault on the Justice Imperial spaceship. You and your companion infiltrate the base pretending to be an Imperial, then you go around sabotaging the entire ship. After this, you have to fight your way to the bridge, then to engage Harron Tavus himself. The battle ends with him surrendering, republic forces coming to secure the ship, and General Garza own congratulations for a well done mission. It's hard not to feel like a real badass in this game.
  • Destroying the Gauntlet. First of all, it truly feels like a Special Operation, you divide your team and two of them make their way to the bridge, while you and Sergeant Yunn go around slicing computers so to access the core of the ship. Then, you and Tanno Vik advance through the dreadnought, putting bombs in the right places. Finishing it up, you fight an Elite Imperial Commando with a big Gatling gun. When you get out, the combination of the music, the explosion and the epicness makes you feel like Luke Skywalker right after the destruction of the Death Star.
  • The first mission of the third chapter. Basically, you invade a space station full of head of states of the Republic that was taken hostage by the Imperials. You feel like a hero after the daring rescue.
  • The LAST mission of the third chapter, in which you take command of your own squad and two other squads of specialists (One of whom you had saved in a previous mission) to storm the Bastion, a heavily-fortified fortress taken over by an Imperial General. Fighting through your route while hearing the others fight their way through, only to make it in, take down the General in a tough fight, and escape on a transport ship while Imperial bombers frantically try to stop ANYONE from escaping... is simply glorious.

Smuggler Storyline

  • The entire premise for the smuggler is made of CMOA. You are nothing but a normal person living in a universe that is full of people with superpowers that allow them to shot lighting out of their fingers or throw pieces of the ground at you with telekinetic powers, but you are still able to hold your ground against them. While other non-force users classes are also Badass Normal, they all have special training, equipment, and the backing of one of the two superpowers to help them level the playing field. For the smuggler however, you have nothing but your only skills, determination, wits, and luck, yet you are still able to take on Jedi, Sith, and elite special forces in a fight, and WIN!

Sith Warrior Storyline

  • Assaulting the House Organa camp on Alderaan is a definite Moment of Awesome for the Warrior. It's the casual nature of how you tear through the last defenders outside the command room that sells it.
    • Later on Alderaan you are confronted by a Jedi Knight protecting two servants with information you need. You can just kill the Jedi... or convince the servants to defect to the Empire, and force the Jedi to just let you leave by refusing to draw your lightsaber in your defense.
  • Messing with Jedi as a light side Sith Warrior is always fun. At one point you are confronted by two Jedi, and can successfully drive one off and another to the dark side by quoting the Jedi code at them.
  • The end of Chapter One as a Sith Warrior. You face Nomen Karr, your master's hated foe in single combat. You drive him insane as he fails to defeat you, twisting him to the Dark Side as he fails again and again. You then can have him patched up enough so you can torture him, dragging his Padawan Jaesa to you in the throes of his agony. Finally, you can corrupt his treasured charge, making her your own apprentice as she strikes down her former master. A Sith at his or her finest, ladies and gentlemen.
    • Light Side is just as cool. You drive Nomen Karr to the darkside by pointing out that you're better than him, that he and Darth Baras are just two old men fighting out an old grudge and quoting the Jedi code at him as he slowly descends into insanity. Unfortunately for him his apprentice has the special ability see into someone's mind, and when she finally arrives you demonstrate to her just how corrupt and mad her master has become. You can top it all off by sending Nomen Karr back to the Jedi council so they can 'rehabilitate him', which comes across as an epic troll and final humiliation.
    • Add to this, if you're male, you can make Jaesa your lover, in even though the Sith generally consider love a weakness.
  • The end of the Sith Warrior story: To the Dark Side Sith you kill Darth Baras, either yelling "Glory is mine!" or "I wash the galaxy clean of you.". The Lightside Sith actually banishes him.But in both cases, the Sith Warrior is finally accepted as the Emperor's Wrath! Epicness indeed.
    • It doubles as a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming when: You spared the lives of Overseer Tremel and Lord Rhatari. The Sith Warrior shows some affection in his voice, like talking to an old master or friend, when asking: "Glad you are still alive old man. Are you well?". When an all powerful Sith Lord, second only to the Emperor, actually shows some type of caring for someone, knowing how Sith are, it is really heartwarming.

Sith Inquisitor Storyline

  • Here's one: by the end of the storyline, the player will have personally killed no less than three very powerful Sith: Skotia, Zash, and Thanaton.
  • The killing of Darth Thanaton himself is epic and a half. After multiple fights which tended to end with him running, you finally corner him in front of the rest of the Dark Council. After a long hard battle you finally knock him back. Defiant, he hits you with everything he's got: Lightning strikes down from the ceiling and shoots from his hands, the force whirls around you, sending rubble spinning and blocking any vision of you. For a few moments it seems like he's won... then your eyes glow from within, and with the power of the Force Ghosts you have bound to you, you throw back the energy. Thanaton charges towards you with his saber but it is for naught as you stop him where he stands, and then force him to kneel before you. Battered, beaten, and bruised, Thanaton crawls away... and one of the members of the Dark Council looks down, apologizes, and snaps his neck with the Force. Nothing else in the entire game has ever given me such a feeling of being the most powerful sonovabitch in the entire galaxy.

Bounty Hunter Storyline

  • All classes when picking theirs Advanced Specialization talks to a NPC. But only the Bounty Hunter gets into a FIGHT with them.
  • The melee: Fighting for a spot in the great hunt? AWESOME, the music it's what sells though.
  • So, every class get their own ship. But only the Bounty Hunter STEALS IT.
  • Assaulting a republic cruiser, one of it's strongest in it's class, killing a Jedi Master, disposing of one of the strongest mandalorians alive and then blowing the entire cruiser up into bits. With only you and one companion doing all this! At the end of the first chapter!

Imperial Agent Storyline

  • The Imperial Agent class was most blessed by it's Progression trailer: In the climax, the example Sniper is facing down a Jedi Knight, deflecting blaster bolts left and right. What does she do? Wait for an opportunity and nail him in the face. And then, to sweeten the deal, she does an Unflinching Walk away from the battlefield.
  • At the end of the Agent's Balmora questline, if you play your cards right, you can capture the terrorist leader Grey Star without his cell knowing it. Then, you can have an Imperial loyalist take on Grey Star's identity and forge orders to turn them against the Republic. In other words, you just tricked an anti-Imperial terrorist group into allying with the Empire.
  • The final battle of Chapter 1, if you side against Jadus. You have to fight the second most powerful Sith in the galaxy. You cannot defeat him in "fair" combat, so you have to use his ship's forcefields to imprison him. While in terms of mechanics, this just means that its a three-round battle against an Elite Sith Sorcerer, you will come out of it feeling like the ultimate badass.
    • And there's a conversation path that convinces Jadus that he lost, making him pretty much walk away and leave his dreadnought and Kill Sats to you. Yes, you just outplayed a Sith Lord that tricked all the dark council and imperial intell, without firing a single shot.
  • The ending of Chapter 2, You learn that everything you have done for the SIS has been for the sake of giving Kothe an arsenal of Fantastic Nukes which he intends to use against civilian Imperial targets to end the war before it can begin again. Kothe uses your brainwashing to prevent you from interfering. After a very well written scene, the vision of Watcher X helps you break free of the brainwashing at the last minute. You proceed to march through the Shadow Arsenal facility accompanied by epic music. Then, you learn that as far as the cutscenes are concerned, you are an even match in combat for a Jedi Knight. And as far as gameplay is concerned, the Jedi Knight in question is no match for you. Finally, you get to take revenge on Kothe for using your brainwashing to control you. Or, you take revenge on the Empire for brainwashing you in the first place by defying your orders and sparing Kothe's life.
  • The last class quest has two. First, the Minister of Intelligence, after spending the entire storyline warning you not to piss of the Sith, secretly rebuilds Imperial Intelligence after the Sith disbanded it. The second comes if, after obtaining the Black Codex, a database with all of the Star Cabal's secrets and the ability to erase all records of the a person's existence, you can keep it for yourself and use it to erase your identity so that you can protect the Empire without getting caught up in Sith schemes.
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