Standard Sci-Fi Setting

"In the far future, the [human group] fights a pitched battle against the mighty [alien name] Empire, but deep in the mysterious [region of space], among the ruins of the past, a darker threat looms."

Does the above sentence sound familiar? It should. It's probably the single most popular Space Opera premise around. In fact, you could even call it the Standard Sci-Fi Setting. Typical features of the Standard setting include:





A typical plot involves the humans fighting the Proud Warrior Race Guys until one or the other stumbles upon the ruins of the Neglectful Precursor civilization and unleashes the evil third race. Then a bunch of people die, there are lots of a cool explosions, and the first two races team up to take out the genocidal aliens. Usually they have to track down some Forgotten Superweapon and use it to destroy the alien queen/mothership/homeworld, thereby saving the galaxy... for now.

Not surprisingly, this setting tends to fall toward the "soft" end of the Mohs Scale of Science Fiction Hardness. Examples come mostly from TV, Movies, and especially video games, where scientific accuracy often takes a back seat to awesome visuals and an engaging storyline. Compare Sci-Fi Kitchen Sink, which takes a Standard Sci-Fi Setting, then crams as many other Speculative Fiction Tropes into it as it can.

Examples of Standard Sci-Fi Setting include:

Comic Books


  • Star Wars is more or less the Trope Codifier in modern fiction. While it's far from the first and has its own unique quirks, Star Wars made the Standard Sci Fi Setting palatable for the masses.
  • Equally important is Aliens. While the movie lacks other alien civilizations and faster than light speed, it single handedly defined human culture, technology, military, and visual style for Standard Sci Fi Settings for decades to come. Babylon 5, StarCraft, Free Space Halo, and Mass Effect are more or less directly based on this movie.


Live Action TV

  • Star Trek is one of the main sources of this setting and has used the basic plot for both The Next Generation with The Borg as The Virus and Deep Space Nine where they fought against the Dominion, not to mention countless one-off episodes that have used this plot to preach An Aesop of cooperation.
  • Andromeda had The Commonwealth, the Nietzscheans, the Magog, and various Precursors. It was following the standard plot pretty well until the mysticism took over and it got weird.
  • Stargate SG-1 - originally a planet-of-the-week adventure centered around the titular device, with not that much overall continuity - mutated into this slowly, picking elements over time (especially starting with season 6), although it took the addition of Stargate Atlantis to complete the transition. The Ancients are the Neglectful Precursors, the Wraith and Replicators are the genocidal planet looters or Planet Eater (and the former wiped out the Ancients), the Tau'ri (us, modern Earthlings) are the spacefaring humans with grey ships, and the Jaffa are Proud Warrior Race Guys serving the Goa'uld, a race of Scary Dogmatic Aliens.
    • The Stargate Verse differs from the Standard Sci Fi Setting in a number of ways. First and most importantly, the characters are mostly modern Americans, and all the high-tech stuff is unknown to the general world simply because of a Masquerade. Morality is more black and gray than in many Sci-Fi settings because the military often has to Shoot the Dog. This is almost unique in that most of the protagonists are Genre Savvy. However, by the end of the series Earth basically is playing the role of The Federation, thanks partially to the Very Neglectful Precursors and partially to Earth's role in freeing the Proud Warrior Race Guys from millenia of slavery.
  • Babylon 5 has the Narn as the Proud Warrior Race Guys, The Minbari as the Closer to Earth race, and the Shadows and Vorlons being both the Neglectful Precursors and the Planet Looters at the same time, in varying amounts.
    • It's worth noting that B5 sets the cliches during the first season and then proceeds to Deconstruct them in short order. The Narns mellow down considerably, the Minbari demonstrate serious flaws and hypocricy, the Centauri who initially seemed to be ineffectual, comical figures develop a darker edge, and so on. The less significant races keep to their cliches pretty tightly, though - the Drazi for example demonstrate the Proud Warrior Race traits quite a bit, when the Narn set them aside.
    • The dark side of the Minbari is shown almost right away though they always have an attractive side as well as a dark side and the Narns don't really mellow although G'kar does(they simply change from the would-be Empire into The Revolution Will Not Be Civilized). The Minbari curiously are both a Proud Warrior Race and a Proud Scholar Race. The Centauri are a big surprise; no one would expect them to be good enough at fighting to be brutal conquerors anymore. EarthGov is a surprise; we expect it to be The Federation and instead it evolves into a Police State but with the twist that it is an isolationist and nativist Police State rather than The Empire and spends more time supressing internal rebellion then in aggression. Interestingly most of the characters including the command staff and all the main ambassadors, at one time or another end up as La Résistance to their own government in various ways and degrees. The Vorlons are a real surprise turning out to be almost as evil as the shadows except for kosh. The shadows follow the generic description above almost exactly being the Sealed Evil in a Can that forces leaders from other races to form The Alliance.
  • Firefly is arguably a Standard Sci Fi Setting adapted to fit closer to the realistic end of the Sliding Scale of Realistic Versus Fantastic. It clearly has many of the elements, as listed below, but lacks the more fantastic ones like aliens.

Tabletop Games

  • Warhammer 40,000 is something like this painted black and covered in skulls, with a lot more races, a great deal of Gothic Punk and a heaping helping of Cosmic Horror Story.
  • Rifts's Phase World setting. The Consortium of Civilized Worlds is The Federation, the Transgalactic Empire is The Empire of Scary Dogmatic Aliens, and the Crystal Spires and Togas are handled by the United Worlds of Warlock. Any examples of The Virus or Planet Looters are, for the time being at least, nascent and/or lying in wait.
  • Fading Suns uses a setting which falls nearly exactly into this trope. The Excints Ur have littered space with floating portals that allow for travel ans strange technologies, the Known Worlds are United under the new Phoenix Emperor, harboring numerous races amongst the humans. The Vau are the wise race living in their own world outside the empire. And constantly straining to get in the Empire are the Symbiots, a metamorphic plague/virus/infestation. Of course, space pirates, political conflicts and psychics manifestation abound.
  • Traveller has many fairly familiar tropes. However it develops them extremely well.

Video Games

  • The Halo games have less of a mystical bent than other examples but otherwise fits perfectly. The Covenant are the Scary Dogmatic Aliens, The Flood are The Virus, and The Forerunners are the Neglectful Precursors. The plot is largely as above.
  • Free Space: The Terrans play this trope completely straight, but while the Vasudans certainly fit the ProudWarriorRaceGuyss stereotype, the xenocidal Shivans are slightly anomolous. Whilst certainly Color Coded for Your Convenience, from beyond known space, and responsible for wiping out the (downright maliciously imperialistic) Ancients, the Shivans are neither The Virus, a Horde of Alien Locusts, nor Planet Looters. They don't bother with conquest, looting, or assimilation, all they care about is getting to the xenocide. FTL drives are both subspace drives and require a Portal Network of jump nodes to travel between systems. There is a total lack of any metaphysical aspect or aliens aside from the core 3 races. Aside from those minor details, it's a Standard Sci Fi Setting.
  • StarCraft: The Terrans are the humans, the Protoss are the Warriors, the Zerg are the Horde of Alien Locusts and the Xel'Naga are the Precursors. Psychic Powers are everywhere.
  • Galactic Civilizations used this as part of its "nothing you haven't seen before" approach to game design.
  • Mass Effect, though the Spectres are closer to Space Secret Agents than Space Marines. Otherwise, replace The Virus with a robotic Eldritch Abomination and throw the Krogan in as the Proud Warrior Race Guys.
    • It's the perspective of many that humanity is the come-lately Proud Warrior Race Guys. They're trusted enough to be considered for the Council and Spectre membership, but not that much more than the Krogans.
    • Don't forget the Turians, they have as much claim to it as the Humans if not more.
    • Also, don't forget the Reapers, very literal "Robot Eldritch Abominations that command zombies" (if you see Husks as zombies).
    • The Asari double as both psychic Space Elves and an entire species of blue-skinned space babes.
  • Freelancer is kinda like a conspiracy story with Casual Interstellar Travel, Space Clothes to some degree (mostly the LSF uniforms), and genocidal aliens who come to claim back their old turf. There are no Psychic Powers though, and the closest thing to The Federation are the four Houses that are kinda like our countries.
  • Halo's forerunner, Marathon, decides to mix things up. You have the so non-proud warrior race/Alien Slaver Pfhor, then the indigenous Flick'ta replaced the planned fungal zombies, and an Eldritch Abomination shows up in the final game. The S'pht and their long-lost cousins Enemy Mine with the humans to take on the aforementioned threats. Other than the above alterations, the plot pretty much follows the above discription to a T.
  • Sins of a Solar Empire. The Trader Emergency Coalition (or TEC) is The Federation, The Advent are Closer to Earth, Vasari are Planet Looters, and there's Space Pirates and easy faster-than-light travel, by means of "phase jumps" along "phase lines" in "phase space." Most beyond that is uncertain, since the developers decided to drop a campaign in favor of better multiplayer. Reviewers did not take kindly to this.
  • The Star Control universe does all of the above both straight and with a light-hearted tone.
  • Sword of the Stars has a wealth of this, although it plays with a lot of them, like different races using different faster than light drives (all the standard methods are used, but by different races) and a wealth of background information on the different races and their inner workings that would put several sci-fi TV series to shame.
  • Lovingly parodied by Gratuitous Space Battles; the back story is pure fluff, used as a tongue-in-cheek excuse for the eponymous space battles. The main thing it lacks is the wise Crystal Spires and Togas civilization: the Tribe comes close, but they're Well Intentioned Extremists, just as violent as everyone else.
  • The Wing Commander series is all about this. Initially it's the Terran Confederation versus the Kilrathi Empire, but in the fifth game the Horde of Alien Locusts shows up.
  • EV Nova is no exception to this trope. The main twist is that all the major factions are human (no GSSBs, Greys, or lizardfolk). There's also no Horde faction, and since the game takes place entirely in space, Space Marines are present but largely ignored. As for the precursors, little remains of their leavings and even less is understood; they're just gone.

Web Comics

Web Original

  • Averted / subverted in Orion's Arm, which tries to be a hard sci-fi setting without sacrificing any of the appeal of the more traditional Space Opera. The result is a transhumanist setting ruled by godlike Artificial Intelligences called Archai, which have experienced not one, but several Singularities and rule over their lesser subjects like benign deities. Advanced nanotechnology and relativistic spaceflight are commonplace, and while true FTL is impossible, wormholes and Reactionless Drive technology have been created by the Archai. Creating Life is also not that hard, and baseline unmodified humans represent only a tiny part of the extremely diverse terragen (originating-from-Earth) civilization composed of genetically modified transhumans and sentient animals and sentient human-animal hybrids, cyborgs of all kinds, sentient robots, and several kinds of infomorphic lifeforms. And that's just the lower toposophic (read: number of Singularities crossed) levels, before you get to the various planet-sized AIs, Dyson Sphere-sized AIs, and the wormhole-based AIs that are the higher toposophic beings (the 'godlings' and full godlike Archai). And that's just the terragens, not counting the handful of very alien aliens that the setting features. Basically, any technology or lifeform that isn't banned outright by physics in in there, somewhere.
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