Sonic F
Now you know Sonic X, right? The fourth incarnation of the blue blur's animated adventures?
Well, take that series, strip away the audio track, rewrite the story and re-edit practically everything, and you get the first Abridged Series/Gag Dub/Completely edited series of the whole Sonic the Hedgehog franchise.
You see, Sonic F adapts, re-works and mocks what was once a Cut and Paste Translation of the second anime version of Sonic, which was originally intended to be more faithful to the games before the whole Westernization process.
It is worth noticing that there were several attempts at creating Abridged Series for the anime OVA as well as Sonic X, but those eventually became Orphaned Series. Therefore, the Sonic F series has transcended everything. Everything.
Created by Cyberlink420 and Gamebuddy123, episodes are released under the banner of Sonic Paradox, the same Sonic fanimation team responsible for the Sonic Shorts series.
Check out their YouTube channel here and their Twitter account here.
- Abridged Series: Okay, so it doesn't say so in the title. But still.
- Actually Pretty Funny
Eggman: (after having to cope with E-51's mishaps) Boys, fetch me my tools!
Decoe: But we're right here, your rottenness! (Rimshot)
Eggman: *laughs* Alright, I was a real genius for programming that one.
- April Fools' Day
- 2010: A Sonic plush dancing to music from Sonic Underground.
- 2011: Uploaded a one-shot parody called My Little Pony: Camaraderie Is Supernatural... which ran over the "real" episode and was popular enough to become its own series.
Eggman: At last, that meddlesome hedgehog is dead, and the world is finally mine! And boy, was that ever an impressive victory! I'd hate to be the guy who wasn't there to see it!
- 2012: They did a Sonic Underground version of "WTF Pokemon!?!" (seen here), on the episode "Friend or Foe".
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: Brutally Parodied:
Chris: Cream! Aren't you still mad about-
Cream: I'm only six years old. I have the attention span of a hamster, so I've forgotten why I was angry- OOH A SHINY OBJECT!
- Brick Joke: In Episode 6, Chris falls down and apparently breaks the stairs. In the very next episode, Sonic falls down the stairs and complains loudly why nobody has fixed them yet.
- Calling Your Attacks: Knuckles does this after playing too many fighting games, much to the annoyance of Sonic. Oddly enough, the second time doesn't help Sonic avoid it as he's too distracted to hear Knuckles screaming.
- Child-Hater: Mr. Stewart.
- Child abuse helps Amy get through the day.
- Ending Theme: An a-capella rendition of the original Sonic 1 ending theme combined with Sonic's Song from AOStH makes for some Crowning Music of Awesome.
- Expy: Decoe and Bocoe for Scratch and Grounder respectively, even moreso than in the source material.
Decoe: Here's your cards, your maliciousness, BAHA-AHAAAGH!
- Fanon Discontinuity: In-universe: Knuckles adamantly insists that he has never owned a pet dinosaur.
- Foreshadowing: Done at least once. Mercilessly lampshaded.
- Hammerspace: Episode 5:
Chris: Uh, where were you keeping that screwdriver?
Tails: You're better off not knowing. Trust me.
- Ironic Echo Cut: Done in episode 3.
- I Have Many Names: Poor Ivo...
Dr. Robotnik: My name is Doctor Eggman!.. Er, I mean, Robotnik!.. Uh, Kintobor! Oh, forget it.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: Episode 5.
Sonic: Now to do things old-school. (spindashes) Spin nice knowing ya, Knux. Ha ha.
Knuckles: (catches Sonic) That was terrible.
Sonic: So is Your Mom.
- Jump Physics: Sonic's Illogically High Jump Attack. "Take that, physics!"
- Kent Brockman News: Scarlett tends to do this.
- Kid Appeal Character: Lampshaded.
Sonic: "It's Cream and Cheese!"
Chris: "Friends of yours?"
Sonic: "More like obligatory kid appeal characters."
- Leitmotif: Mr. Stewart's thoughts are always accompanied by a remix of the Safe Room soundtrack from Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
- Medium Awareness: At least of the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. Examples are all over this page.
- Ms. Fanservice: Rouge, oh god, Rouge.
Rouge: I can't believe they called me for this. No lines and I just sit here like some incredibly hot gargoyle? Oh, this is some bullsh--WHOA!
- Scarlet too, apparently is Station Square's version of Robin Scherbatsky in that she's beautiful, works for a TV company and their voices are actually kinda alike.
Scarlet: Scarlet Garcia, news reporter and Station Square sex symbol on the scene.
- And earlier in the series.
Dr. Eggman: And all shall kneel before my perfect follicles, especially Scarlet Garcia! Oooohohohohoooh! I do love it when she kneels.
- Off-Model: This series likes pointing out every example of this that it can find.
- One of Us: According to the commentary on My Little Pony: Camaraderie Is Supernatural, the creators are proud that Sonic F has its own TV Tropes page.
- Original Flavor: Several of the voices. Gamebuddy, in particular, makes an awesome Drummond impression.
- Cross-Dressing Voices: Gamebuddy as Cream, Kage-Ichihashi as Tails, and Henshinjoe as Ella.
- Talking to Himself
- Real Men Wear Pink:
Sonic:"Traveling to the mountains to sniff flowers... Truly, I am the epitome of manliness."
- Reverse Polarity: Tails invokes this in Episode 5.
Tails: Now all I need to do is reroute the connection here and reverse the polarity o-
- Shipper on Deck: Amy writes Tails x Cream fanfiction. Tails is, understandably, not too happy about this.
- Shout-Out: Like many other Abridged Series, this pays homage to several other series, and in one episode, lampshades the entire concept of--COMPLETELY. ORIGINAL. CONCEPT.
- The font, however, not so much:
Narrator: SPINDASH'D!
Badnik: Oww, my artificial intelligence!
- Sonic gets a feeling of déjà vu when he encounters a broken bridge over a chasm, because of what happened to Rainbow Dash in Camaraderie is Supernatural.
- GLaDOS and the turrets frequently make vocal cameos during Episode 2.
- Episode 4 also lampshaded the fact that Super Sonic was inspired by the Super Saiyans where they float and glow with power:
Chris: Don't you think it sounds slightly reminiscent of Dragon Ba--
Chris: Yeah, I suppose you guys are right.
- The usual intro was replaced with Dragon Soul to punctuate the joke.
- And in The Stinger, this came:
- In the same episode, there's this:
Construction worker: Fine, but if I find out that there's a dancin' frog buried under here, you'll be hearing from the union!
- In Episode 6, Chuck talks about Mrs. Thorndyke being so in-demand, that every rehab facility waits for her to slip up. Especially in recent times, Does This Remind You of Anything?
Chuck: And his mom's one of the most in-demand stars in Hollywood--even the rehab facilities have to fight over her!
- In the same episode, when Stewart is trying to get his class back...
Stewart: Yes, I know we're downtown and technically not in a neighborhood...RRRGH! Damn you, neighborhood watch committee!
- Again, in the same episode, there's a certain code which activates E-51's personality wipe. But instead of sitting in a chair, becoming a blank slate, you just have to say a certain set of numbers:
Eggman: I'm just re-setting your personality and effectively removing everything that makes you an individual.
E-51: Heh, well, since you put it like thwhaaaaaa--!?
Eggman: E-51, access default emotional settings. Override code: 19-65-09-17.
- Shown Their Work: It's pretty clear the creators know a lot about Sonic.
- Sound Effect Bleep: Curse words tend to have sound effects from the games thrown over them.
- Stalker with a Crush: Eggman toward Scarlett, the news reporter lady, apparently. She mentions getting calls from him and being sick of it on air and on TV.
- Super Drowning Skills: Lampshaded. Well, he does sink like a rock in Aquarium Park...
Sonic: Oh, that's just great! I can run at supersonic speeds but I can't even get out of a kid's swimming pool? What the hell has Sonic Team been smoking all these years?
- Also lampshaded in Episode 5, even when he wasn't in any danger of drowning.
Sonic: Oh, God no! Not the water! I can hear the countdown music already!!
Sonic: And that was for my butt, bitch!
- This Means War: Sonic accepts Knuckles's challenge after Robotnik's TV blows up in his face.
Sonic: I hope you realize this. Means. War.
- What Could Have Been: The first episode went through six different revisions over the course of five years, the sixth being the one currently available. Originally, Gamebuddy played almost every single character, while Cyberlink only played Chuck and Amy.
- Decoe and Bocoe were originally going to have voices based on a dalek and a cyberman.