Songs to Wear Pants To
Songs To Wear Pants To is a website. It has some songs, and you can listen to them in your computer. All you have to do is right-click and 'save as', or so its two Theme songs say.
Basically, on April 9th, 2004, a guy named Andrew living in Toronto created a website where people could request songs about any subject. Initially, the rule was that all songs would be under 1 minute and 11 seconds, but that rule has since been done away with.
Since STWPT's opening, hundreds of songs have been requested about pretty much any subject, from Sea Anemones and instructions on how to put on pants to evil pickles killing everybody and robot pirates.
These Songs To Wear Pants To songs are just about any genre you can think of, from hard rock, to techno, to a game soundtrack/children's music/psychedelic rick mixture. There have been four CD's released from the songs created throughout the years, titled (in chronological order) Green Pants, Blue Pants, Pink Pants, and Sweat Pants (the newest songs are on the yet unreleased Skinny Jeans album), each CD being $10.
Roughly a little less than half of the songs on Songs To Wear Pants To are free to download, with just right clicking and saving as (as the first sentence states). Other songs are 99 cents to download.
Song requests are done by email; free requests are usually done only if Andrew sufficiently likes the concept and if he has free time, while paid requests (costing anywhere from $50-$200 a minute)will always be done on time for obvious reasons (many paid requests are not posted on the website, being that a lot of them are personal and all)
- Age Progression Song: It Was The World.
- Ambiguously Gay: In What I Would Do If I Were Suddenly Teleported To Your House Right Now the kid in South Dakota calls Andrew dreamy, gets quite excited at the idea of giving Patrick Stewart a 90 minute calf massage, and sews the doilies in his house himself.
- Big No: At the end of What I Would Do If I Were Suddenly Teleported To Your House Right Now, when Andrew learns that he has teleported to South Dakota.
- Break Up Song: Never being a fan favorite- one fan even paid for it to be extended. On the less serious side, this also counts as one.
- Boastful Rap: One of the bonus CD songs, Vanessa is partly this when the narrator claims to be the "sickest MC you're ever gonna hear", but is also a bit of Nightmare Fuel when the narrator reveals that he has killed Vanessa and is eating her liver off of her naked body.
- Fridge Brilliance: Now think about the different meanings of the word "sick".
- Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick: It's Halloween! lists a few costumes. In the middle of this very long list is a human centipede.
- Call Back: From It's Halloween!", a callback to his Crunk Juice music video.
I'm two doors ahead of you (better catch up)
to my crunk juice gorilla mask (get messed up)
- Captain Obvious: His superpower is that he states the obvious!
- Careful with That Axe / Metal Scream: Lyrics To A Song.
- Cheek Copy: We Photocopy Our Body Parts is about this.
- Christmas Songs: With all the songs, there had to be one eventually. However, it's not a Christmas song in the traditional sense...
- A straighter example would be his genre-switch cover of a classic Christmas song.
- Comically Missing the Point: The beginning of this song:
Random Guy: Um, I believe that she’s actually saying that she wants you to have her babies
Andrew: Oh, yeah. That’s exactly what we’re talking about. Um, she offered her babies to me. I don’t know how to get them... maybe she’ll put them in the mail, er-
Random Guy: Nonono, like have ...her babies.
Andrew: Oh! ...Oh. Well, in that case, I have prepared a rap song for just such an occasion.
- Common Time: Parodied/criticized in It's Too Loud.
- Quite a few songs are in unique time signatures, including the previously-mentioned Never, which is played in 5/4.
- Cover Version: Andrew has covered several songs, including Still Alive, Pants on the Ground, and Fat Lip.
- Also, a parody of Justin Bieber's "Baby" and a cover of the song from those Mentos commercials.
- Dance Sensation: Parodied in Old Fashioned Line Dance (Or Square), and played (somewhat) straight with Polka Loca.
- Drugs Are Bad: This song.
- Drunken Song: Andrew Vs. The Wilderness.
- Everything Is an Instrument: Some strange instruments have been used, such as spoons, the sound of flushing toilets, and fruit hitting the ground.
- music made from 1000 pairs of pants
- And to add to that, the sound of cheeks being flicked
- Andrew simply coughing. Yeah, he is that awesome.
- Car Noise Waltz of the Egg Slicer features, yes, car noises and an egg slicer. And it would probably be awesome in a car commercial.
- Though it features regular instruments too, "Magical Cat" is based around samples of his cats.
- Everything's Better with Dinosaurs: Dinosaurs are Sweet and Dinosaurs With A Outragous BMP.
- Everything's Deader with Zombies: Shoot The Zombies
- Everything Sounds Sexier in French: Crepes Et Baguettes is all in French and is really composed of Word Salad Lyrics, but that doesn't stop it from sounding like it's about something cool and/or sexy.
- Exact Words: The fan-favorite I Empty My Baby.
- Fiery Redhead: The subject of The Zesty Redhead, obviously.
- Gratuitous German: Vorsprung Durch Technik; the only 3 lines of the song being random German phrases.
- Heavy Meta: It's Too Loud is in a hard rock style, criticizing hard rock.
- "I Am" Song: There's a lot of these.
- I Have a Family: It Was The World
- In a World: Yakety Sax The Movie The Trailer
- Incredibly Lame Pun: Coffin
- Innocent Innuendo: The Struggle To Become a Baseball Player starts out sounding rather...suggestive, but then reveals that it was really all just part of the struggle to become a baseball player.
- In the Style Of: Parodied in I Am Trent Reznor and I Am Bjork.
- Interspecies Romance: Cephalopod Love Song
- Literal-Minded: Andrew is this when he's given enough room to get away with it, and sometimes he focuses on a hole in a concept, meaning the song itself is something completely unexpected - at least to the requester - such as "This Girl."
- Looped Lyrics: Used in Celtic Techno Burrito where the only words are "intimidated by the size of my burrito".
- Also used in I Am Slightly Awesome.
- Lyrical Dissonance: Department Store vs. Predator
- Mood Whiplash: Listening through the archives can cause this. You can go from hearing a rap about cheese and crackers to a serious song about unrequited love right afterwards.
- Motor Mouth: YMCA
- Also, twice in Crunk Juice.
- Mouthful of Pi: I Am The First Fifty Digits Of Pi
- Neoclassical Punk Zydeco Rockabilly: This is the concept of the website. The songs cover a lot of genres.
- Whenever Andrew asks fans for genre suggestions, there's a lot of this.
- Andrew's started a series called "Double On Genre" where fans suggest interesting combinations of musical genres. So far, this has resulted in Latin + Rap and Desert Slide Guitar + IDM Backbeats.
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: We Are The Robot Pirates. "Robots are good and pirates are good/We do all the things that a robot should"
- Due to popular demand, he eventually followed that up with "Zombie Ninjas"
- Reading the Stage Directions Out Loud: Requests are often taken too literally for humorous purposes. For example, The Head of a Radio. It's also fairly common for Andrew to pronounce spelling errors made in the requests.
- Rhyming with Itself: In Crunk Juice, Andrew rhymes "messed up" with "messed up", twice in a row.
- Serious Business: "I wanna clear this up: It's called Te-Neen-Oh, or Te-Nin-Oh. If you pronounce it any other way...I will cut you..."
- Shaped Like Itself: Being about making cupcakes while playing the bongos, a song called "Bongos Look Look Cupcakes" is about playing the bongos while making cupcakes.
- Silly Love Songs: A lot of the paid songs are these.
- Single-Stanza Song: There's a lot of these, such as A Bug Fell In Love With a Cat.
- Stop and Go: One of the many things made fun of in It's Too Loud.
- Stupid Statement Dance Mix: Do you like the smell of adventure?
- Theme Tune Roll Call: Steampunks and Super Bettas.
- This Is Your Song: Many fans have feeling that the outcome for the requester of This Girl was great and that it kicked off a beautiful relationship.
- This Trope Is Bleep: Done in Little Eeeeee Foo Foo, even though it's not actually bleeping any swears.
- Throw It In: Evident in When a cow snapping over friend chiken XD and probably the case in I Am Something. This happens a lot, apparently, since if you go to the lyrics page for the songs, a great deal of them will just have [adlib] as the words.
- Translated Cover Version: Blue
- Villain Song: Theme for Evil Plan the Webcomic, here.
- Wasted Song: A lot of very good songs just kinda get lost in the whole jumble of hundreds that there are.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: The History Of
"It was only a matter of minutes before this website became the top hit at Google. Yes, the top hit!
No matter what you searched for, at number one! Unbelievable, literally, unbelievable!"
- Word Salad Lyrics: Many, but especially "I Empty My Baby": The request mentioned that Andrew could rearrange the order of the lyrics if he wanted, so he took that idea much further than the submitter probably had in mind.
- X Meets Y: Parodied in 50 Cent Meets Creed.