< So You Want To

So You Want To/Write a High Fantasy

How-To Guide

/wiki/So You Want Towork

High Fantasy! The adventures on an epic scale of good and evil in imaginary worlds, filled with magic, dragons, and no more than medieval tech! Where the young person finds the MacGuffin and defeats the Evil Overlord and saves the world!

You may want to also read Write a Heroic Fantasy—the lines between that subgenre and this one are not fixed in concrete.

Necessary Tropes

  • Setting - A world other than ours. It may have a nominal connection with present day Earth, such as being our remote past or future, but this plays no role in the plot. Mythopoeia is often put into play to define the very metaphysics of the world. Nevertheless it often resembles medieval Europe.
  • Scale - Epic. Power politics, wars, the death of nations, gods walking the earth, and the real threat of The End of the World as We Know It—which is why the genre is also known as epic fantasy.
  • The Big Bad is the Evil Overlord and really, really, really bad. He tends to be not so much a man as a personification of some evil and destructive force.
  • Winning by sheer brute force is more typical of Heroic Fantasy. The MacGuffin or some such piece of magic is commonly needed, though usually a fair amount of sneaking is needed.
  • Functional Magic

Choices, Choices


"even in the most toxic culture, someone will choose decency".

Potential Subversions

  • Because Destiny Says So is the commonest reason why the Farm Boy has to succeed. Developing other reasons can work. Perhaps the littlest wizard has to do the job because all the more powerful ones were massacred.
  • Morals. Black and White Morality is common. But shades of gray among the heroes often work. (Lighting up the Evil Overlord generally moves you out of the genre entirely.)

Writers' Lounge

Suggested Themes and Aesops

Potential Motifs

Suggested Plots

  • Revolt! the Orcs and/or Beastmen are bloody sick of being herded off to die in their thousands, and it's time for a change! Who is this upstart champion of the downtrodden and musclebound? None other than your main character!
  • War! An Evil Overlord bent on world domination is razing every kingdom in his wake. The heroes must unite the ever-bickering races of the world to stand against him!


Set Designer / Location Scout

Props Department

  • Functional magic items work well

Costume Designer

Casting Director

  • Because of the traditional high stakes, the Reluctant Hero works well; the most home-loving hero can tell he has to move if the world will be destroyed without it. Note that if you lower the stakes, the motivations have to change.
  • Well, for a heroic quest, you might go with Heterosexual Life Partners, the Power Trio, the Four-Girl Ensemble, the Five-Man Band....
  • A Five-Man Band is the most common way to arrange the protagonists, oftentimes so that each member of the cast is one of the Five Races.

Stunt Department

Extra Credit

The Greats

The Epic Fails

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