So What Colour Is Your Toothbrush?
So, What Colour Is Your Toothbrush? is a MST3K-style fanfic sporking theater featuring a group of seven anthropomorphic cats (not furries), with occasional anthropomorphic not-furry Pokémon and occasional human guest stars (such as Rodion Romanovitch Raskolnikov). Characters include:
Silverpelt "Argent" Caelestis, the nice one. She takes a lot of abuse from the others. Officially casted as the Grammar Nazi, although although she doesn't do much. Accidental Pervert.
Hawksky "Faucon" Tartarus, the evil one. She's the one who's most likely to search out a badfic just to torment the others. Supposed to be trying to destroy Silverpelt once and for all... but is pretty lazy. Apparently in a femslash relationship with Silverpelt, although they both deny it vehemently. Makes endless references to random things.
Anna Jekyll/"The Plot Reaper", the Author Avatar. She can be somewhat sueish at times. Usually sides with Hawksky, but waxes philosophical at times. Her alter ego is The Plot Reaper (PR), who is pretty much the same only much more violent AND LIKES TO TALK IN CAPS. Annoys the heck out of everyone.
Kiri Raskolnikova, Hawksky's sidekick. She's pretty clever and has picked up on how to be manipulative, but is also lazy. Loves to write. Best friends (girlfriend?) with Chill even though she can't comprehend emotion very well and considers "romantic love" to be a disease. Usually stoic but bursts into song randomly. Singing is Serious Business for her. Provides a lot of information in case its needed.
Chill von Richthofen, a somewhat foolish ditz. Kinda creepy.
Fallen Succubus, who is waaaaaaaay too cheerful. Doesn't really have an assigned role. Is just kind of... there.
Aziz Succubus, the suspiciously quiet one, at least outside of the sporking theater. Pretty emo. In fact, she only talks when she's sporking or pissed. Her mind is also drastically in the gutter.
Untitled #137 "Cade" Prefect, Aziz' Love Interest. Scarcely seen, but may become a regular. A Chivalrous Pervert for Aziz as well, but.... Only male, yet looks more like a girl than anybody else.
As for the Pokémon featured (by the main sporker's brother):
Dr. Sceptile A. Sceptile, the CEO of SceptiCorp who may or may not be a Corrupt Corporate Executive. He's also a time traveler who works for Dialga, and is described as having a British accent. A bit of a jerk. Arguably an Author Avatar and a definite Deadpan Snarker, and The Rival to Humblot.
Marquis "Jacques" de Humblot, a French Servine and quite the ladies' man. Yet another Jerk with a Heart of Gold who does not like Louis XVI for vague reasons. The Rival to Dr. Sceptile, although they may be Not So Different. He is also a Yuri Fanboy and in favor of quick resolutions to love triangles. Also a Grammar Nazi.
Dusknoir, Dialga's right-hand mon and a firm believer in My Master, Right or Wrong. The Comically Serious due to his nature. Tends to fare the best when viewing fanfiction- only two fanfics have ever harmed him. Takes offense to Humblot often times and cannot stand most romance.
Amongst the fanfics sporked are Chibi Usa's Seventh Birthday, The Pokémon Story, a portion of Celebrian, a chapter of Hogwarts Exposed, part of My Immortal, and (in the future)[when?] half of Little Miss Mary, Agony in Pink, Diamond Pokémon, and Kanaya Gore. The rest of the fanfics featured are relatively harmless.
Fandoms so far: Detective Conan, Harry Potter, Pokémon, Warrior Cats, Axis Powers Hetalia, (supposedly) Spirited Away, Sailor Moon, (in planning)[when?] Homestuck, (in planning)[when?] Power Rangers, and The Lord of the Rings.
- Affably Evil
- And I Must Scream: Happens to Humblot while sporking "My Favorite Girl".
- And Now for Someone Completely Different: One sporking featured Hitler, Stalin, and Kim Jong Il.
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Hawksky kidnaps Humblot; Humblot is most upset because she dared to offer him British food.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension
- Berserk Button: Causes the Plot Reaper to appear; Dr. Sceptile has a berserk keyboard.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Silverpelt, whom is surprisingly violent for the kindest one among them.
- Bi the Way:
Anna: Totally heterosexual here, guys.
- Big No: Frequently.
- Bile Fascination
- Blind Idiot Translation: Whenever Hawksky tries to speak French.
- Brother-Sister Incest: Humblot and Dusknoir both think that Detective Conan is centered around this, initially.
- Butch Lesbian: Hawksky
- Card-Carrying Villain: Hawksky, Kiri
- Character Alignment: Listed above. By Word of God, Dr. Sceptile would be the background on an alignment chart.
- Character Filibuster: Dr. Sceptile delivers one on the American school system in the "Romance 101" sporking. The other characters find him annoying.
- Fallen rants about tranquilizers during the "Why you shouldn't drug Russia ever" sporking.
- Dr. Sceptile also rants in "My Favorite Girl" about Conan's characterization. Actually, he rants a lot.
- Heck, if every rant were listed, we'd be here all day.
- Department of Redundancy Department: Frequently paged; Dr. Sceptile even has a Glasses Pull to go along with it.
- Did Not Do the Research:
- Downer Ending: The cats consider all fics to have this.
- Drinking Game: Hawksky plays it a lot; she's also known as a boring drunk, though.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Occasionally, everyone is rendered speechless. Hitler and Stalin were horrified at Hogwarts Exposed, too. And Hawksky cares about the readers in the Pokémon Story sporking.
- Eye Scream
Silverpelt: And I suddenly feel the urge to stab my eyes out with a rusty poker.
Hawksky: *obliges*
- Genre Blind: Dr. Sceptile, who had GLaDOS installed. Yes, that GLaDOS.
- Girlfriend in Canada: Humblot makes frequent references to his maids... who don't actually exist for reasons other than what this trope usually means...
- Girl-On-Girl Is Hot:
Humblot: ! This getting even better! Surprise lesbians are awesome~
- Gratuitous French: "Maid In Malfoy Manor"; Averted by Humblot.
- Gratuitous German: Usually around Darkrai.
- Gratuitous Japanese: The actual LiveJournal username is airey_kun.
- Gratuitous Russian: Anna has a tendency of doing this.
- Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?: Silverpelt drops this while sporking "Maid In Malfoy Manor"
- Heroic BSOD: Chill and Silverpelt are fond of this.
- High School AU: Fallen speculates on a Celebrian one; the Plot Reaper rages about the book Prom and Prejudice; "Romance 101" is one.
- Idiot Ball: It's massive, and usually passed around the cats (even Silverpelt).
- I'm a Humanitarian: According to the Pokémon, Brock is a cannibal pimp in "Romance 101".
- Kyurem eats people; Miss Lillian is considered by the sporkers to be a vampiric ice dragon. However, neither are humans.
- "It's Not Rape If You Enjoyed It": A lot of fics being sporked insist this. Same thing with Rape Is Love.
- Kissing Under the Influence: Happens to Kiri and Chill during a drinking game.
- Lampshade Hanging: A whole lot.
- Loveable Sex Maniac:
Humblot: How? His lechery will probably just repulse women, not attract them.
Dr. Sceptile: Ah, so you're the exception?
Humblot: But of course. I am a Servine of the people.
- May-December Romance: Humblot thinks that a pairing is Brock/Agatha in "Romance 101". Everyone else is squicked out.
- Meaningful Name
- Mega Corp: SceptiCorp, Dr. Sceptile's multi-universal corporation.
- Mission Control Is Off Its Meds: The new management is GLaDOS, so what do you expect?
- Mook: According to the Pokémon, Sakura in "Romance 101" is Misty's minion.
- Musical Episode:
Dr. Sceptile: *summons gun, waves it like a sword* I will turn this into a musical if it's the last thing Darkrai does.
- One part of My Immortal started off with all the cats singing Journey's Don't Stop Believing.
- My Friends and Zoidberg:
Humblot: *wanders in* Hello, my friends and British lizards. What is it today?
- Narm: Not uncommon in the fics being sporked.
- Nightmare Fetishist: Anna and Hawksky probably count.
- No Fourth Wall: For the cats, at least. It was broken in the first posted sporking and was never fixed.
- No Indoor Voice: Dialga, Palkia, and the Plot Reaper.
- Noodle Incident: One has to wonder how various things are accomplished...
- Oh My Gods
- Old Shame: One is sporked.
- One of Us: Both sporkers have TV Tropes accounts. One is Sith Droideka 2, and the other is known as Airey.
- Only Sane Cat/Pokémon: Silverpelt and Dusknoir.
- Politically Incorrect Sceptile
- Running Gag: He's a ladie's man and a man's lady.
- Posting a picture of a sheep on meth being tasered after saying "Lightbulb".
- Replacing "Oak" with "Dumbledore" in "Romance 101".
- If Anna's Berserk Button is pushed:
Anna (PR): *destroys downtown Tokyo*
- SceptiCorp has a product for that.
- The infamous rape alarm.
- Sarcasm Mode: Sarcasm levels sometimes reach suffocation in the sporking theater...
- Say My Name
- Schedule Slip
- Shipper on Deck: All of the cats, but Anna in particular.
- Ship Tease: Silverpelt and Hawksky, relentlessly. Also between Kiri and Chill, but less important.
- Shout-Out
- Fallen Succubus, ace attorney.
- Chill does imitations of Kiri, Terezi, and Scarlett O'Hara.
- Dr. Sceptile occasionally refers to TV Tropes.
- Dusknoir (mis)quotes The Moody Blues during a "My Favorite Girl" sporking.
- If we listed them all, we'd probably break the wiki.
- Small Name, Big Ego: This page is only maintained by the two tropers mentioned above.
- Stable Time Loop: (Ab)used by Dr. Sceptile to get a copy of the script for one of the sporkings.
- Take That: Usually followed by Lampshade Hanging.
- The Book of Mormon: Constantly referenced, although in all fairness Airey seems to be a terrible Mormon. Mormons also are treated as Acceptable Religious Targets.
- Also occasionally used for exorcisms. It doesn't work.
- This Is Sparta:
Dusknoir: *dual Ice Punch* We. Don't. Want. To. Know. Servine.
- Transparent Closet: Hawksky
- Tsundere
- Valley Girl: The cats mistake Daisy in "Romance 101" for another Valley Girl, Poland.
- Wall of Text: Usually one per "big" sporking.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?: According to the cats, "Romance 101" is rated R for homosexuals.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: What happened to the pictures Anna took in the "Chibiusa's Seventh Birthday" sporking?
- Word of God: The last names and alignments, above.
- Abused. Untitled #137 was up on this page before he actually showed up in an MST, and in fact has not shown up yet...
- Raskolnikov has only shown up in one sporking but is repeatedly mentioned here.
- Abused. Untitled #137 was up on this page before he actually showed up in an MST, and in fact has not shown up yet...
- Yaoi Fangirl: Hawksky and Anna. Actually, the cats in general.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Silverpelt has blue fur; only Raskolnikov is surprised at this.