Sister Wulfia Focka

Sister Wulfia Focka is an ongoing pornographic Web Comic by Sébastien Fréchette, better known as Sirkowski - creator of the Miss Dynamite web series. It can be found on Slipshine. The titular character is an innocent (to begin with) German nun who gets into all sorts of naughty misadventures across Medieval Europe., later heading south to The Holy Land towards the end of volume one and later north to Scandinavia in volume two. Early on in her journey she meets, fights and befriends a pagan priestess named Lylitu Bat Samael. When the two aren't knocking boots, they're meeting a colorful cast of Medieval Morons.

As of January 2011 the comic is on hiatus while Sirkowski embarks on a new project, a Spiritual Successor to his Starship Titus series.

Likely unsuitable for the general public. And party-poopers.

Tropes used in Sister Wulfia Focka include:
  • Action Girl: Wulfia and Lyl, though it varies from arc to arc.
  • Anything That Moves: Lyl. And I do mean anything.
  • Babies Make Everything Better: No. No they don't.
  • Baby Got Back: Wulfia and Lyl.
  • Beast and Beauty: A rare female-female example. Wulfia believes with all her heart that she can help Lyl change her ways. It works, to an extent.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Uttered verbatim by Helga Koch when Wulfia offers to "dispose" of her attractive Slavic prisoners.
  • Big Breasts, Big Deal: Wulfia very briefly exhibits Type 1 when Lyl points out her generous bust size.
    • "It's not my fault the lord endowed me this way!"
  • Big Screwed-Up Family: In the Holy War arc at the end of Volume 1. Seriously.
  • Bi the Way: The question of Wulfia's bisexuality is never raised. It simply, is.
  • Bondage Is Bad: Helga Koch.
  • Buxom Is Better: Good luck finding any women in this comic lacking in the chest department, but hey. Wulfia's bust size in particular is lampshaded at least once by Lyl.
  • Burn the Witch!: Lyl is is nearly burned at the stake. Wulfia comes to her rescue. Followed immediately by Rescue Sex.
  • The Cameo: In the epilogue to Volume 1, Wulfia and Lyl meet Eva Sirkowski and Blackie Chin from Miss Dynamite. Take a wild guess what happens.
  • Cat Fight: Between Wulfia and Lyl just prior to the latter's Heel Face Turn.
  • Chainmail Bikini: Lyl wears one during the battle at Volkhov.
  • Christianity Is Catholic: Justified, this takes place waaaay before the schism.
  • Clothing Damage: Frequent. Naturally, Magic Pants is averted.
  • Cosplay: Early in Volume 2 the girls find a trunk full of "strange clothes", including Eva and Blackie's outfits. Also included are Wonder Woman, Power Girl, a Hooters outfit and Peach's dress.
  • Hermaphrodite: Lyl can switch between either set of equipment, but she can't always control it. and she uses it for all it's worth. In the arc where they meet Lyl's mother, Lyl takes advantage of her mother's magic to massively increase in size and start causing havoc. In response, Lyl's mother casts a spell on Wulfia that does the same, but gives her a... well, you can probably guess. The long term result? They have a baby!
  • Dark Chick: Helga Koch from volume two, a Torture Technician. Attempting to use her own methods against her just turns her on.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: The first arc has Wulfia prevent Lyl from converting the prince of Osterland to paganism. Her interference leaves Lyl stuck in her demon form, prompting Wulfia, out of her good nun heart, to set out to help Lyl turn human again.
  • Disguised in Drag: Early in Volume 2, Lyl meets a male demon hiding out as a Jewish woman. She doesn't find out until after she's already jumped his bones. Does she care? Nope.
  • Easily Forgiven: Lyl, by Wulfia.
    • "You might be a pagan, but even the devil is a creature of the Lord!"
  • Ethical Slut: Wulfia is largely this as of Volume 2, in contrast to her earlier quasi-innocence. As far as she's concerned, she gives of herself freely in the service of the Lord. For example, in the most recent arc she brings release to a wounded soldier who cannot do so himself.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Lyl whenever she's misbehaving. Also Helga Koch.
  • Form-Fitting Wardrobe: Wulfia's habit- and well, a lot of other outfits too, especially Lyl's default torn-up scraps look. Their crusader getups later on are also this.
  • Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: Because, well, Most Writers Are Male.
  • "Glad to Be Alive" Sex: After being seperated for the entirety of the crusade arc, Lyl tackle-hugs Wulfia and runs off with her to the nearest tent.
  • Heel Face Turn: Lyl, in the first arc, however reluctantly. This shows what with her repeated lapses in judgment that make up many arcs. Thankfully, Wulfia has the heart of a saint.
  • Horny Devils: Lyl. And how.
  • Hot Dad: Wulfia. Er, A Hermetic Priestess Did It.
  • Hot Mom: Lyl's mother, Na'amah Bat Lamech. Lyl herself, later on.
  • The Immodest Orgasm: Frequent.
  • Think Unsexy Thoughts: Uttered verbatim in a Thought Bubble by Lyl in an effort to hide her special equipment from the Muslim woman in part 11.
  • Important Haircut: Wulfia, near the end of Volume 1.
  • Innocent Fanservice Girl: As far as nuns go, Wulfia is remarkably comfortable with being totally nude. The first time it happens, does she complain about having her habit torn off? No. She complains about Lyl making fun of her hair.
  • Let's Get Dangerous: Helga Koch invites Wulfia up to her private chambers, thinking her darker then she really is. When she rejects Wulfia, Wulfia considers what Lyl would do in this situation, prompting her to get tough.
    • "You Bavarian cunt!"
  • Let's Wait a While: Wulfia, at least initially. As she discovers, Good People Have Good Sex.
  • Loveable Sex Maniac: Lyl, though she stretches the loveable part often.
  • Masquerade: An exceedingly thin one involving Wulfia's continued attempts to hide Lyl's demonic nature. She hides the ears and horns under a headwrap. The red skin? Uh, it's a skin condition.
  • Making Love in All the Wrong Places: This being the sort of comic it is, said places being just about anywhere.
  • Mission from God: Wulfia is ostensibly always on one of these, what with trying to be a nun and all. More specifically in the first arc, she's tasked by a well-endowed angel with preventing the prince of Osterland from being converted to paganism. At the conclusion of volume 2 the angel mentions he'll be back with another mission before too long.
  • Mode Lock: Lyl is trapped in demon form for much of the comic. She's bright red has white hair, has horns and Pointy Ears and Cute Little Fangs.
  • Naughty Nuns: Wulfia gets laid. A alot. Special mention goes to a convent of lesbian nuns the duo encounters.
  • No Accounting for Taste: Lyl swings wildly between Jerkass and Magnificent Bastard. It's a wonder Wulfia likes her.
  • No Pregger Sex: Averted. It's fairly tame compared to some of the other goings-on...
  • Offing the Offspring: At the conclusion of Volume 1, Wulfia realizes her mistake in helping Lyl and their son conquer the Vatican. She tries to stop them. Their son threatens to kill her, prompting Lyl to kill him out of love for her.
  • Our Angels Are Different: And rather, er, generously equipped.
  • Parental Incest: Prominent in the Holy War arc.
  • Plot With Porn: There have been at least two major plot arcs since the comic began, with several related or unrelated sub-arcs.
  • Red Right Hand: Or your whole body, in Lyl's case.
  • Rip Tailoring: Lyl's default outfit in much of Volume 1 is made up of bits torn off of Wulfia's habit.
  • Rule of Sexy: Runs on it.
  • Sex Equals Love: As far as Lyl's concerned. Wulfia sees a lot more into it of course.
  • Sex Face Turn: Lyl's addicted to Wulfia, who knows this and uses it to bring her back around whenever she starts misbehaving.
  • Shout-Out: To Pac Man, of all things. Near the end of Volume 2's first arc, Wulfia is visited by a ghost in the night. In the next panel, Pinky asks Clyde why he didn't come home the previous night.
  • Skinny Dipping: Found in Part 11. A Muslim woman happens upon Wulfia and Lyl while they are doing so. Hilarity Ensues, involving a Fantastic Drug and Three-Way Sex. In the morning, she rides off thinking it was All Just a Dream but wondering why her butt hurts.
  • Status Quo Is God: Possibly. Since the end of Volume 1, No mention has been made of the fact that Lyl and her son murdered the entire Vatican, including the Pope.
  • Spit Trail Kiss: A few. And sometimes it's not spit.
  • STD Immunity: The topic has yet to arise.
  • The Pornomancer: Wulfia, due to Naughty Nuns, and Lyl, due to Horny Devils. She's even a pornomancer in-universe due to her weird pagan magics.
  • The Power of Love: Wulfia helps Lyl realize just how much she cares about her at the end of Volume 1.
  • The Reveal: Sort of. The first time we see Wulfia without her nun's habit, it's revealed she has a short, butch haircut.

"Why don't you try wearing a hood over long hair? It gets real hot..."

  • Technical Virgin: Wulfia, for most of Volume 1. Then she's seduced by her son. Er, maybe earlier then that, if you count the fact that she was the father.
  • Their First Time: It's a stretch to hell and back, but arguably, when Wulfia and Lyl consummate their marriage at the end of Volume 1. Setting aside Wulfia's status as a Technical Virgin, they'd already done it other other way around and had a child.
  • They Do: Wulfia and Lyl marry at the end of Volume 1, following Lyl's Love Epiphany Naturally, they become Insatiable Newlyweds.
  • Those Wacky Nazis: The most recent arc features a bunch of ill-tempered Eisensteinian Teutonic Knights, led by a Hochmeister... and, well, the guy's cloak brooches are Swastikas. To further the comparison, when he introduces Helga Koch, she greets him with a Nazi salute and "Jawohl, mein Hochmeister!"
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Take a guess which is which.
  • Twincest: Involving two nuns in Volume 2's first arc, much to Lyl's pleasure.
  • Vapor Wear: Wulfia's default outfit consists of thigh-high boots, long gloves and her skimpily-cut, form-fitting habit that bares her hips to all the world. And nothing else. To say nothing of Lyl's outfit... see Rip Tailoring above. She eventually trades this in for her own matching habit. To be fair, she spends half the comic not wearing anything at all.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Wulfia and Lyl.
  • Wacky Marriage Proposal: At the end of Volume 1, Wulfia dons the still-bloody robes of the Pope, declaring herself the new Pope and asks Lyl to marry her.
  • The War Sequence: A brief one following the escape of the Slavic prisoners. Lyl leads an army of Slavs to meet the Hochmeister's crusaders at the frozen river Volkhov. The battle goes poorly for the Slavs, but they turn around a make a bunch of trees fall onto the ice, cracking it and sending much of the crusader army into the frigid waters below. Only the Hochmeister himself escapes.
  • Witch Hunt: There's one going on in the most recent arcs. It doesn't last long though- once the "witch hunters" catch up with our heroines, it's discovered that the Hochmeister is the real Jerkass. Still, the girls have caused enough trouble that the french nuns, er, punish them.
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