Silent Hill 4/Characters
Henry Townshend
A photographer with a bit of a voyeurism fetish, Henry wakes up one morning to find that he's been trapped in his own apartment.
Henry is number 21 of the 21 Sacraments, "The Receiver of Wisdom", the final stage of Walter's ritual to "awaken his mother".
- The Call Knows Where You Live: Literally.
- Catch Phrase: Henry's "What the hell?!"
- Henry is infamous for "What the hell?", even though he says it only four times throughout the game, or (for those keeping track at home) only one fewer time than Harry Mason describes his daughter to people as "just turned seven last month, short, black hair" And, one presumes, this is only because he ran out of people to ask.
- Dull Surprise
- The Everyman
- Hikikomori: The game is an exploration of this trope.
- The Ishmael: You control him, yes, but the story's more or less about Walter.
- Ironic Hell: An agoraphobic who can't leave his apartment. Gotcha!
- Kuudere: Henry shows a lot of willingness to help others but rarely expresses the fact. Justified in that he never really expresses much of anything.
- Protect This House
- The Quiet One
- Shrinking Violet: Henry is mentioned by the others as very shy, so it's not seen to be too strange when he doesn't emerge from his apartment for days on end.
- Stalker with a Crush: The apartment seems to taunt Henry's inclinations in this direction. The previous occupant, Joeseph Schreiber, was made aware of the peephole into Eileen's apartment before he died.
- The Stoic: Whatever emotions Henry may have, he certainly doesn't express them very strongly, leading to many Dull Surprises.
Eileen Galvin
Henry's next-door neighbor. She's upbeat and perky.
Of the 21 Sacraments, she is "The Mother Reborn". She should have been killed by Walter, but he was stopped by the mysterious boy (Young Walter). She still suffered many injuries and was sent to the hospital, but ended up being sucked into the dark world again; this time, Henry managed to get to her before Walter did, taking her under his care and protection. She cannot die, but she does suffer damage, which affects her survival at the game's end.
- Artificial Stupidity: She can be this from a gameplay standpoint. During the extended escort mission, she becomes more or less aggressive depending on what weapon she's holding. This would be fine, if she didn't insist on attacking Walter (who is invincible), which if allowed to go on long enough will result in her damage level skyrocketing as he beats her up. The only way to get her to stop is to take her weapon away, forcing her to follow Henry as closely as possible.
- Bandage Babe
- Damsel in Distress
- Escort Mission: Her presence turns the whole second half of the game into one.
- Girl Next Door: Eileen.
- Green Eyes
- Mini-Dress of Power: Deconstructed. A skimpy dress worn by the star of Walter's snuff fantasies.
- No Good Deed Goes Unpunished:
- Parental Substitute: Walter seems to think of her as this in a way, thus she is "The Mother Reborn". Fans speculate that she ends up pregnant of a reborn Walter in the "Mother" ending.
- Pink Means Feminine
- Protectorate
- Samaritan Syndrome: Lying on the floor, bleeding to death, with "20121" carved into her back, Eileen's first thought is to speak calmly to the boy and urge him to run away.
- Her soft-heartedness toward Little Walter lands her in hot water, later.
- Video Game Caring Potential
Frank Sunderland
James's father and the superintendent of the South Ashfield apartments.
- Continuity Nod: To Silent Hill 2, of course.
Walter Sullivan
A supposedly dead serial killer—so what is he doing still stalking the halls of Ashfield Heights, killing (or attempting to kill) everyone he comes across?
- ...And Show It to You: 21 human hearts. Just six to go.
- Ax Crazy
- Bad Samaritan: Don't go out! -- Walter
- Badass Longcoat: A blue raincoat.
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Blood Is the New Black
- Big Bad
- Calling Card: Ripping out hearts and carving numbers into the bodies.
- Crucified Hero Shot: Inverted -- His corpse is strung up and mounted on a giant metal cross.
- Dead All Along: The Walter Sullivan you encounter throughout the game is just a projection. The real Walter's moldering corpse is hidden behind a false wall in Henry's apartment.
- Dissonant Serenity: The most laid-back character the series has produced yet.
- Dual-Wielding: Guns, and that's when he's most annoying.
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: Even serial killer Walter loves his mommy, the apartment you're stuck in. In fact, his love for his mommy is his primary motivation.
- Evil Laugh: Attempts to cause Walter injury merely amuse him.
- Famous Last Words: "Mom?" ell, what else?
- Faux Affably Evil: Behaves this way to Henry. One would almost it's a privilege to be the last of Walter's twenty-one victims.
- Firing One-Handed
- Freudian Excuse: Walter's got one. Or a dozen.
- Future Me Scares Me: The scene with Little Walter meeting his future self. Little Walter doesn't quite grasp the implications, but the player does.
- He-Man Woman Hater: Has issues with the fairer sex, evidenced by his brutal beatdown of Eileen. Also makes a pastime of mutilating female cadavers, which rise again as scary ol' giantesses.
- The Illegible: Walter's personal diary is scattered throughout the Forest area on stones; however, Henry is unable to make out several passages due to the script being very childish and scrawling. Eileen is able to translate them when you return to the Forst area.
- Implacable Man: Being that he's a ghost himself, Walter Sullivan absolutely Can. Not. Be. Killed. You can knock him down or pump him full of lead, but he'll always rise back up again.
- Monster Sob Story
- My Death Is Just the Beginning: Even prison couldn't stop his mission.
- Once Killed a Man with A Noodle Implement: Killed himself in prison with a serving spoon. Ouch.
- Perma-Stubble
- Perpetual Smiler
- Stepford Smiler: If Walter is an angry man - and there's plenty of evidence to suggest it—he keeps it close to the vest.
- Tom the Dark Lord: Average name for an average-looking guy, but don't let it fool you.
- Psychopathic Manchild: In fact, as close to a literal example as it gets.
- Rise from Your Grave: In the Forest World, Henry uncovers his empty plot. Walter's ghost dug up his body and installed it in Room 302.
- Serial Killer
- Shrouded in Myth: Authorities are baffled at how this guy continues killing when he's already dead.
- Thanatos Gambit: Walter killed himself after being apprehended. He rose again as ghost and dug up his own corpse, which he then walled up inside Henry's apartment.
- Villain Protagonist: Arguably, the whole game's about him.
- Would Hurt a Child: The Locane twins. Interestingly, they are the only victims who appear as monsters (Bottoms) rather than ghosts.
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Before The Order got their mitts on him.
- The Villain Makes the Plot
Cynthia Velasquez
- Camping a Crapper
- Kill the Cutie
- Let Them Die Happy: "It's's just a dream."
- This makes her revival as a ghost more tragic.
- Spicy Latina
- Stringy-Haired Ghost Girl: Victim #16 has elements of one.
- Stuffed Into the Fridge
Jasper Gein
- Hillbilly Horrors
- Man On Fire: Well, ghost on fire. Victim #17 , Jasper Gein, is ablaze even in (un?)death, because said man set himself on fire as part of the 21 Sacraments.
- Speech Impediment
- Trademark Favorite Food: Jasper Gein sure loves that chocolate milk.
Andrew DeSalvo
An obese man Henry comes across while the former is trapped in the Wish House's prison. Victim 18 of 21.
- Acrofatic
- Karmic Death: Andrew runs the very prison that he was trapped in. You find out that the children were often forced to drink water with leeches in it.
- Meaningful Name: He is most likely named after Albert DeSalvo, the man suspected of being the Boston Strangler.
Richard Braintree
- Asshole Victim
- Child-Hater
- Electric Torture: How Richard bites the dust.
- Psycho Electro
- Revolvers Are Just Better