< Sgt Frog Abridged

Sgt Frog Abridged/Trivia

  • Ascended Fanon: Of the premeditative variety. When the counter debuted in Episode 13, viewers calculated that, if it counted down in real-time, it would reach 0 on April 23, 2012. The writers made it so that Episode 16, wherein the counter activates, would correlate with that date, though because Keroro makes the counter activate a week early, the episode was uploaded a week earlier as well.
  • Creator Backlash: The creators have openly disowned the original Episode 1. They remade SFA1 to make it funnier, more in-line with their current writing style, and to make it in-canon with the current continuity. They don't think very fondly of Episode 2R either, and they remade it as well.
    • They refer to the original first two episodes as "SFA1R" and "SFA2R", the "R" standing for "Retconned".
    • Thorn is also fairly unhappy with Episodes 8 and 13. Not enough to retcon and remake them, obviously.
  • Old Shame: In their early days, circa December 2009, they recorded their first song parody: "Tamama's Titties", based on The Beatles' "Yellow Submarine". It's not available to the public.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Sumomo, and an animator in Episode 8, were voiced by 1KidsEntertainment, best known for Pokemon: The 'Bridged Series.
  • Lying Creator: For a time, Thorn kept forgetting that Tamama was male and not female; after coming up with a joke that would reveal that Tamama really was a girl, he and Yoshi decided to make it canon. After deciding this, they would occasionally make unintentional Freudian slips revealing this, but they simply pretended that they were still confused about Tamama's gender. Then Episode 10 rolls around...
    • The team told everyone that the SFA1 remake would be in July 2011. They made it in June.
    • They also said that SFA2 would be remade in July 2012. They remade it in July 2011.
    • They also said that SFA3 is where the series' proper continuity begins. They remade it in July 2011.
  • McLeaned: Momoka. The writers would have happily brought her back after explosively decapitating her, but her voice actor moved to Japan shortly after the episode went up, so she stayed dead.[1]
  • The Other Darrin: Giroro, Kululu and Mois all had voice actor change-ups after their characters had already appeared (to say nothing of the numerous voice actors hired to voice Dororo, Momoka, Omiyo, and Natsumi but were removed before they ever appeared in an episode).
    • There was supposed to be a running joke involving Thorn and Yoshi trading off each episode as the voice of Tamama, but Yoshi only voiced the character in Episode 3R before retiring as the second voice. It was one of the reasons that Episode 3 was remade despite being a mostly competent episode.
    • Momoka was voiced by LillyLivers for her debut in 2R, but was voiced by Narusasu in Episode 10. Narusasu would also do Momoka for the Episode 2 remake.
    • Lampshade Hanging: Giroro's voice change is joked about in the Episode 3R stinger as him getting over laryngitis and losing 300 excess pounds. Kululu says a similar thing in Episode 10 by saying his voice change was him getting over a chest cold.
    • Because the first few episodes were retconned, every voice actor change has also been retconned out of the series.
  • The Other Marty: ThePS2God, the original voice of Momoka, Omiyo and Dororo, had recorded lines for Episode 2 (now 2R) before being kicked from the project. However the script ended up not fitting the source video, so his recordings were scrapped.
  • Promoted Fanboy: TheSmashBro, a self-professed fanboy of TheMidnightFrogs and the creator of his own Keroro Gunsou Abridged Series (read Follow the Leader), was made the voice of HQ.
    • Tempe, a young friend and fangirl of the team, was made official team artist in December 2011 and drew the artwork that made up Giroro & Dororo's wedding in Episode 15.
  • Talking to Himself: ThornBrain voices approximately half of the cast, including major, minor, and bit characters. Most obvious in Episode 7, where the credits list Yoshi and BigTUnit1, followed by:
Literally everyone else is voiced by ThornBrain
  • Throw It In: Lil' Keroro's over-the-top la-la-laing in Episode 4 was just Yoshi goofing off during recording. Thorn wanted to keep it, and it was even brought back in Episode 7.
    • Also Lil' Keroro's shocked expression in Episode 4 is simply a frame of him turning his head that Yoshi discovered on accident.
    • Keroro brushing his toothbrush in the Episode 2 Post-Credits was a result of Yoshi mistyping "I'm going to brush my teeth" as "I'm going to brush brush my toothbrush" during scriptwriting for SFA2R. Thorn liked the idea of Keroro brushing his toothbrush, so it stayed.
    • Keroro's comments to Dororo at the end of Episode 14 - about remembering his name and giving a high-five - were ad libs by Yoshi.
  • What Could Have Been: There was talk for a little while during the series' early days of it becoming part of Winger Dinger Productions, due to LillyLivers' association with the project. This was shortly before WingerDinger was hacked and subsequently abandoned, so nothing became of it.
  • Writing by the Seat of Your Pants: Character aspects or events are sometimes discovered or developed through hindsight by the writers.
    • Both the Poodlejumper story in Episode 6 and Zeroro's mental flashback in Episode 7 were just ThornBrain being left to write strange stories off-the-cuff.
      • In an even stranger example, the climax to Episode 10 with Future Kululu is what happens when Thorn takes numerous disparate elements from the first season and decides to tie them together. He and Yoshi barely planned for the climax prior to scriptwriting, and Episode 10 in fact had the most planning of any episode up to that point.
    • Viper only became Dororo's father when Yoshi joked about Viper's eyepatch being similar to Lil' Zeroro's mask. They just ran with it.
  • Yoshi never intended to be a voice actor, let alone the voice of the main character; he just wanted to script-write and oversee the project. While he didn't quite like voice acting during the first three episodes, he has enjoyed it ever since Episode 4.
  1. Narusasu was the first stable (and ostensibly the best) voice actor the team ever had for the character, making her move the last in a long line of ways Momoka was cursed.
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