WingerDinger Productions
WingerDinger Productions was a group of video makers consisting mostly of former Youtube members who got false DMCAs and left formed more or less by Hellsing920 (or Emer, if you prefer). Like That Guy With The Glasses, arguably speaking, they provided the standard garden variety of videos consisting of reviews, rants, commentaries, you name it. And they also had an ongoing webcomic series illustrated by Random DCE.
After a few months, the website was hacked. Since then, most of the contributors have moved on with their lives with few continuing to use the WingerDinger name in their videos.
The personalities of "WingerDinger" are:
- Hellsing920: The ringleader of the site. Known for "The Longbox Chronicles", "The 'Epic' Rant", and "Fanboy Chronicles."
- RandomDCE: There are not that many words that describes what he does other than random, so we'll just keep it at that. Known for his "Ear Rape Coffee" commentary series, rants, sketches, and the now defunct "Handy Dandy Guides."
- LillyLivers: The Cool Big Sis of the site. She was the first female of three to join, and was in a relationship with RandomDCE. Known for her voice acting, rants, and music covers.
- Tarosan: The site's "Saturday Morning Cartoon Villian." Besides his epic voice, he known for his "Cannon of Chaos" series, "The Sunlauncher" series, and his Let's Plays.
- PrinceOfMoose: The Ultimate Star Ocean fan is here to entertain you all.
- BigHairyMarty: He's a bit of an enigma among the crew. All we know is that he's Scottish, and that's about it really.
- Smoke Frostheart: Sprite prodigy and designer of Tarosan's weapons of mass destruction. He also designed the WingerDinger logo sprites.
- TheCinematicGamer: Known for his "Staring At Screens" review series, as well as "Subtlety Evolved" sketches. "Those aren't grapes."
- ConManCody: Known to some as TheLaughingManD. Known to others as ConManCody. No matter what you call him, he's still entertaining. Known for his "2 Old 4 Cartoons" series, "The 10 Sides of (enter name here)", and "World's Dumbest Feuds".
- Emcnelis: The Four Eyed Nerd who won't be seeing you until the next video.
- Dark Drifter: The son DCE never had. Owner of Dark Drifter Productions.
- Ryan: Creator of the webtoon "CactiChip". Also known as the creator "No Date Gamers" and "The Morshu Show".
- JustKeepThatInMind: Or JKTIM for short. Creator of nonsensical rant videos and has an obsession with He11sing.
- VeryWeirdGirly: Known for mostly her commentaries, and an avid lover of Team Fortress 2.
- StuMakiRyka: One of the newest team members. She's known for her rants, commentaries and voice acting.
- Animation Age Ghetto: The title of ConManCody's review series "2 Old 4 Cartoons" is an obvious reference to this.
- Badass Adorable: StuMakiRyka. You wouldn't want to get her on her bad side.
StuMakiRyka: "I'm the 'bubbly, hyper, innocent, adorable, slightly-psychotic' one. I really enjoy making friends and having a good time, but if you really TRULY piss me off, I will not hesitate to rip open your stomach, pull out your intestines, and play jump rope with them. I absolutely love anything adorable and fuzzy. I'm very giggly, and I adore muffins, lemonade, ice cream, and pierogies."
- Berserk Button: Lots and lots of stuff, including (but not limited to) social normality, lackluster celebrities/franchises/etc. that are overhyped, Fan Dumb, Hate Dumb, repeated usage of the same game concepts over and over (Nintendo, among others, is the usual target), and Moral Guardians.
- Don't mention the Sega 32X around TheCinematicGamer.
- BFG: Tarosan's Cannon of Chaos.
- British Teeth: Inverted with DarkDrifter, as said by LillyLivers.
- Butt Monkey: Tarosan. Everyone loves to make fun of him, especially his friends.
- Catch Phrase: Tarosan: "FUCK YOU! FIRE THE CANNON!"
- Hellsing920: "Until next time, take care, and I will see you all in the near future. [salutes camera] Peace."
- RandomDCE: "Good night, and Good luck."
- LillyLivers: "Hello my loyal fans and subscribers, it is I, Lillylivers..."
- TheCinematicGamer: "This has been the Glory of the Grapes, graping your mind with glory! SEE YA!"
- Cloudcuckoolander: Vazul.
- JKTIM to a lesser extent.
- Dead Baby Comedy: Done literally in the first episode of CactiChip.
- Deadpan Snarker: RandomDCE
- Actually, pretty much the whole gang qualifies.
- Did Not Do the Research: Lots of their critics accused them for this.
- Don't Explain the Joke: TheCinematicGamer is a living example of this.
- Dramatic Reading: BigHairyMarty's "Storytime With Martin" series is him reading children's books that are a little less than normal.
- Even Nerds Have Standards: DCE is a total nerd for comics and video games. Anime, on the other hand, is something he doesn't think too highly of.
- Freudian Trio: TheCinematicGamer's Glory of the Grapes podcast has this:
- TheCinematicGamer (Id)
- PrimatePunk (Ego)
- GuardianEarth (Superego)
- Fun Personified: LillyLivers seemed to have more fun than most of the other mods on the site.
- Gasshole: RandomDCE tends to burp in his videos from time to time, even when he's in character.
- Though this keeps in character with Braface.
- Gratuitous German: Again, Vazul.
- Large Ham: The MIGHTY TAROSAN!!!!
- Look on My Works Ye Mighty and Despair: Lillylivers and RandomDCE, but more for the latter. I mean, DCE had made over 600+ videos over the course of 2 years, only to have it deleted by some Jerkass in a matter of minutes.
- Nerds Are Sexy: Applies to all the mods and admins except VeryWeirdGirly (though it has been said that she has a lovely voice by the older forum members.)
- Nice Hat: DCE and Vazul.
- Nostalgia Filter: Used in various occasions, especially in rants regarding modern film updates of classic TV shows (usually cartoons from the 1980s).
- Pixel Art Comic: Exactly what the site's Web Comic is.
- The "covers" to each episode of "The Longbox Chronicles" count as this as well.
- Rant-Inducing Slight: During DCE's and Lily's ERC on the Sonic in Sydney Event, what makes Lily start ranting was Sally being called a marsupial.
- Realistic Diction Is Unrealistic: Hellsing's stutter causes him to stumble a lot when he speaks.
- Reincarnation: RandomDCE's avatar character, The-DCE, has gone through so many design changes that [dead link] it's not even funny.
- Stalker with a Crush: Played for Laughs with JKTIM who has an unhealthy obsession with He11sing920.
- Take That: "Vazul and Friends Watch Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" was pretty much a snipe at the whiney Generation 1 purists who spend the entire movie complaining and nitpicking.
- Too Soon: Demotivational posters (made by Hellsing) about Dennis Hopper and Gary Coleman within a day of each of their deaths was seen as either this or Crosses the Line Twice by the members of the forum.
- Very Special Episode: An episode of "The Longbox Chronicles" took a look at two "Very Special" Batman comics (Batman: Secuction of the Gun, and Batman: The Death of Innocents).
- Your Mom: A usual insult of TheCinematicGamer. Seems to barely use it as of late, though.