< Sengoku Youko
Sengoku Youko/Characters
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"The Heroes"
Youko Tama
- The Chessmaster: Has shades of this.
- Important Haircut: Inverted. Tama's hair grows longer when Jinka absorbs so much energy that it feeds back into her and keeps him in demon mode.
- Kitsune: As her name Youko suggests.
- Master of Illusion: Has been shown to be able to create small illusions. After the time skip, has powered up significantly due to her being apprenticed to another demon.
- May-December Romance: She's a youko of a hundred years, while Jinka is in his teens. Doesn't stop them from having romantic feelings for each other, which is confirmed when Tama tells a maddened Jinka at the end of the first arc that she will always love him, even if he can't turn back into a human now.
- Older Than They Look: Is around a hundred years of age.
- She's All Grown Up: When she shows up in Chapter 39.
- Training from Hell: Tama spends ten years alone in her mind meditating - while only a day passes in real time due to the Mountain Goddess manipulating space-time. This causes an increase in her spiritual power, and actually shocks Jinun and Senya into silence when this is revealed during the battle.
- Red Baron: The Golden Youko.
- We Help the Helpless: As she says, she and Jinka are the saviour siblings of the world.
Yamato Jinka
- Badass Long Hair
- Berserk Button: Humans disrespecting demons pisses Jinka off a lot, as do people threatening Tama.
- Black Eyes of Crazy: As the Beast God.
- Can't Hold His Liquor: Collapses immediately after one sip of the orang-utan's sake.
- Decoy Protagonist: After Jinka became a thousand-tailed divine beast, he gave the stage over to Senya after the run of the first arc.
- Elemental Punch: The tails that he obtains during Spiritual Awakening function as this.
- I Will Protect Her: Doesn't really care about Tama's attempt to spread peace and love among humans, Jinka sees himself as a protector of her and would crush anybody with great prejudice should they attempt to hurt her.
- Likes Older Women: He is quite a lot younger than Tama, and has vowed to marry her in the series once he gets a demon body.
- Magnetic Medium: Jinka and his yet to be seen twin brother both possess the fairy eye, and as such, both attract demons when they are together.
- Misanthrope Supreme: Jinka has expressed his hatred of humanity many times in the series, and would much rather be a demon than a human.
- Mismatched Eyes: Something that bordered on Unusually Uninteresting Sight as none of the characters had cared to mention it until the Mountain Goddess brought it up. It's actually a Fairy Eye, and allows Jinka to see the aura of living things.
- Parental Abandonment: He ended up being left with Kokugetsu Sai because of his fairy eye.
- Took a Level in Badass: And how. He goes from having four tails at the start of the series to become a thousand-tailed divine beast at the end of the first arc.
Takekichi/Hyoudou Shinsuke
- Ax Crazy: Aimed only towards Resshin, though.
- Character Development: And how. He's changed from a cowardly, near useless swordsman to a rage-filled Determinator with only revenge on his mind.
- Determinator: Nothing could dissuade him from following Jinka and Tama on their journey. When he was younger, the insults of his swords master did nothing to stop him from attempting to learn the sword too.
- He Who Fights Monsters
- Hidden Depths: Was the first to complete the Mountain Goddess' training.
- Tagalong Kid: Decided to follow Jinka and Tama after seeing them with the bandits.
- Took a Level in Badass: After Shakugan's sacrifice.
- Action Girl: She's the best fighter after Jinka in the group.
- Bottle Fairy: Actually held out longer than Douren during their drinking battle.
- Go Out with a Smile
- Heroic Sacrifice: Poor, poor Shakuyaku and Kagan.
- Portmanteau Name: As a sign of Shakuyaku and Kagan accepting the fact that they are one, both go by Shakugan usually.
- Sharing a Body: Shakuyaku and Kagan are quite happy with this arrangement, as it were.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Was quite embarrassed when she had to go sleeveless in order to allow her new body-changing powers to have more effect.
- Big Bad
- Combat Pragmatist: Knows that he has no way of going up against a pissed-off mountain god, and would rather run than stay to fight.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Would rather let Taizan rampage and destroy his lab rather than risk revealing Kuzunoha to the Dangaishu.
- Evil Genius: Say what you like about him, but Yazen has came up with plenty of nifty inventions - the most prominent being human-demon fusion.
- Eyes of Gold
- For Science!
- Love At First Sight: With Kuzunoha, no less.
- Battle Cry: Breaks the illusion of a Tanuki with a shout.
- The Dragon: Both literally and figuratively.
- Eyes of Gold
- For Great Justice: And how.
- Honor Before Reason: Allows Jinka to land the first blow during the fight at the Mountain Goddess' mountain.
- Not Distracted by the Sexy: Wasn't affected at all when the Tanuki - in the form of a pretty woman - ripped her clothes off.
- Older Than They Look: Yazen has stated that both Jinun and Douren were the same age as him. Fusion with demons may have slowed down the effects of old age.
- Sealed Badass in a Can: The results of him picking a fight with the Mountain Goddess.
- The Stoic: Doesn't seem to be fazed by anything.
- Tiger Versus Dragon: Has an ongoing rivalry with Douren.
- Worthy Opponent: Sees Jinka as this.
- Attack! Attack! Attack!: No-one can accuse Douren of subtlety.
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Blood Knight: Lives for a fight, and believes anything can be communicated through a good fight.
- Eyes of Gold
- Friendly Enemy: Engages in a drinking contest with the main group during their first meeting.
- Lightning Bruiser: A giant tiger-demon fusion whose fists can shatter rocks and is faster than you.
- Older Than They Look: Yazen has stated that both Jinun and Douren were the same age as him. Fusion with demons may have slowed down the effects of old age.
- Punch Clock Villain: Has shades of this. Has actually cultivated a friendship with orang-utan demons after they saved him during a fight with a tiger demon.
- Tiger Versus Dragon: Has an ongoing rivalry with Jinun. Actually joined Dangaishu because of this.
Resshin/Barry Salmoa
- Ax Crazy
- Blood Knight
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Has a body made out of curses, and carries around a bag that can spew out anything. Towards the end of the first arc, Resshin has been modified by Yazen so much that he resembles a giant tank. Subverted by the fact that Yazen states that Resshin is "nothing more than a heap of trash glued together".
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You
- A World Half Full: Possibly views the world this way, given this quote - "I love being free to kill and kill all I want, for this world is already half rotten!"
- Badass Pacifist: Is trying his darndest to be this. Doesn't work. Slips up when a mad god attacked him.
- Black Eyes of Evil: Shinsuke states that when he first met Senya and looked into his eyes, he saw a river of blood.
- Sealed Badass in a Can: Was sealed after the fight with the Mountain Goddess when he tried to rescue Jinun. Has currently been unsealed and is now with Shinsuke and Tsukiko.
- Good Eyes, Evil Eyes: Depends on the situation.
- I Just Want to Be Normal: Heading down this route. Has stated that he wants to become a human in recent chapters.
- Lovecraftian Superpower
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: Has completely forgotten whatever that has happened before the Mountain Goddess sealed him in the current arc.
- Puppy Love: He certainly blushes a lot around Tsukiko. All but confirmed when he states he really likes her in Chapter 44.
- Sealed Inside a Person-Shaped Can: Has a thousand demons fused into his body, and is hailed as a future demon god who has the potential to become even more powerful than Jinun.
- The Stoic: Shares this with Jinun.
- Tyke Bomb: Fused with a thousand demons at the age of eight years and is one of the best fighters in the series. To put things into perspective, this eight year old kid shreds apart two tengu demons whom Jinka has stated as possessing great spiritual power in a few seconds.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: It turns out that Senya is Jinun's son. To better understand this, Senya has been calling Jinun "Master" from the beginning of the series and only revealed the fact that he was Jinun's son when he was trying to save the other from the Mountain Goddess.
- Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: This to Tama.
- Kitsune
- Love At First Sight: With Yazen, no less. Ever since then, she has been supporting him from behind the scenes.
- Missing Mom: Seems to have left Tama a long time ago.
"Humans, Demons & Others"
Kokugetsu Sai
Raidou Zanzou
- Aloof Older Brother: To Higan.
- Red Baron: The Demon Eater.
The Mountain Goddess
- Berserk Button: The Mountain Goddess does not like humans getting above their station.
- Blue and Orange Morality
- Macross Missile Massacre: With trees.
- Physical God: A spirit of water, earth and wood - the Mountain Goddess can cause a lot of damage if she wants.
- Your Soul Is Mine: The Mountain Goddess informs Tama that the price for using her in battle would be to have either Tama or Jinka give up their soul to her for eating at the end of their journey.
- Apologetic Attacker: During her battle with Jinka in training, kept on urging Jinka to hurry up and lose before she caused too much damage to him.
- An Axe to Grind
- Love At First Sight: With Jinka.
- Miko: Appears to be this.
- The Masochism Tango: Seems to be in love with Jinka's disdainful face.
- Paper Talisman: A way of casting spells for her.
- Badass Adorable: She's a blushing, soft-spoken little girl who can beat the crap out of a lower-class demon with a wooden sword, and who actually dares to stand up for Senya against a dragon demon.
- Deceased Parents Are the Best: Her father was killed during a rampage by a mad god.
- Determinator: Tags along with Shinsuke and Senya regardless of Shinsuke trying to dissuade her from following them.
- Hidden Depths: Is very, very good with a sword. Yoshiteru, the man whom Raidou Zanzou said was a natural genius, stated that she had talent with a blade.
- I Will Protect Him: States that she will fight for Senya if he doesn't want to fight any more.
- Puppy Love: Senya and her relationship seems to be going this way. Which is all but confirmed when Senya states in Chapter 44 that he really likes her.
- Yamato Nadeshiko
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