Sengoku Youko
Sengoku Youko is a manga written by Mizukami Satoshi, who is best know for writing The Lucifer and Biscuit Hammer.
"Stop your evil deeds and take the right path!" That is the creed of Tama and her younger step brother, Jinka. The two demon siblings travel the country to stop the deeds of all evil doers, along with a cowardly swordsman they picked up along the way, Hyoudou Shinsuke. Their travels lie with many twists and turns, as well as wacky characters they'll meet along the way.
Tropes used in Sengoku Youko include:
- Action Girl - Shakuyaku, the Mountain God, Tsukiko.
- Aloof Older Brother - Raidou Zanzou The Demon Eater.
- Always Someone Better - The Mountain God claims to be this to Taizan.
- Proven and lampshaded by a Daiganshu monk when she shows up at the Daiganshu temple.
- Amazingly Embarrassing Parents - Kuzunoha to Tama.
- Anyone Can Die - Shakuyaku and Kagan
- Although it's technically more Taken for Granite.
- Arm Cannon - Shakugan
- Ax Crazy - Resshin/Barrie Zalmoa.
- Badass Boast -
Raidou Zanzou: "The fear of humans, I will carve it in your very bones"
- Badass Family - Jinun and Senya.
- Battle Cry - Shinsuke, Jinun.
- Becoming the Mask - Shinsuke becomes more like his sword.
- Later subverted; Arabuki appears to be Ax Crazy at first but later stops Shinsuke from doing the same.
- Beergasm: The orang-utans' sake seems to be this good.
- Berserk Button - Jinka and humans disrespecting demons.
- Big Bad - Yazen
- Big Good - The Mountain God
- Blood Knight - Resshin/Barrie Zalmoa, Douren.
- Blow You Away - Shinsuke, or, technically, Arabuki.
- Body Horror - Zenya and Resshin/Barrie.
- Calling Your Attacks - Almost everyone.
- Curb Stomp Battle - Raidou Zanzou in both his fights against Jinka only he lost the second time.
- Decoy Protagonist - Jinka's run as the lead ends with his turning into the beast god. It's Senya's turn now
- The Dragon - Jinun, literally.
- Dynamic Character - Shinsuke.
- Expy - Senya not only looks like a younger version of Maimakterion from the author's other work but also has a similar set of shapeshifting powers.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones - Senya to his father, Jinun. Kuzunoha to Yazen. The man was willing to have Taizan trample everything and cause damage to his lab in order to protect Kuzunoha's existence.
- Fastball Special - Jinka and Tama do this, in order for her to deliver a flying kick to her mother Kuzunoha.
- Four Man Band
- The Hero - Tama.
- The Lancer - Jinka.
- Tagalong Kid - Shinsuke.
- The Big Guy, The Chick - Shakugan.
- Five-Bad Band
- The Big Bad, The Evil Genius - Yazen.
- The Dragon - Jinun, both literally and figuratively. Douren could count.
- The Brute - Resshin, and perhaps Douren.
- The Dark Chick - Higan.
- Flash Back - A lot of characters explain their backgrounds this way.
- For Science! - Yazen has a deep, deep interest in science.
- Good Eyes, Evil Eyes - Zenya so much so that they are actually commented upon.
- Gratuitous English - Resshin/Barry loves this (shown in a different font in scanlations).
- Green Eyed Red Head - Shakugan appears to be this.
- Hellish Pupils - A taken in a series where demons exist.
- Heroic Sacrifice - Shakuyaku and Kagan
- He Who Fights Monsters - Shinsuke becomes a revenge-driven rage machine after the death of Shakugan.
- Hot-Blooded - Douren
- How Do I Shot Web? - Shinsuke and his sword.
- Important Haircut - Inverted. Tama's hair grows longer when Jinka absorbs so much energy that it feeds back into her and keeps him in demon mode.
- Incurable Cough of Death - Subverted. It looks like Shinsuke's heavy injuries from assaulting the Daiganshu gave him one these but then the next page shows he was just drunk.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia - Senya can't remember anything of what had happened before he was sealed by the Mountain God.
- Lightning Bruiser - Douren.
- Macross Missile Massacre - ... made of trees.
- Mad Scientist - Yazen has shades of this.
- Magnetic Medium - Jinka and his yet-to-be-seen twin brother, because twins with the Fairy Eye "attract monsters" when they're together.
- Meaningful Name - "Shakugan" is "Shakuyaku" and "Kagan" mixed together: even the particles in the kanji for "Shaku" are made by smushing characters from their original names together.
- Mismatched Eyes - Jinka
- Missing Mom - Tama's mom pretty much abandoned her.
- Needs More Love
- Oh Crap - When Tama realises that the Mountain God has seen through her plans to involve the god in the battle against Jinun.
- In-universe, it seems as if dragons are met with an Oh Crap moment by demons and humans alike every time they turn up.
- One-Winged Angel - All of Dangaishu's strongest fighters seem to have this as well as Jinka
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You - Shinsuke to Resshin/Barrie Zalmoa and Douren to Jinun.
- Puppy Love: Senya and Tsukiko's relationship seems to be going this way.
- The Stoic - Jinun and Senya.
- Poisonous Friend - Possibly the Maken sword to Shinsuke. and Shinsuke to the main party after Shakuyaku and Kagan die.
- Subverted when Arabuki stops Shinsuke from going into a murderous rage while fighting Resshin, which also stops Shinsuke's progression to Poisonous Friend.
- Punch Clock Villain - Douren has shades of this.
- Raised by a Hermit and Demons - Jinka's childhood was spent with Kokugetsu Sai, a hermit and the demons that roamed the mountain that he had lived on.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni - Douren's Red to Jinun's Blue.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Was Shinsuke happy to finally be able to go up against Resshin.
- Sharing a Body - Shakuyaku and Kagan as "Shakugan", and unlike most examples, it's a permanent arrangement.
- Super-Powered Evil Side - Jinka.
- Taken for Granite: See Tear Jerker.
- Talking Weapon - Arabuki, although it's more a case of Hearing Voices.
- Tiger Versus Dragon - Douren and Jinun, literally and figuratively.
- Time Skip - Not exactly sure how long but at least long enough for Shinsuke to recover from some near fatal wounds.
- Those Two Guys - Inga and Ouhou.
- Took a Level in Badass - Shinsuke goes from being a coward who has lackluster sword skills to Badass Abnormal. All of the characters undergo this, Shinsuke and Jinka's badass levels are perhaps the most obvious.
- Jinka's an extreme case of this. He goes from four tails at the start of the series to a thousand!
- "Well Done, Son" Guy - Jinun has never shown overt affection towards Senya, and had his son address him as Master as opposed to father.
- You Can Barely Stand - Repeatedly.
- Your Soul Is Mine - The Mountain Goddess informs Tama that the price for using her in battle would be to have either Tama or Jinka give up their soul to her for eating at the end of their journey.
- Youkai - Called "Katawara" in this series, which basically means "besides", but with the kanji for "darkness", therefore meaning "creatures (of darkness) who live beside this world".
- Kitsune - Tama and Kuzunoha.
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