These are the prominent human characters of Sekirei.
Minato Sahashi
Voiced by: Shinnosuke Tachibana (JP), Joel McDonald (EN)
Minato has failed college entrance exams twice due to being unable to cope with pressure. As a result, he is seen by others as an idiot and a loser. His life changes immensely when he first meets Musubi and becomes her Ashikabi. As he gains more Sekirei over the course of the story due to his kind heart, he becomes a pivotal and powerful player in the Sekirei Plan.
- Above the Influence: Minato is trying his best to remain a gentlemen... even with all his Sekirei hitting on him.
- Action Survivor: The major essence of his Badass moments.
- Big Good: For having a lot of loving, very powerful Sekirei.
- Big Brother Instinct: He has it, but in the past he was bad at following through with it. Is doing a much better job with Kuu.
- Book Dumb: He does not do well under pressure.
- Celibate Hero: For now.
- Depraved Bisexual: No, of course he isn't, but after Homura is seen to be part of Minato's group, this is added to his scary reputation as Ashikabi of the North. A conversation between two minor Ashikabi in Chapter 118:
Mutou: An unparalleled Ashikabi who will even wing another man... We should be careful he doesn't try and sneak up behind us.
Kunimitsu: I don't really want to think about that...
- Extreme Doormat: To his sister and mom.
- Bastard Harem Hero: Type 1, since Ashikabi aren't allowed to fight.
- I Didn't Mean to Turn You On: Most Ashikabi get past this after the winging, poor Minato still has to deal with this.
- I Will Protect Her: Seems to be one of his motives for wanting to protect the Sekirei who eventually choose him.
- Locked Out of the Loop: He's only told key info when absolutely necessary. Otherwise he's kept in the dark.
- Magnetic Girlfriend: Once he got the first one, he effectively unlocked the "Ashikabi Level Requirements" for another one, and so on.
- Nice Guy: And severely needed since majority of the cast are Jerkasses.
- Non-Action Guy: The extent of his fighting is restraining (groping) Sekirei from fighting.
- Protectorate: All of his Sekirei and him in turn for them.
- Ridiculously Average Guy: He starts out seemingly as one.
- Sobriquet: The Ashikabi of the North.
- Thanks for the Mammary: Happens accidentally to him a few times.
- This Loser Is You
- True Companions: One of his most appealing traits that has made his Sekirei love him and a formidable group.
Kaoru Seo
Voiced by: Katsuyuki Konishi (JP), Ian Sinclair (EN)
A perverted but good-hearted person that's friends with Minato and the late Takehito. His Sekirei are the twin sisters Hikari and Hibiki. He has supported and come to the aid Minato and his Sekirei many times.
- Babies Ever After: In the Where Are They Now? Epilogue. Twins with each of his Sekirei. He gets zapped a lot.
- Bishonen
- Brilliant but Lazy: To the absolute core.
- Butt Monkey: To Hikari and Hibiki.
- Comedic Sociopathy
- Chivalrous Pervert
- Hidden Heart of Gold
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He can be a jerk, but he's also a good friend and ally to have.
- Mr. Fanservice: Moreso than any other Ashikabi, he's often seen wearing a tight tank top and even has a couple shirtless scenes.
- Perpetual Poverty: He and his Sekirei are seen working but still never have enough to feed themselves consistently.
- Power Nullifier: His 'Matsurou Ashikabi' ability given to him by Takehito.
- Supreme Chef: Really! He's the one that taught Miya how to cook.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- Thanks for the Mammary: Unlike Minato, he always does this on purpose and often gets zapped for it.
Yukari Sahashi
Voiced by: Kana Asumi (JP), Brina Palencia (EN)
Minato's younger sister. She wings Shiina late in the tournament and begins to dominate the lower-tier competitors.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Seen as this by some of the fanbase.
- Big Bad: How she's seen in the Ashikabi community.
- Big Brother Worship: She does it without even knowing she does it. The majority of the reason she likes Shiina in the first place is because of his similar qualities to Minato.
- Dirty Old Man: Often behaves like this trying to cop feels on the big breasted women running around.
- The Glomp: Likes to do this to Musubi.
- Groin Attack
- Hostage Situation
- Jerkass
- Karma Houdini
- Plucky Girl
- Skinship Grope: To Musubi.
- Sobriquet: The Devil Ashikabi.
- Violence Is the Only Option: How she gained the title of "Devil Ashikabi".
- Zettai Ryouiki: Type A.
Hayato Mikogami
Voiced by: Jun Fukuyama (JP), Todd Haberkorn (EN)
Hayato is rich, spoiled and very demanding. He comes off as selfish and amoral due to how he relentlessly pursued Kusano, yet he's also very excitable and cheerful at times.
- Bishonen
- Characterization Marches On: His personality has varied with each of his appearances.
- Curtains Match the Window
- The Dandy
- Jerkass: His Lack of Empathy of his Sekirei Yomi's death and means to get Kusano.
- Lonely Rich Kid: Some of his later comments suggest this. It's possible his coldness toward his Sekirei is at least partly because he never learned how to develop and value friendships.
- Man in White
- Man of Wealth and Taste: Seems this way at first....
- Non-Action Guy
- Princely Young Man: He's very wealthy.
- Sobriquet: The Ashikabi of the South.
- Spoiled Brat
- Stalker with a Crush: He follows Yukari and Shiina around because Shiina is so pretty and he just MUST have him!
Izumi Higa
Voiced by: Takuma Takewaka (Season 1), Junichi Suwabe (Season 2) (JP), Jerry Jewell (EN)
The head of a powerful pharmaceutical company. He is ambitious, cold, calculating and the most manipulative of the Ashikabi. He holds sway over other Ashikabi and their Sekirei through coercion and blackmail.
- Adaptational Attractiveness: Much better looking in the anime than in the manga.
- Ambition Is Evil
- Bishonen: According to Yukari.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive
- Diabolical Mastermind
- Hostage Situation: Concocts two different ones to force Sekirei to do his bidding.
- Jerkass
- Loophole Abuse: During the 3rd Phase of the Sekirei plan when he brings in more Sekirei and claims it's not breaking the rules so long as they don't fight.
- Man in White
- Manipulative Bastard: What he does to poor Uzume and then to Shiina.
- Non-Action Guy
- Sharp-Dressed Man
- Sobriquet: The Ashikabi of the East.
Chiho Hidaka
Voiced by: Sayori Ishizuka (JP), Janét Mason (EN)
Chiho is a young girl who was confined into the Hiyamakai Hospital, owned by Higa Izumi, because she suffers from an aggressive, incurable virus. She is Uzume's Ashikabi and the reason Higa is able to blackmail her into doing his dirty work.
- Brown Eyes
- Curtains Match the Window
- Hostage Situation: Chiho is the victim of one and never made aware of it.
- Ill Girl
- Nice Girl
- Parental Abandonment: Has felt lonely ever since her parents died. Uzume changed that.
- Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: Seems to be how she loves Uzume.
- Soap Opera Disease: Suffers from a vague disease that kept her wheelchair-bound.
Sanada Nishi
Voiced by: Kisho Taniyama (JP), Charles Baker (EN)
Like Minato, he also cares for his Sekirei. However, he's one of the few, if not the only, Ashikabi willing to join them in combat.
- Badass Biker
- Bishonen
- Boisterous Bruiser: Rather loud but tough in a fight.
- Chivalrous Pervert: He's much like Seo in this regard.
- Comedic Sociopathy: Again like Seo since their violence is often Played for Laughs.
- Good Old Fisticuffs: Gets into a lot of fist fights. Start a major brawl in the anime to help Minato out.
- Harem Hero: Type 2? Despite the rule against Ashikabi fighting, Nishi is more than prepared to jump into the fray. Especially in the anime, when he and his three Sekirei rush an entire mob.
- Hell-Bent for Leather: His jacket and pants.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He may seem like a thug, but he's actually a pretty decent guy. At least, if you don't accidentally piss him off.
- Mr. Fanservice: Bare chested and in leather.
- Sobriquet: The Ashikabi of the West.
Natsuo Ichinomiya
Voiced by: Kousuke Toriumi (JP), Anthony Bowling (EN)
An MBI clerk for the pharmaceutical department and Ashikabi of the Disciplinary Squad. He has a rather cynical outlook on life, and it is reflected in his blasé attitude towards the Sekirei Plan. He seems indifferent to the wellbeing of his Sekirei but relates well to Karasuba.
- Bishonen
- Cool Car
- Dissonant Serenity: In Phase 3. He remains calm and resumes a conversation with Minato after both had nearly been killed and the battle goes on around them.
- It Amused Me: His views on the Sekirei Plan.
- The Mourning After: He lost his lover in a war and related his feelings about being angry at the world thereafter to Karasuba. She became his Sekirei as a result.
- Mr. Exposition: He tells some important information to Minato.
- Nietzsche Wannabe: Explains to Minato how Sekirei die if their Ashikabi is killed. Then asks Minato why he doesn't just kill him to be rid of the Disciplinary Squad that is helping keep the awful Sekirei Plan in play.
- Non-Action Guy
- Sharp-Dressed Man
- Spell My Name with an "S": Ichinomi or Ichinomiya?
- The Stoic
- Invisible to Gaydar: Much to Benitsubasa's frustration.
- While Rome Burns: It doesn't matter what kind of chaos the Sekirei Plan has caused or currently causing. He remains calm and isn't bothered. He's angry at the world and no longer cares what happens to it.
Haruka Shigi
Voiced by: Nobuhiko Okamoto (JP), Josh Grelle (EN)
He is Kuno's Ashikabi. He has much in common with Minato and even lives in his old apartment.
- Bishonen
- Book Dumb: Also failed the college entrance exam twice.
- I Will Protect Her: The reason he wants out of the Sekirei Plan is to protect Kuno.
- Nice Guy
- Non-Action Guy: Like most Ashikabi.
- This Loser Is You: Has a lot in common with Minato when it comes to failure.
Other Characters
Miya Asama
—For the article on the Sekirei Miya, click HERE.
Voiced by: Sayaka Ohara (Japanese), Monica Rial (English)
The landlady of Maison Izumo.
- Apron Matron
- Badass: Is the definition of this.
- Beware the Nice Ones: She gets pretty scary whenever her Demon Head pops up, despite having a nice smile on her face.
- Harem Nanny
- Hime Cut
- It's All My Fault: Blames herself for what happened her husband.
- Jerkass: Has a tendency to be this, especially with her insults.
- The Kanrinin
- Katanas Are Just Better: They just ARE.
- Wooden Katanas Are Even Better: She's relied on this ever since her retirement.
- The Mourning After: Still mourns Takehito's death.
- Razor Wind: Her signature technique back in the day.
- Retired Badass
- Sobriquet: The Hannya of the North.
- Team Mom: Acts this way towards Minato's group as the landlady.
- Widow Woman
- Yamato Nadeshiko
Hiroto Minaka
Voiced by: Toshihiko Seki (JP), Chuck Huber (EN)
The eccentric chairman and founder of MBI, and father of Minato and Yukari. Hiroto has completely taken over the city with MBI in order to implement Sekirei Plan in which all Sekirei and their Ashikabi must participate.
- Big Bad
- Bumbling Dad: Minaka has shown interest in meeting his children, Yukari at least, in a rather bumbling and loving manner.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive
- Evil Laugh
- Fiction 500:
- It Amused Me
- Large Ham: Especially during his speeches.
- Law Enforcement, Inc.: Turned MBI into this when he took control of Tokyo and all authority.
- Locked Into Strangeness: Minor segments in the manga set in the past shows him, along with Sahashi, being black haired.
- Mad Scientist
- Man in White
- Mega Corp/NGO Superpower: MBI and his control over it and Tokyo.
- Parental Abandonment: It is shown that hasn't been in touch with his children for years or never met them to begin with, he has shown interest in knowing how Yukari turned out to be, but Sahashi doesn't want him near their kids.
- Touched by Vorlons: He and Sahashi discovered something during their researches, it also gave them white hair.
Takami Sahashi
Voiced by: Miki Ito (JP), Shelley Calene-Black (EN)
The mother of Minato and Yukari, MBI's head researcher, and the person in charge of the Sekirei Plan. She often expresses disapproval over how Hiroto is going about the plan.
- Hot Scientist
- Locked Into Strangeness: Minor segments in the manga set in the past shows her, along with Minaka, being black haired.
- Mysterious Parent: Her own children don't know much about her.
- Parental Abandonment: Well, she didn't abandon her kids per se, but Minato mentions that she worked a lot, so both him and his sister didn't get to spend much time with her. When we do see her, she clearly has a lot going on since she works for MBI.
- Scars Are Forever
- Secret Relationship: With her husband, Hiroto.
- Team Mom: To the Sekirei she adjusted.
- Touched by Vorlons: She and Minaka discovered something during their researches, it also gave them white hair.
Takehito Asama
Voiced by: Susumu Chiba (JP), John Burgmeier (EN)
Miya's late husband who was friends with Seo. A researcher of the MBI, he was the discoverer of the winging system, Norito, and the existence of the Ashikabi. He was the adjuster of the first generation Disciplinary Squad, Miya, Matsu, Kazehana, Karasuba, and Mutsu. He also did the adjusting for Homura, Uzume, Hikari and Hibiki. Takehito was against the Sekirei Plan, and Seo implicates Hiroto in having something to do with Takehito's death. A flashback scene, though, indicates Hiroto told Takehito not to do what got him killed. Karasuba goaded him into doing it anyway by pointing out several Sekirei would die if he didn't.
- Bishonen
- Happily Married: Was to Miya in the little we know about him.
- My God, What Have I Done?: Regretted making the first 5 Sekireis so powerful and his involvement in the Sekirei Plan which he was against.
- Posthumous Character: The very end of the manga has a brief scene suggesting he, too, has been revived.