< Sekirei


  • Alternate Character Interpretation: #84 Yashima and Junichi, the abused Sekirei. Remember that Sekireis, if they aren't forced by other Sekireis at the behest of their Ashikabi(Such a Hida),they will only join those they feel the greater connection to. So unless her Sekirei was strong enough to subdue her, this means she gave herself willingly to him because he was her perfect Master. Also look at her face in chapter 25 and 26, when Junichi got angry; either she has deep self hatred and a destructive personality disorder or she loves it.
  • Crazy Awesome: Minaka always had shades of this; his reason for creating and enforcing the Sekirei Plan is one part Science, one part Godhood and two parts for shits and giggles, but when he blows up his own building while still inside of it to make the game he was playing with Minato more interesting in the anime, he really does show his Crazy Awesome side.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny:
    • Kuu answers the phone. Hilarity Ensues.
    • The big breasted woman... ???? Lady, you have no idea where you just called, do you?
    • Also most of Haihane's comments on Benitsubasa's 'breasts'.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Undeniably when Kuno tells us how she met her Ashkabi.
  • Designated Protagonist Syndrome: Minato
  • Fanon: Akitsu is believed to have been Sekirei 07 (07 is conspicuously unknown, Akitsu is roughly as strong as Homura, and elemental powers are concentrated among low-numbered Sekirei). Correspondingly, there's the belief Minato will eventually wing her.
    • Which is impossible as she can't be winged. She can, however pull a Heel Face Turn. It doesn't help that her first appearance was in a montage introducing the Sekrei that Minato will wing.
      • Homura thought [s]he couldn't be winged either, until Minato proved him/her wrong by doing just that. So, there's a very tiny possibility. A regular Heel Face Turn (with or without her master) is more likely for Akitsu, though.
  • Fan-Preferred Couple: People want Akitsu in Minato's harem, partly due to the this and partly because of the prior hinting. Seeing as Sekirei is under permanent Tenchi Solution though, it doesn't mean the other girls would be left out though.
  • Foe Yay Shipping: Akitsu x Minato. Since she is technically Minato's enemy, this counts.
  • Ho Yay / Les Yay:
    • Same sex Ashikabi/Sekirei. They've already kissed, most likely due to reacting to their future partner.
    • Also used with Minato and Homura for a while, after Homura started turning into a woman but before most of the cast found this out.
      • Even afterwards, when Tsukiumi complains that Musubi is the only one kissing Minato, asks Homura "Don't you think that isn't fun?", and Homura starts blushing and acts... more embarrassed then squicked. Later, he notes (again, blushing) that now even he feels "left out" when Minato comforts a crying Musubi.
    • Musubi piles on the Les Yay on Tsukiumi, in particular.
  • Moe: Kusano
  • Ron the Death Eater: Musubi seems to be the least liked of all of Minato's seikirei by fanfic writers, who often give Minato literally any other Seikirei but Musubi in their new harems for him, with some stories actually having her murdered to justify her not showing up in said fanfic. The main reasons for this stem from how "obvious" it seems she'll be the "winner" of any battle for his heart, and since that presents a major stumbling block to shippers, she gets written out or is often NOT the first one to meet him so fic writers can keep Minato's options open. As for her as a character, she does tend to get seen by some a Shallow Love Interest compared to the other Sekirei (in their defense, she can be rather ditzy), so that's another reason.
  • Shipping Goggles: Not as many fans as Akitsu shippers, but Uzume does have her fans who want her with Minato.
  • Tear Jerker:
    • Early on, Musubi's crest disappears even though she gets better through Minato's sheer willpower its still one.
    • Later on, the Diabolus Ex Machina that brought up Uzume's death. More tear jerking in the manga than in the anime's way of handling her death..
      • In the anime, this is mitigated somewhat, as a brief shot of a computer screen in Episode 10 (Season 2) shows that her damage is "level 4," meaning that she has taken a great deal of damage, but is not dead (which is level 5). Also, if Minato wins, then Uzume will probably be fine (this has been hinted at a few times).
        • That doesn't make the initial event less of a Tear Jerker though - it's the principle of the matter, not the technicalities.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion:
  • Villain Decay: Benitsubasa and Haihane suffer what is possibly the fastest villain decay in anime history, portrayed as terrifyingly powerful antagonists at the end of season one, but reduced to incompetent jokes by the start of season two.
  • Wangst: Tsukiumi when she doesn't get her way or time with Minato.
  • The Woobie: Kuno.
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