< Seasons of Love

Seasons of Love/Characters

For convenience, students (i.e., the majority of the cast) are listed with their graduation year.

Main Characters

Kent Thomas

Class of 2010.

Holly Snow

Half-Australian (from her father's side), half-American (from her estranged mother's). Class of 2010.

"It's getting old. We can stop mentioning who I look like now."

Claire Zielinski

Holly's best friend, also from a broken home. Class of 2010.

Russell "Rusty" Guitierrez

Holly and Claire's friend. Class of 2010.

Thomas "Tom" Fraser

Kent's best friend before he met Holly. In a relationship with Oriel Richards, and in a band with her and Kristen, in which he alternates (with Oriel) between guitarist and keyboardist. The oldest of the original circle led by Rick, and the one who introduced Kent to them. Class of 2011.

Samara Pearse

Class of 2010.

Other Students

James "Jimmy" Allen

Claire's boyfriend at the beginning of the series. Class of 2010.

Michael "Mike" Anderson

Class of 2012.

Caroline "Carrie" Bell

Tom's cousin, the daughter of a famous movie producer. Class of 2007.

Milo Barnes

A transfer student from Jacksonville, Florida who moves to the neighborhood in the fall of 2008. Was supposed to be class of 2009, except he fails to pass most of his classes and has to repeat his senior year and graduate with the class of 2010.

Michael Trent Bowman

Roger and Diane's son. Class of 2012.

Rosalyn Burns

Kent's childhood friend, the daughter of another rich family. Class of 2008.

Richard "Rick" Candler

The de facto leader of his own circle of friends. Class of 2012.

Emily Candler

Rick's little sister. Class of 2015.

Jack Dawson

No, not that one. Class of 2009.

Kent: "Your name is Jack Dawson?"
Jack: "I know. I've been getting shit for that for years."
Kent: "Doesn't help that you kind of look like Leo DiCaprio."

Jack: "No, it doesn't."

Joshua "Josh" Goldsworthy

One of Holly's closer friends from outside the main circle; in a band with her, where he plays the guitar and drum and she sings and plays the keyboards. Class of 2009.

Mila Goldsworthy

Josh's little sister. Class of 2012.

John Gomez-Cavanaugh

A transfer student from Santa Marta, Colombia to the neighborhood in the winter of 2007. Class of 2010.

Iris Greene

Rick's girlfriend. Class of 2012.

Nathan Greene

Iris's little brother. Class of 2015.

Rowan Harvey

Class of 2010.

Alexander "Alex" Isaac Hayes

Would be class of 2013, but high test scores push the date a little earlier.

Alexis "Lex" Hummel

Class of 2009.

Brooke Hummel

Class of 2007. Lex's older sister.

Tyler Hummel

Class of 2012. Brooke and Lex's younger brother.

Cassie Jaeger

Class of 2012.

Jessica "Jessie" Kellehan

A transfer student from Detroit, Michigan who moves to the neighborhood in the fall of 2008. Becomes the drummer of Tom, Oriel and Kristen's band. Class of 2010.

Scott Kimble

Class of 2010.

Cameron McCarthy

Samara's boyfriend, for about two months in the fall of her sophomore/his senior year. Class of 2008.

Stacey Milano

Class of 2009.

Kristen Quigley

Oriel's "best" friend, and the bassist of their band. Class of 2011.

Oriel Richards

Tom's girlfriend, who lives in Long Beach. With him and Kristen, the core of a rock band, for which she is the singer and alternates (with Tom) between guitarist and keyboardist. Class of 2011.

Sloane Rivers

Scott's girlfriend. Class of 2010.

Melanie Smith

Class of 2010.

Dana South

Oriel's cousin. Class of 2007.

Nicole Sullivan.

No, not that one. Class of 2010.

Terra Verbinski

Class of 2010.

Ashley White

Class of 2011.

Faith Wilson

Jimmy's childhood friend from Lincoln, Nebraska. Class of 2008.

Parents And Teachers

Roger Bowman

The high school drama teacher.

Diane Bowman

Roger's wife, and an English teacher at the high school.

Robert Fraser

Tom's father, an English professor.

Samuel "Sam" Greene

Iris and Nathan's father, a police officer for the Glendale Police Department.

Marcus Gutierrez

Rusty's father.

Sandra Gutierrez

Rusty's mother.

Mark Snow

Holly's father, a veterinarian.

Pamela "Pam" Snow

Holly's mother, long estranged until she returns suddenly for Holly's 17th birthday.
  • Eighties Hair
  • Hot Mom: The hottest, if the reactions of the boys in Holly's life are any indication.

Roderick "Rod" Thomas

Kent's father, CEO of clothing franchise Roderick & Company.

Gina Thomas

Kent's mother.

Lisa Zielinski

Claire's mother, a real estate agent.

Walter Zielinski

Claire's father, an astronaut. Lives in Houston, Texas.

  • Badass: He is an astronaut.
  • Disappeared Dad: But gets to see Claire on holidays and some summers when one visits the other.
  • Hot Dad
  • Your Cheating Heart: The reason Lisa divorced him, and still a sore spot for Claire, even if she loves him.
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