< Samurai Deeper Kyo

Samurai Deeper Kyo/Characters

Characters that appear in Samurai Deeper Kyo. Note, this series has Loads and Loads of Characters, so this page will take a while to complete.

WARNING! There are unmarked Spoilers ahead. Beware.

Tropes that apply to about 95% of the characters

Main Characters

Demon-Eyes Kyo

The legendary slayer of a thousand men, not to mention the title character. Known as the single deadliest Samurai in the history of the world, Kyo is currently suffering from a tiny problem. He's stuck in the body of his most hated enemy, who sealed away his real body in a hidden location Mt Fuji, actually. Over the course of the story, Kyo must contend with an increasingly outrageous succession of enemies, who range from crazed Samurai out to kill him for revenge or reputation to enemies who are more or less gods. Ultimately Kyo must fight his way through the legions of the infamous Mibu Clan to which he used to belong in order to learn the secrets surrounding his origin...or rather, that's why everyone else is going. Kyo could probably care less about that. In battle Kyo fights using the Mumyou-Jinpuu-Ryu, and wields the powerful longsword, Tenro. By the end of the story, Kyo is without a doubt the most powerful character in the entire series.

Mibu Kyoshiro

A kind, perverted and bumbling medicine peddler that starts off as a bounty for Yuya who carries an oversized sword. Later turns out that he shares his body with Kyo and releases him every time he draws the sword. Well.. until that stops working and Kyo takes over his body. As the story progresses you find out he's the "Man with the Cross on his Back" and a possible successor to the Red King. He remains absent for a good part of the plot, although his presence is mentioned constantly.

Come to think of it, many of Kyo's tropes would fit Kyoshiro just fine.

Shiina Yuya

A sixteen-year-old bounty hunter who stumbles upon Mibu Kyoshiro at the beginning of the story. She's looking for the man with the cross-shaped scar on his back who killed her older brother. However, her attempts to turn Kyoshiro in for the reward wind up involving her with the deadly Mibu clan and opening the door on her brother's mysterious past...


AKA Tokugawa Hidetada or "servant #2." He started out as a member of the Three-Color Gang but joined Kyo's side very early on in the manga. His childish personality hides a deeper side that is no less idealistic; he truly believes that he can protect everyone he cares about.

Sanada Yukimura

Kyo's Bishounen mirror-image, despite having no previous connection to the Mibu and their shenanigans. Ultimately plans to conquer Japan by murdering Ieyasu Tokugawa and restoring the Sanada clan to power.

Izumo no Okuni

Known to be a powerful spy and informer, Okuni loves Kyo to the point where making him hate her would just make her happy. Despite joining the Jūnishinshō as the fake Indara, she would not hesitate to give her life for Kyo.

The Shiseiten (Four Emperors)


One of Kyo's Four Emperors. Kyo found him as a child on the battlefield, the last survivor of a village they had razed. Kyo took a liking to Akira when the latter tried to threaten him; despite the fact that Akira had no powers and could be flattened in a split-second by Kyo and his cohorts, he still displayed no fear. Instead of killing him, Kyo took him in as an apprentice.

After Kyo's "death" at Sekigahara, Akira went on with his life, striving to achieve invincibility in battle. When Kyo finally returned, in the body of Kyoshiro Mibu, Akira had drifted so far off that he'd gone and become an antagonist.

  • An Ice Person: Many of his techniques involve the creation and manipulation of ice.
  • Badass Normal: Of all the Shiseiten and even a better part of the cast as a whole, Akira stands out in this respect in that he is the only character (aside from Yuya) who does not have samurai blood, which becomes a major hurdle he has to overcome because in the context of the story, it means his ability to grow and improve is severely limited compared to the rest of the cast.
  • Can't Catch Up: Sort of. He has no "Samurai Blood" and thus has to work twice as hard to get half as strong. And he reached the limit of his growth a ways into the story. Because of this, he can't get any stronger than he is and falls behind a bit when Anthony uses his needles to give Hotaru, Benitora, and Shinrei upgrades.
  • Child Soldier: Happily slaughtering his way through entire battlefields at the tender age of 10.
  • Cradling Your Kill: To Saisei.
  • Determinator: To a degree that stands out even in this manga. He purposely blinded himself in order to achieve another level of perception.
    • Pretty much the entire point of his character that determination, skill, and spirit can overcome his genetic limits. And they do.
  • Deadly Upgrade: He manages to pull this off twice. The first time he invokes his Inferno's Chill power, which allows him to use his life-force in order to surpass physical laws and generate temperatures below absolute zero. Then he does it a second time in his battle with Tokito, where he turns his Inferno's Chill power on himself, which activates the pressure points Julian had stimulated earlier, giving him a huge boost in power and allowing him to use the colder still, Heaven's Chill attack. This comes at the cost of completely wrecking his body, although he is later partially healed by Kyo's blood.
  • Disability Superpower: Subverted in that he disabled himself intentionally to gain his "eyes of the heart."
  • Dual-Wielding: With swords.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: With the Shiseiten, as shown in flashbacks. Also, Benitora.
  • Odd Friendship: With Benitora, of all people.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Benitora's red.
  • Reverse Mole: He played this role by killing Ajira of the 12 God Shoguns and taking his place.
  • She Is Not My Girlfriend: With Tokito. He tries to act indifferently about it, but usually ends up failing miserably.


Another one of Kyo's Four Emperors, real name Date Masamune, Bontenmaru is The Big Guy distilled. Huge and muscular, he fights with his bokken- and when the battle drags, he throws that away and wades into the enemy with his fists, tearing them limb from limb. He's not what you'd call "reliable" - one of his first moves was betraying Kyo and Muramasa to Keikoku, but he quickly rejoins the nakama after nothing comes of it.

  • Badass Abnormal: Bontenmaru is the only one of the Shiseiten with no special powers. However, his ridiculous strength, speed, durability, and martial arts prowess makes him one of the strongest in the series.
  • The Berserker: Ironically, Bon is the most normal of the Shiseiten. But when he enters his berserker state, he's completely wild. Hotaru has even stated that back in the day, he was like a wild animal who tore everything in his path apart when he let loose, and the other Shiseiten themselves tended to just walk away until he was done!
  • Diagonal Cut: One of the few aversions in this series; he fights with his fists or his bokken, but both are treated as blunt instruments.
  • Eyepatch of Power: He lost his eye when he was very young, but it hasn't hindered him- in fact, as he explained to Sasuke, he's so used to people attacking his blind side that he's more aware there.
  • Gentle Giant: Big, muscular body? Check. Superhuman strength and endurance? Check. Plays One-Man Army with nothing but a wooden sword and his bare hands? Check. Possesses a berserker mode? Bonus points. Has a soft spot for little girls (not like that!) and reads shojo manga? You bet he does.
  • Good Is Dumb: Has his moments
  • Healing Factor: After being heavily damaged, he can hibernate to regenerate himself in hours.
  • Historical Hero Upgrade: Bontenmaru is a pseudonym of Date Masamune. "Hero" is debateable (as it is for most figures around that time) but he's definitely historical.
  • Made of Iron: Even moreso than the rest of the cast. His skin so tough it deflects blades.
  • Self-Made Orphan: Important to his backstory- he killed his father and brother to clear the way for his own seizure of power.
  • Super-Powered Evil Side: Well, more superpowered worse side.
  • Team Dad: Especially to Akira
  • Unstoppable Rage: His entire "beast mode" bit.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene


The third member of the Shiseiten to be introduced, Hotaru serves as the comedy relief of the four, and by comedy relief we mean "moving caterpillars out of the way so they won't be squashed in the middle of a battle" sort of comedy. But under the facade of his constant deadpan expression and Obfuscating Stupidity lies a powerful fighter who possesses one of the most versatile fighting styles in the whole storyline.

It turns out that he's also spying on Kyo for the Mibu, and is also a member of the Goyosei. But he pulls a genuine Heel Face Turn after Kyo defeats him in Mibu territory.

  • Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny
  • Awesome By Analysis: It's revealed during his fight with Yuan that Hotaru can take any form he's seen and adapt it to his fighting style.
  • Bishonen
  • Cloudcuckoolander: AND HOW
  • Flaming Sword: Subverted. He usually just shoots the flames out the tips of his sword, he almost never actually sets it ablaze and hack people with it.
  • Heroic Willpower: His fight against his mentor Yuan.
  • Incendiary Exponent: Self-explanatory.
  • No Sense of Direction: A contender with Rorona Zoro for being the most triumphant example of this trope. The final chapter has Hotaru getting lost and somehow wandering all the way to China. The epilogue takes this even further, where it's implied that Hotaru ultimately ended up accidentally circumnavigating the entire planet before getting back to Japan. When he gets back, Yuya tries to tell him where Kyo is, even pointing the way, only for Hotaru to immediately head of in the opposite direction.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: A LOT. Possibly.
  • Playing with Fire: He combines flames of various temperatures with his swordsmanship. Ironically he almost never gets fired up under any situation, remaining cool-headed throughout the fight.
  • Running Gag: Moving caterpillars out of the way of battle, forgetting something someone told him just minutes ago, being slow to respond, the list goes on.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Type 2 with his half-brother Shinrei, at times to a hilarious degree.
  • You Are What You Hate: Despises the Mibu, despite the fact that he himself is at least half Mibu.


The last of the Four Heavenly Kings to be introduced, and also the most feared of the four (within the group anyways). Playing the role of a shamanic healer, Akari is there to heal any wounds the others may receive during battles, although it comes at the cost of her knowing one of their secrets. That rule however, doesn't apply to Kyo, as she is heads-over-heels in love with him, going so far as to make a bet with him where if she ever lands a blow on his face, he will promise to marry her. When she is first introduced to the crew, everyone was surprised as to what could possibly cause Akira, Bontenmaru and Hotaru to cower before her presence. Turns out she possesses monstrous strength, capable of wounding even Bontenmaru (although said strength is for the most part reserved for humorous situations), and can get really riled up when certain buttons are pushed.

Oh yeah, and did we mention she is actually a guy?

  • Badass: Akira, Hotaru,, and Bontenmaru are all afraid of her. You have to be a badass for that.
  • The Medic: Akari will only heal someone, if they tell her a close personal secret. And this goes for each individual time as well.
  • The Mole: Akari is secretly Ashura, Hishigi's Imperial Guard, who was sent to spy on Kyo. Subverted by virtue of mind control.
  • Story-Breaker Power: Akari's original Medusa Eye, which has the power to instantly turn anyone who sees it into ash. Subverted by the fact that Akari refuses to employ it in battle because it is a weapon for indiscriminate murder.
  • Superpower Meltdown: The Medusa Eye, when Hishigi activates it.
  • Wholesome Crossdresser: No one makes a very big deal about Akari being, biologically male, since its pretty obvious her heart is a woman.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Pink, actually.

The Sanada Jūyūshi (Sanada Ten Braves)

Sarutobi Sasuke

Everyone's favorite little ninja, Sasuke was a boy who grew up in Aokigahara until he was found by Yukimura.

Kirigakure Saizo

  • Bodyguard Crush: In the anime, at least, on Yukimura. Could be argued in the manga.

Anayama Kosuke

The Jūnishinshō (Twelve Gods)


  • Badass: Hmm, lets see, nearly defeated Kyo? Check! Completely destroyed Benitora? Check. Conquered Japan? Check!






The Fake Haira


The Fake Indara

See Izumo no Okuni


The Fake Kubira

  • Spot the Imposter: Subverted. He attempts to trick Kyo with two puppets disguised as Yuya, setting up a situation where no matter who Kyo picked, it would result in failure for him. Unfortunately for Kubira, Kyo decides to kill both of them.


The Fake Mekira





One of the most powerful of the Junishinsho, he was kept behind to reserve his strength the first time they fought Kyo. He is really Yuya's brother, Shiina Nozomu, brought back from the dead as a slave of the Mibu.

The Goyosei (Five Shining Stars)

Tropes that apply to the Goyosei in general
  • Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors: Averted. It's shown throughout the story that superiority is determined by the wielder's skill and individual strength rather than their elemental affinity.
  • Elemental Powers: Each of the Goyosei represents one of the five Chinese elements. Also each one (with one major exception) wields powers based on those elements.
  • Quirky Miniboss Squad: They are this to The Taishirō.


The first of the Goyosei to be introduced. He represents the element of water and wields the Mumyo Saigyo Ryu that allows him to summon waterwyrms, powerful dragons made from water. In addition to this, he can crystallize water to create blades. He is initially the most fervently loyal of all the Goyosei until it is revealed that his mentor Fubuki killed his respected friend, Taihaku. In spite of this, Shinrei remains personally loyal to the Mibu Clan in general but comes to believe that the Taishiro and the Sendai Aka no Ou are the true source of the evil that threatens his clan.

  • Dance Battler: Twofold. Firstly, Shinrei's basic form of attack is a dance-like technique that allows him to change the direction of his swing mid-stroke, which throws off an opponent who can read the path of the blade since the path of said blade changes midway through the swing, catching him off guard. Secondly, even if the enemy figures out a way around the first type of attack, by the time they do so, Shinrei will have memorized their rhythm and can anticipate their moves perfectly.
  • Heel Face Turn: Feels especially betrayed by his mentor, Fubuki of the Taishiro.
  • Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons: The vast majority of Shinrei's attacks, including all of his named ones, are dragon themed.
  • Luke, I Am Your Brother: Shinrei is actually Hotaru's half brother. This is subverted by the fact that both of them know this but apparently believe that the other does not.
  • Making a Splash: His power is based around water.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Type 2 with Hotaru.


See Hotaru


The leader of the Goyosei. Taihaku represents the element of metal (or gold in the translated version). However, unlike his other comrades in the Goyosei, he lacks elemental powers of any type. Taihaku is by far the most compassionate and benevolent of the Goyosei and a good bit of the cast in general. He is greatly respected by Shinrei and even Keikoku to a certain extent. In his free time, he looks after the children that are considered the failures of Mibu experiments, even though this is looked down on.

It is eventually revealed that he is in fact a mortal human who was adopted into the Mibu by the Former Crimson King, who granted him a Mibu's extended lifespan. After being defeated in battle by Benitora, Taihaku decides to side with Kyo in the others, but is killed by Fubuki.

  • Badass Normal: Lacks the elemental powers of the other Taishiro, but makes up for it with several lifetimes worth of sheer training. As a result, he can swing a sword so fast that to most people he doesn't even seem to move before he cuts them to pieces.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: After losing to Benitora, Taihauku decides to join the heroes. Unfortunately, this doesn't last long (see below).
  • Gentle Giant: The largest of the Goyosei, but one of the most benevolent characters in the entire series, and that includes the majority of the main cast.
  • Honor Before Reason: Is deeply conflicted about the Aka no Ou's plans for the world, but see's no hope in rebellion and is trapped by his honest belief that serving the Mibu is the only option he has.
  • Morality Pet: The children he looks after. Subverted in that they are not what keeps Taihaku from being evil, but are instead a sign that he is not evil.
  • Redemption Equals Death: He's convinced to side with the heroes and is then offed by Fubuki mere seconds later.
  • The Worf Effect: Subverted. Taihaku is killed off rather quickly by Fubuki. This is subverted by the fact that his death is justified by the fact that he had nearly died in battle a few minutes earlier. The demonstration of his killer's skill comes from the fact that Taihaku was killed while standing right next to the heroes without any one of them even noticing until he dropped dead with a sword in his back.


The Wood of the Goyosei. Saishi is an attractive looking woman with an impressive bust, dressed in a nurse's uniform (which is perplexing since this takes place in the early years of the Tokugawa shogunate). She, along with her companion Saisei, guard the second of the five gates leading into the Mibu stronghold. In spite of her cute appearance, she is exceptionally cruel and undeniably evil. She enjoys toying with enemy and ally alike. She is armed with the ability to resurrect the dead as extremely difficult to kill zombies as well as potent regenerative abilities that allow her wounds to heal near instantaneously.

After a prolonged battle, it is revealed that Saishi is the only one of the pair that is an actual member of the Goyosei and that Saisei is another of Saishi's animated corpses. She is eventually defeated by Akira after he successfully nullifies her regenerative abilities with his ice techniques.

  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: Lampshaded by Saishi herself as her regenerative abilities remove any necessity for defensive measures...that is until Akira eliminates them.
  • Awesomeness By Analysis: She uses her zombies to get the measure of Kyo, Akira and Bontenmaru's abilities and plan for a future confrontation. However, this is averted as Akira easily surpasses her expectations.
  • Healing Factor: Saishi is able to survive being cut to pieces and regenerates almost instantly. Because of this, she can attack without any regard for her own safety as no attack is likely to hurt her...until Akira gets serious.
  • Killer Rabbit: Saishi's fighting form is that of a...bunny girl. However, in spite of her cute appearance, her superhuman strength allows her to beat her enemies to death. In general she doesn't look like a serious fighter, but when she cuts loose...holy shit!
  • The Necromancer: She has the power to raise people from the dead as zombies that are terrifyingly hard to kill. With a little extra work, she can create even more dangerous super zombies that were once famous warriors. Notable examples include Benkei and Yoshitsune and Saisei, who is actually Tomoe Gozen.
  • Smug Snake: Is an absolutely twisted bitch who smugly believes she is invincible and can get away with some sick stuff. This only serves to make her defeat all the more satisfying.


Saishi's companion. Saisei is not actually one of the Goyosei, but another of Saishi's zombies. Her true identity is Tomoe Gozen. Even though she is Saishi's puppet, she develops something of a relationship with Shinrei and is extremely devoted to him. She is ultimately defeated by Akira in battle.


Mibu Kyojiro

Chinmei is the Goyosei of Earth, which gives him the power to manipulate gravity. This makes him a formidable combatant since it enables him to immobilize his enemies at will by increasing the gravity in their vicinity fly by eliminating the gravity in his own vicinity and do a large variety of tricks up to and including creating miniature black holes. Chinmei looks a lot like a hippie and complements his appearance by speaking a lot about "peace and love." However, this is just a cover for his real personality, as Chinmei is in fact the most evil and sadistic of the Goyosei who revels in the misery and bloodshed that he is able to sow. Chinmei is often referred to as the Joker of the Goyosei, as he is a wildcard that even the Taishiro do not fully understand.

In truth, Chinmei is Mibu Kyojiro, the second of the Red Cross Knights. He was the first Knight created by the Former Crimson King and serves as his special agent and assassin.

In the far flung past, Chinmei was in love with a seer who, like Sakuya, had her heart synchronized with the Former Crimson King. At her request, Chinmei killed her with the hope that the Former Crimson King would die along with her. However, the Crimson King did not die and Chinmei's ability to resurrect her was taken away as punishment. While he presumably works for the Former Crimson King in hopes of one day being able to revive her in return for his service, the truth is that over the millennia he has gradually forgotten everything about her, due to The Fog of Ages that usually comes with being immortal, ultimately coming to wonder if she even existed at all. This caused him to sink into absolute madness where the only solace he could find was in indiscriminate carnage.

  • And I Must Scream: Chinmei's tale about his long descent into madness as the sheer weight of times strips him of his memories of the woman he loved and ultimately erasing all feeling whatsoever is a horrifying thing to think about.
  • Arc Welding: Chinmei is the one who killed Mahiro's sister (Muramasa's wife), leaving her dead body at the scene with Kyo standing over it, just in time for Mahiro to blunder in and assume that the whole thing was Kyo's fault. However, Kyo never denies this, believing that since he wasn't able to save her, it was the same as killing her himself.
  • Ax Crazy: Probably the most horrific example in the series as killing is the only thing that stimulates Chinmei at all.
  • The Fog of Ages
  • Gravity Master: Chinmei's powers allow him to manipulate gravity and even create black holes.
  • Kansai Regional Accent: Along with Benitora, Chinmei is one of the few characters to use this. However, it is used to help juxtapose his goofy image with the terrifying reality of his sadistic and twisted nature.

The Taishirō (Four Elders); Former and Current


The current leader of the Four Elders, Fubuki was once Muramasa's best friend, despite usually disagreeing and arguing with each other over anything, and the one who taught Shinrei the Mumyo Saigyo Ryu, and is shown to be a skilled Necromancer. Before Muramasa defected from the Mibu, Fubuki was a kind-hearted man who loved life. Now, he acts as the merciless will of the Sendai Aka no Ou, slaughtering everything he sees as a hinderance towards the Aka no Ou's plans for the Mibu. He is also Tokito's real father.


One of the current Taishiro, thought to be the most powerful ever (which is saying something when you consider the Badassery of Muramasa and Shihodo and the rest). Formerly the leader of the Taishiro. Wields a huge BFS named Hakuya and, when all else fails, his Medusa Eyes. Inarguably the smartest character in the series. He appears to be rather silent and calm at first, but as pretty much the entire cast--especially Sasuke, Kyo, Akari, Yuan and Julian--finds out, you shouldn't piss him off...


One of the current members of the Four Elders, Tokito is the son of Muramasa and wielder of the last Muramasa sword set, Hokuto Shichisei. He views Muramasa's abandonment of the Mibu clan as an act of treachery and despises him for it, openly proclaiming his disdain for the former Elder on numerous occasions. Despite his child-like appearance he is incredibly strong and harbors a terribly cruel disposition towards his opponents.

It is later revealed that Tokito is in fact not Muramasa's son, but Fubuki's daughter. She is ultimately defeated by Akira, which leads to her accompanying the heroes in their attempt to reach the Former Crimson King. During Fubuki's final moments, she is able to meet him one last time and acknowledge him as her father.


Hotaru's mentor and surrogate father, and one of the current Taishiro. He took his mother's place after she died. It is revealed later that he and his entire family are essentially prisoners of the Taishiro and the Sendai Aka No Ou due to their mother's "treason".


Yuan's mother, who was part of the Taishiro before him. She was killed by Hishigi for learning too much about the Sendai Aka No Ou.



One of the original Taishiro, and among the strongest.

The Aka no Ou (Crimson King) and The Red Cross Knights

Shodai Aka no Ou (The First Crimson King)

The progenitor of the Mibu Clan and its first ruler.

The First Crimson King is encountered by Kyo, as he is in fact Kyo's ancestor and the soul of Tenro, Kyo's BFS. The Shodai Aka no Ou merely wanted his people to live lives of comfort and happiness, but ultimately realized that their godlike power only served to lead to their self-destruction, as the fulfillment of all their desires left them with only one source of true stimulation...slaughter through battle, most especially of each other. He grants Kyo the mark of the True Crimson King after Kyo overcomes his demon blood (the very thing that brought about the downfall of the rest of the Mibu).

Sendai Aka no Ou (The Former Crimson King)

Mibu Kyoichiro

A mysterious figure in the story. His identity, nature and intentions are a mystery throughout much of the story. When the Former Crimson King first appears, he seems to have strangely benevolent inclinations towards Kyo. There are also mysterious hints that he seems to be setting up a competition between Kyo and Kyoshiro to see who will be the legitimate successor to his title.

In truth The former Crimson King is initially presented as one of the last of the True Mibu (Kyo being the other). Kyoshiro and the other Red Cross Knights were created from his flesh and blood to serve as his own corps of secret assassins. However, all of this masks a still greater secret. In actuality, the former Crimson King is the first of the Red Cross Knights, Kyoichiro, and is himself a construct created by the true Mibu. However, when the true Mibu wiped themselves out, the former Crimson King hid his status as one of their battle puppets and ruled over the Mibu in their stead. Over time, he was overwhelmed by the depravity and violence he witnessed in the human world and came to the ultimate conclusion that everything must be destroyed in order for there to be true peace.

  • A God Am I: Played terrifyingly straight. He even has the power to create and destroy at will. Subverted at the end when it is revealed that he too is one of the Mibu's battle puppets, just one of the ones that is closest to the true Mibu, so his power rivals theirs.
  • All Your Powers Combined: Aside from being a master of the Mumyou-Jinpuu-Ryu, whe also has the ability to use all the skills of the lesser Mibu at will.
  • Badass Bookworm: Initially, he pretends that he is badly nearsighted thanks to countless years of studying books and scrolls. Often quoted Confucius early on in the story.
  • Blind Without'Em: In his first non-silhouetted appearance, he talks to pillars and walks into walls, even with his glasses on! However, once he starts getting serious, this goes out the window.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: In his first real appearance outside of silhouette, he appears to be incredibly near-sighted, talking to pillars and walking into walls. But when Tokito steps out of line...
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Comes to the conclusion that mankind is beyond redemption and decides they must all be wiped out.
  • Stepford Smiler: When he first appears, the Crimson King's appearance is positively goofy. At times he makes it incredibly intimidating.

Toudai Aka no Ou (The Current Crimson King)

Mibu Kyosaburo

The one who was supposed to be the Current Crimson King, but who was deposed and imprisoned by the previous one for teaching the Mumyou-Jinpuu-Ryu, a technique that can be used to kill god (that is the Former Crimson King) to the renegade, Muramasa. He befriended a young Kyoshiro and introduced him to Sakuya. However, after many years had passed and Kyoshiro had fallen under the thrall of the Former Crimson King, he no longer resembled the kind boy that he once was. Kyosaburo made a last ditch attempt to find the ultimate secret that lay behind the doors in the palace, only to be stopped and killed by Kyoshiro, his death ultimately breaking Kyoshiro free from Kyoichiro's power and prompting Kyoshiro and Sakuya into leaving the Mibu. Kyosaburo is actually the third of the Crimson Cross Knights.

Mibu Kyojiro

See Chinmei.}}



See Mibu Kyoshiro.}}


Tokugawa Ieyasu


Shiina Sakuya


The greatest blacksmith of the Mibu clan, Yuan's father and Shihoudou's best friend.

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