< Saints Row 2

Saints Row 2/Characters

Saints Row 2 Gangs

The Brotherhood - Inactive


Played By: Michael Dorn

Boss: "Where's your crew? *Puts a gun to Maero's temple* "I could kill you right now."
Maero: "No." *Stands up to reveal his full height* "You couldn't."


Played By: Anthony Pulcini

  • Anti-Villain
  • Killed Off for Real
  • Nepotism: Only in the gang because his best friend, Maero gave him a job as a tattoo artist. He even tells the Boss that Maero deliberately keeps him out of the loop so that he won't get mixed up in the violence.
  • Non-Action Guy: He's just a scrimshaw. The only time he tries to fight ends up getting him killed with a brick to the head.
  • Senseless Sacrifice: Holding off the Boss so Maero and Donnie can escape. Not only is he killed with a brick by the Boss, but the Boss eventually kills Maero anyway.
  • Tattooed Crook

Jessica Parish

Played By: Jaime Pressly

The Ronin - Inactive

Shogo Akuji

Played By: Yuri Lowenthal

  • Badass Biker: The Ronin mooks probably see him as one. In reality he's just a spoiled punk who screws up fighting the Saints so bad his father has to fly in from Japan just to try and clean up his mess.
  • Buried Alive
  • Disc One Final Boss
  • Get Back Here Boss: When the Ronin start losing the fight with Boss and Gat he tries to escape on his motorcycle. He doesn't get very far.
  • Inadequate Inheritor
  • Jerkass: He's a petty, stupid, vindictive punk who doesn't have any idea how to effectively use the resources at his command.
  • Katanas Are Just Better
  • Non-Action Guy: Spends the whole game giving orders and living off the Ronin's success. When he gets captured by Boss and Gat and tries to fight them he gets his ass kicked and then buried alive.
  • Royal Brat: Spends his days living off the success of his father's gang, and when Jyunichi shows him up in front of his old man, he has the Boss kill him.
  • Samurai
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Tries to pull one of these when his hit on Boss and Gat at Aisha's funeral goes south. The Boss manages to catch him before he can get away.
  • Too Dumb to Live: After sabotaging his own gang, he tries to personally carry out a hit against Gat and the Boss at Aisha's funeral. This makes Gat very unhappy.
    • It gets better love. Aisha wasn't even IN the coffin. It was a setup, Because Johnny knew Shogo was too stunned to just let Aisha have a proper funeral.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: One of the citizens will tell the Boss that Kazuo was more pissed that Jyunichi was killed (because of Shogo no less) than his son being given a Texas funeral .
  • Yuri Lowenthal

Kazuo Akuji

Played By: Steve Blum

  • Abusive Father: Frequently tells Shogo right to his face that he fills him with shame.
  • Badass Boast: Gives one while impaled on a katana just seconds before dying in a boat explosion.



Played By: Brian Tee

The Sons of Samedi - Inactive

The General

Played By: Greg Eagles

Mr. Sunshine

Played By: Phil LaMarr

DJ Veteran Child

Mark Gabby

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