< Sailor Moon Abridged
Sailor Moon Abridged/YMMV
- Crosses the Line Twice: Bulimia jokes. It got dropped for a few episodes.
- "Bulimia - zero the calories, twice the flavor!"
- In the bloopers for episode 17, KrisRix has trouble reading a particularly ridiculous line. Max Scate tells her to think of the Holocaust. And it just keeps going from there...
Eric: Corinne's half Jewish!
Megami: I can't really be sad too because my grandparents are German.
Kris: You're killing yourself!
Megami: They weren't involved in that! Shut up!
Kris: Sure...
Christian: Hey no guys, be quiet. My grandfather died in Auschwitz. He got drunk and fell off the guard tower.
Kris: Are you serious?
Christian: No!
- Designated Hero: The entire cast, really, a collection of jerks, idiots, a psychopath, a drunk, are basically a generally incompetent and unsympathetic bunch.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Raye, emphasis on Dark.
- Fridge Logic
Amy: The only thing I don't get is why Jedite didn't just really burn the city down. He would have gotten all three of us.
Serena: 'Cause anime is stupid.
- Growing the Beard: To the extent that some fans would recommend that newbies start a few episodes in (like around when Amy and Raye were introduced) rather than right at the beginning of the series.
- Hollywood Fatass: Serena.
- Les Yay: Rei in episode 13/14.
Serena: Who died and made you school security?
Rei: Satan.
Serena: But you're going to a Catholic school!
Rei: Catholic girls taste better.
- And she has a pair of lesbian henchgirls to do her bidding in episode 48 too. And a LOT of fangirls/groupies at her performance
- Memetic Mutation: ROSE!
- The Woobie: Once you get past the jokes made at Amy's expense, she at least deserves some sympathy.
- They Just Didn't Care: It's that type of show.
- Luna says she knows about the crystals because of the manga, but the crystals were made up for the anime.
- All the American jokes get annoying when you realize the dub was Canadian. Really, all the voices (except Mercury, who was British, but not Luna), writers, editors, musicians for the dub were Canadian.
- Canada doesn't exist though, there is only North Mexico.
- The intro to Episode 43 says, "Today's Episode is brought to you by EspaƱa!" As in Spain. But that's a Mexican flag in the background (see Spexico above).
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