Rena Mero-Lesnar (formerly Rena Greek) better known as Sable, was one of the biggest stars of wrestling in The Attitude Era. She was introduced in 1996 as the valet of Triple H and then Marc Mero before becoming hugely popular with the fans and thus was featured more prominently, WWE reviving their women's division and building it around her. However she was not a wrestler herself and so it was arguably her that started the trend of placing looks over wrestling ability in WWE. Regardless she is recognised as one of the first WWE Divas and was the first to coin the term. (Either she or her contemporary Tammy Lynn "Sunny" Sytch will sometimes be referred to as "the First Diva" - even though that title would more literally belong to "The Queen" Mae Young, who started her professional wrestling career in 1939(!) and continues to appear in WWE to this day.)
- Barely-There Swimwear: Her infamous bikini contest against Jacqueline where she had hands painted on her breasts. Her idea actually.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: For one of the most beautiful women in all of wrestling history, her character could be quite ugly on the inside.
- Blondes Are Evil: As a heel.
- Braids of Action: Always wore her hair in a braid or ponytail whenever she was in a match. It's safe to say that if her hair was down, she wouldn't be wrestling.
- Breakout Character: Posed for Playboy and received numerous TV offers, as well as her own comic book series.
- Cat Fight: It's what she was best at.
- Catch Phrase: "This is for all the women who want to be me. And the men that come to see me"
- Christmas Cake: Well, her husband Brock Lesnar seems to like older women, and she's the reason why.
- Darkskinned Blonde: Certainly not the first in WWE, but arguably the Trope Codifier.
- Faux Action Girl: She had this effect on her opponents, especially Luna and Jacqueline since she had it written into her contract that she couldn't take bumps.
- Especially apparent in the Playboy-sponsored match at WrestleMania XX, in which she teamed with Torrie Wilson against Stacy Keibler and Jackie Gayda. Of those four, Sable participates the least, and in fact is hardly in the match at all.
- Follow the Leader: Because of her popularity WWE brought in more women such as Debra, Miss Kitty, Tori and Ivory.
- Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: And how!
- Hot Amazon: As much as the fans loved her looks, they loved it even more when she actually did moves in the ring.
- I Am Not Spock: "My name is Rena Mero, Sable was just a character".
- I Was Quite a Looker: Of course she's aged fairly well but compare it to her dazzling looks when she first debuted.
- Kick the Dog: Joined Vince McMahon in bullying Zach Gowen (the wrestler with only one leg) in the summer of 2003 - and unlike Vince, never received a comeuppance for it.
- Unless you count Stephanie attacking her in the parking lot and exposing both her breasts on national TV.
- Meaningful Name: The sable is a lithe carnivore with lustrous dark brown fur, often worn by the wealthy and/or famous. Then again, it's a close relative of the weasel...
- Money, Dear Boy: Was reportedly paid a huge amount of money for her appearance on Nitro.
- Popularity Power: At the peak of her career Sable was so popular that WWF reinstated its women's division just to give her something to do.
- Power Blonde
- Rapunzel Hair
- Romance on the Set: Twice. First with real life husband Marc Mero which was onscreen as well. Secondly with Brock Lesnar of all people.
- Screwed by the Network: Invoked this when she left WWF, claiming sexual harrassment among other things. Her claims were disputed in court by various WWF executives. She won the rights to money made from Sable merchandise, but she didn't get the rights to the Sable gimmick or get her no-compete contract clause revoked so she could work for WCW.
- Small Name, Big Ego: Showed signs of this when she left WWE first in 1999. This was also the basis for her heel turn.
- The Smurfette Principle: Back in Sable's day there were only three women in the company in 1998 (herself, Luna Vachon and Jacqueline). The number of women grew significantly over the years.
- Smurfette Breakout: Arguably the first woman to do this in WWE, eclipsing Marc Mero in popularity.
- Spy Catsuit: One of her trademarks. In fairness, she never wrestled in them.
- Stripperiffic: Occasionally but almost never in the ring though apart from WrestleMania XV. The Slammys come to mind as well.
- The Vamp: And how!
- What Could Have Been: The angle with Tori was originally going to have her turn out to be Sable's sister. They went with the obsessed fan story instead.
- After leaving WWF, Sable was supposed to head to WCW, where she was planned to be the driver of the white hummer that hit Kevin Nash's van. But since she had a no-compete clause in her WWF contract, she wasn't allowed to work for WCW in any capacity.