< SD Gundam Force

SD Gundam Force/Characters

Gundam Force


Shute is a kid genius from Neotopia. He's impulsive and sometimes irritating, however his boundless enthusiasm can be an asset. It was his friendship with Captain that first got the Soul Drive to activate. He's got a lot of guts and little common sense but he's also super smart, so it balances out.

Captain Gundam

The first Gundam created to protect Neotopia. He starts out being a secret that nobody's supposed to no about. At first he lacks an understanding of emotions. Once he makes friends with Shute and the other Gundams he gets better at it. Eventually the Captain needed repairs and gets an upgrade. Not that he wasn't a badass before mind you.

Zero, The Winged Knight

Knight Gundam from the magical realm of Lacroa. Zero was sent to Neotopia to find help in order to save his homeland from the invading Dark Axis. After two years of searching, the Dark Axis started to invade Neoptopia as well. Normally calm and graceful it's best not to make him mad. Or you could end up buried under a mountian of roses.

Bakunetsumaru, The Blazing Samurai

The firey Musha Gundam from the land of Ark. Ark and Lacroa are two lands one the same world in the same dimension. However the two lands are complete opposites, and so are Baku and Zero. Where Zero is calm and graceful, Bakunetsumaru is quick to anger and likes to swing his swords everywhere. However he is an honorable samurai and will help any who need him. He lands in Neotopia after a dimensional transport device the SDG was working on malfunctions, he decides to protect his new home with the same vigor he would Ark.


Bakunetsumaru's faithful steed, Entengo is a mobile horse from Ark.

  • Mechanicle Horse
  • Team Pet: To an extent.
  • Silent Snarker: Being a horse, Entengo can't actually talk, but his facial expressions seem to convey a lot.

Princess Relehimana Miya De Lacroa (Princess Rele for short)

The heir to the throne of Lacroa, and the one who sent Zero to Neotopia in the first place. She spends the first half of the series turned to stone, but after being revived, joins the Gundam Force in their struggle against the Dark Axis, aiding them with her magic. Though a bit headstrong, she nonetheless shows the wisdom of her station.

Super Dimensional Guard

Chief Haro

the mysterious but reliable leader of the SDG, he gets his name from the Haro ball where his head should be. No one knows if that's a mask or not.

Dr. Bell Wood

The young prodigy behind the SDG's dimensional transport device, Bell Wood is a genius and he knows it. Unfortunately, his progress was stymied by the collaterial damage caused by Bakunetsumaru's first battle in Neotopia.

Gunbike / Gunpanzer

Captain's original instructor. An AI that's been uploaded into a vehicle, Gunbike was added to the main squad as a trainer. Rough, tough, and by no means easy-going, Gunbike is determined to whip the gang into shape. His AI was later uploaded into Gunpanzer before being sent to Ark.

Chief Kao Lyn

The eccentric designer of the SDG's Gundams, Kao Lyn punctuates scientific explanations with liberal demonstrations of kung fu.


An SDG officer and Chief Haro's assistant.


Guneagle is a new and inexperineced member of the Gundam Force. He means well but he's also cocky and a bit of a showoff.

Gundivers / Gunchoppers

An elite Gundam team for special aquatic and eventually aerial combat for the SDG.

Dark Axis

Zako Soldiers

Zako's are the main fighting force of the Dark Axis. ...It's amazing they've won as many battles as they have.

Zapper Zaku

Probably THE MOST Trigger Happy guy you'll every meet. He was the first to attack Neptopia and fail. Once the Dark Axis is defeated in Neotopia he becomes the janitor for the Gundammusai. He later CLAIMS to have been fakeing the whole time so he'd be able to get his revenge on the General for abandoning him and his troops. But that's debateable.

Grappler Gouf

Grappler is one of the Dark Axis's top fighters. He's the smartest and most levelheaded of the Terrible Trio. Of course that's not saying much.

Destroyer Dom

Unlike Grappler, Dom is the dumbest of the dumb. There aren't enough words to describe how dumb this guy is. What he lacks in intellegince he makes up for in brute force. "Duh, guns go boom!"

Zako Red

A Zako Soldier with a unique red-ish color scheme and command fin. Zako Red is stated to be second only to the Commander, and commands the Dark Axis forces during the full invasion of Neotopia. Implied to be nothing more than a remote-controlled puppet for the Commander, as he was deactivated once the invasion was complete.

  • Mythology Gag: He and Sazabi are modeled after mobile suits piloted by Char Aznable.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Pretty much the only reason he was deactivated. Then kicked away.
  • Verbal Tic: Like all Zakos, but his sounds rather...forced.
  • Xanatos Speed Chess: He's isn't above modifying his plans when need be. After Captain renders the use of Control Horns meaningless, he goes through the next phase (Petrify Neotopia's living creatures with Bagu Bagu) and steals his Soul Drive.

Doga Bombers

The Doga's are the flying force of the Dark Axis. During the invasion of Neotopia, they were commanded by Four Doga Commandos, but they were destroyed before the battle's end.

Commander Sazabi

The Commander is one of the most dangerous soldiers of the Dark Axis. He was in charge of the invasions of Lacroa and Neotopia. He is both large and powerful, a deadly combination.

Professor Gerbera / Madnug

The Professor is second in command only to the General himself. He is science officer for the Dark Axis and responsible for all deploment of tropes to other dimensions. In reality he is a Gundam from Neotopia's future. He was on a misson to explore outerspace when their was a malfunction. He was sent back in time and captured by the General.

General Zeong

The General is the leader of the Dark Axis. A terrifying figure, his subbordinates live in constant fear of his anger. His body damaged or incomplete, the General sends his forces throughout the dimensions to collect the needed material to finish repairing him... Gundanium.

The Kingdom of Lacroa

Pawn Leo

If there was ever anybody worse at being evil than the Zako soldiers, it's these guys. There so lame that if they were to simply trip they'd expire in a snap.

Tallgeese, Knight of the Tempest

Tallgeese once wished to become a Knight Gundam. However he didn't meet the required standards. He was so angry that he quickly joined the Dark Axis as soon as they appeared. He enslaved the Sacred Griffin and helped to overthrow Lacroa.

Deathscythe, Knight of Darkness / Deed, the Icy Knight

The one who is responsible for the fall of Lacroa. Once he was called Deed. One of the noble Knight Gundams of Lacroa. It turns out that over time he'd fallen in love with Princess Rele. It was his overwhelming desire for her that lead him to betray Lacroa. He believed that stealing magical power of the Sacred Beasts would make him human.

Noa, Coa, and Doa

The three wise men/boys of Lacroa.

Fenn / Feather Dragon

A legendary Spirit of Lacroa and Zero's very best friend. Destined to save the kingdom with the help of the Chosen One.

Mercurius, Knight of Thunder and Vayete, Knight of Storms

Two knight's, followres of Tallgeese. They where trapped in stone by the Knight Gundams but where set free by Tallgeese.


A magic sword Deathscythe gives to Tallgeese, Epyon will grant its wielder with the power of those it slays- but at a price. Anyone who uses the sword will eventually be possesed by it and turned into the Berserker Epyon, a vicious killer with an obsession for devouring his opponents.

The Country of Ark


Originally know as Kujakumaru. Ashuramaru once got into a fight with Bakunetsumaru. When Baku had defeated him he was supposed to kill him but couldn't bring himself to do so. This sent Kujakumaru over the edge and would be the reason for him to betray Ark by joining Kibaomaru.


The Castle Conquerer of the land of Ark. He is one of Kibaomaru's best ninja Gundams. That is, until his record is broken by the Gundam Force. After many failed attempts to finish his assigned tasks he is banished by Kibaomaru. When he attempts suicide Genikmaru stops him and invites him to join his Genki Energy Force, he eventually agrees.


Warlord of the land of Ark. He joined the Dark Axis in the hope that they would help in his conquest. However he is still an honorable Musha Gundam who follows the Mush code the way he knows how. In the end it's descovered that he and Genkimaru are family. He and Genki eventually reconcile there differences.

Genkimaru / Dai-Shogun of Perfect Virtue

A bratty kid Musha Gundam with the power to make holes in space and a serious grudge against Kibaomaru. He's Kibaomaru's SON, but manages to reconcile with him at the end of the series. He ends up becoming the Dai-Shogun of Perfect Virtue and goes back in time to aid... very subtly... the Gundam Force.

Zako Busshi

That's right folks... Ark-style Zako Soldiers! These little guys were deployed to Ark to help Kibaomaru, and fight alongside his army.


These lesser samurai make up the main body of both Kibaomaru and Buritenmaru's armies.

Kibao Hoarde

Four elite Musha Gundams who protect Kibaomaru's castle, the Kibao Hoard's membership is Bakuhamaru the Undefeated, Mokinmaru the Sword of Raven, Kijumaru the Battle Beast, and Haganemaru, the Iron Sphere.

  • Arm Cannon: Kijumaru has these in his claws.
  • Badass These guys curbstomped Bakunetsumaru and Zero in their first appearence.
  • Drop the Hammer: Bakuhamaru's weapon of choice.
  • BFS: Mokinmaru's weapon.
  • Four Is Death
  • Spikes of Doom: Haganemaru's weapon are two halves of a giant spike ball he hides himself in as he charges.

Lord Buritenmaru

Bakunetsumaru's lord and master, Buritenmaru is a VERY old Musha Gundam noble who once ruled more than half of Ark, and the only one still trying to fight against Kibaomaru.

Ginkaku & Kinkaku

Lord Buritenmaru's right hand men are always by his side. There jobs are, to protect their lord, carry the Tanega Rifle, and translate what he's saying.

Cobra Ninja Force

Cobramaru's fellow ninja, all under the employ of Kibaomaru. On their lord's orders, they attempt to assasinate Buritenmaru, but are stopped and destroyed by Bakunetsumaru, wearing the Armor of Bakushin.


One of the ultimate weapons of the Land of Ark. Mush Daishinsho can only be commanded by the Dai-Shogun. In a sense he is the weapon that only the next Dai-Shogun may wield. Once the next Dai-Shogun is found he transforms into The Ship of The Golden Crest.

People of Neotopia

Shute's family (Nana, Keiko, and Mark)

Shute's has a mother a father and his little sister Nana. At first they are unaware of Shute and the Captain's activites. When they do find out they'er very supportive of him. Perhaps SOME more than others...

  • Action Mom: Keiko may carry Nana everywhere she goes, but don't think for a minute that makes her useless.
  • Disappeared Dad: Mark is alive and well, but spends so much time in his studio writing songs Or does he? that he has the least screen time out of any character.
  • Good Parents
  • Oblivious Younger Sibling: Nana's actually a very perseptive baby.


Sayla loves to makes cakes for people. And that's just about all she's good for. Zero calls her Princess Sayla becuase he says she looks so much like his own princess. Dispite the fact that they look nothing alike.

Mayor Margaret Gathermoon

Mayor Margaret is the top official of Neotopia and knows of the SDG. She was in charge of making sure the citizens didn't find out about the war. When the Dark Axis launched their large-scale offensive, she was forced to come clean.

Leonardo & Prio

Prio is Maryor Gathermoon's human assistant. Leonardo is Prio's assistant. The two work very well together in order to keep things running smoothely in Neotopia.

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