< Ruby Quest

Ruby Quest/Characters

Characters of the RPG style story Ruby Quest.

Beware of spoilers!

(Could use some character description improvement)



A young hare ventured from her den
And as she danced in field and glen
The world sang joy about her.
But wicked hateful things abound...

A female rabbit and main character of the story.

Tom/Subject 6

But the cat stood up and shook his head
And rising from his metal bed
He said "For now, I am not dead,
And I will not die in vain!"...

A male cat and Ruby's companion through most of the adventure.


The bear cried "this is just our lot",
and surrendered to his pain.

Daisy AKA The Hound

The hound was still


Subject #6 / "Tom Nook" (actually Subject 5)


  • Affably Evil: Subject 6 is possibly the creepiest character of them all. He's dangerous, violent and apparently delusional, but is also capable of having a nice friendly chat with Ruby without harming her, as well as providing her with an important key.
    • And fans would think this to be true up till the game ended. But one of the ripped notes thrown into the water proves otherwise -- that the character they thought to be '6' turned out to be Subject FIVE.
    • Tom was Subject 6. Back before things went to hell, he began acting violent FIRST, thus the "dangerous" description he was given. This also explains why he busted up so much stuff on the player's whims.
  • Determinator: He's shown to be very much in love with someone named "Lucy" and has been waiting for her probably as long as he's been without her. He has even become so deluded that he believes Ruby is "Lucy".
  • Eldritch Abomination: Tom finds the light switch.
  • Extra Eyes/ Eyes of Gold: If you thought Ruby was bad...
  • Eyeless Face: And no, that's not a contradiction of the above…
  • I Want My Mommy
  • Last Request: Scissors. (Although he wasn't exactly dying)
  • Madness Mantra:



And the birds all cried


  • Identity Impersonator: It is revealed at the end of the April Fool's day gag that Jay had apparently been impersonating Ace the whole time.



The birds said naught...

"Ace will get you! He won't listen to his orders anymore -- he won't even listen to HER! But, he is still obedient. I don't know who, but I know he is still listening to SOMEONE! He will GET you!"
Filbert's warning towards Ruby, paraphrased

A massive, bird-esque creature employed at the facility as an orderly, janitor, and security guard.


  • Accidental Pervert: In the April Fool's day gag.
  • Dumb Jock/ Dumb Muscle: Portrayed as such in the April Fool's day gag.
  • I Shall Taunt You: Once, to John from John Quest, though not specifically canon to Ruby Quest.
    • More than likely just a Take That to the players to constantly suggested "READ NOTE".
  • Large Ham: In the April Fools day gag.
  • Nice Guy: In the April Fool's day gag, Ace is apparently accompanying Ruby to help aid her in finding her missing boyfriend, "Rover".


And the fox just laughed,
The fox denied he had been caught...

Chief diagnostician and head of research.



A male squirrel and the head doctor at the facility.


  • I Have You Now, My Pretty: From "Maddie's" (Daisy's) point of view that the "cure" Filbert was giving the patients had apparently just been him having some sick fun.
  • Stock Phrases: Something very close to "Don't worry, I'm a doctor".

Dr. S

What is assumed to be Dr.S/Sven's remains

"To whatever staff member or patient fancies himself a prankster: you've had your fun. Some of us have work to do."
From Dr's S's note

Another doctor at the facility, though not apparent through the course of the adventure. His/ her presence was confirmed by a formal notice of complaint seen by Ruby. It has been speculated that the goat head found in the cabinet belonged to him, making him "Sven" by AC default.


The receptionist and head systems manager of the Metal Glen.


The Dummy

An unnaturally-tightly leather-bound scarecrown/ dummy bolted to a rotating pivot that seems to always be staring toward the players.

  • Artifact of Doom: As stated from the last of Filbert's notes, the Dummy--along with several other malevolent artifacts--were retrieved from the recently excavated, lost chamber at the bottom of the facility.
  • Beam Me Up, Scotty: As a sort of Memetic Mutation; Red's schizophrenic, graffiti-messages are often attributed to it.
  • Chekhov's Dummy
  • Demonic Dummy: Literally. The dummy (originally in the room named after it, but later found in Cold Storage) is absolutely, positively evil. It turned to look at them when it was tied to the post, and if that's not creepy enough, later its nature was absolutely confirmed when it grew tentacles on the ceiling of Cold Storage, Ace's room. It was excavated from below the station in the first place. Considering the stuff apparently imprisoned down there, that alone comfirms its evil nature.
  • Eldritch Abomination: In part; lampshaded.
    • Dummy in the dark and FUCKING CJOPAZE!!]]
  • The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You
  • Irony/ Fridge Logic: The Dummy's skin was made of leather... And leather and made out of?
  • The Dummy Behind the Bird
  • Psychic Powers: It is implied that The Dummy, itself, had a sort of special psychic-control over Ace, influencing his actions and causing him to take it from its original place to Ace's hideaway in cold storage.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Only in the dark, though.
  • The Speechless

Water Cooler

"Mr. Water will go out like the champion of neutrality he is. Judging ever eternally from under the rubble."


The Barbed Wheel

The great, ancient, unseen Eldritch Horror responsible for all the reality-bent chaos within the Metal Glen facility.

And what became of cat and hare?
Did they break free to purer air?
To guess their fate we shouldn't dare
Perhaps their tale closed well...

  1. (likely referencing the lost patient "Lucy," a supposed pig creature)
  2. (though, actually a little more gradual than an average Berserk Button)
  3. (Furthermore, is often his general perception among the fandom -- Possibly canonized when Weaver posted the second image in his Daisy Quest thread)
  4. (Because of the position of the water cooler's taps, many players have referenced it as an appearance of a vexed expression. It has since become a sort of running joke by the Ruby Quest players and have referenced the fact many times during later parts of the game, often as a sort of Animal Reaction Shot)
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