< Ruby Quest

Ruby Quest/Quotes

Quotes to and from Ruby Quest

Beware of spoilers!!

Quotes from the Game

"It'sss... so dark... khh...iiill mmeee..."
Jay, as Ruby and Tom find him in the water filtration unit

"With my treatment, Stitches has bested death itself. And what horrors he brings with him I do not intend to discover."

"My aggression with Ruby was in vain. Ruby is dead, but there is no permanence. Despite my best efforts, she will not have peace. It's all over now. I was too late."
Red's Journal, November 1

[1] Click ref to see Filbert and Ruby's confrontation, paraphrased

Quotes about Ruby Quest/ By Players

"I love how this whole story has turned /tg/'s nominally ruthless crowd into one that gives intense consideration to the consequences of their actions."
Amazing[2], during Bella's scene

"'>It's not bad storytelling, sure, it's just so damn depressing. I'd've loved it to end in a bit sweeter note on that point.'
I get what you're saying. It's really depressing to think that this could happen and not be considered a bad end.
But for all the shit that happened to them, lost memories included, I think the ending is really a happy one.
For one, Tom and Ruby (and Jay?) are happy just to be alive and be together. Ruby and Tom have obviously grown closer and if Ruby didn't care about Tom to begin with -- which she may have anyway -- she certainly does now. They've put their past behind them and though that may be a high price for their freedom, they're fine with it, because they have so much hope for the future. Their lives together are what matter now. I for one think that's an incredibly happy note, especially contrasted to the aura of gloom and utter hopelessness suffocating most of the story.
And secondly, Ruby and Tom may yet regain their memory. It's implied subtly and through inference, which is how most of the story is conveyed since, short of Bella, we never had anyone just sit us down and tell us the facts. But it's still implied, and perhaps the longer they're away from the influence of that dark place, the longer they're clean of the infection, the more they'll return to normal. So there may be hope of that yet.
Considering they rode off into the sunset with a third survivor in tow and shared a bottle of champagne, I'd say it was a damned cheerful ending.

Especially since Weaver admitted that if only one of them had survived, the last panel was them going to be sadly pouring themselves some champagne, alone."

"You know, Weaver said a lot of times that there isn't going to be any sequel/prequel, and you know how Weaver is adamant about these things (not that this is actually bad). Maybe one day he'll surprise us all with something related to Ruby Quest, but I find that highly unlikely.
The truth is, he can't do a sequel with Maddie since we already have all that knowledge about the facility and its inhabitants, and there wouldn't be so much suspense about the unknown, just the fear of being caught/mutilated. And a prequel wouldn't make much sense since it would be about the regular Metal Glen.
Also, while I believe this formula would be fun again, he doesn't seem to enjoy the idea of using it in a similar quest.
IIRC one member of his family died and the poor guy cared about doing other session in the same week. He's probably just as overwhelmed as we are at all that has come out off a simple, but interesting CYOA he conducted in his spare time.
The only thing that actually bothers me is that we won't be able to know all the answers about some actions/intentions/events, and some of the explanations were pretty vague. Perhaps this is all part of the charm, so it's understandable. Still, it's kind of disappointing.

Well, we had a good run. Cheers, Weaver, you Magnificent Bastard."

"I really like the symbols for the Barbed Wheel/Cjopaze
Also, I get the feeling that the reason why it wanted to have everything mutate was to find a suitable host. The Dummy could very well be the barely living, bound remains of the last host. The weird part is that I get the feeling that it was looking for a specific mutatuin, and I'm guessing it's an eye, and that Nook was incompatible due to NO LIMBS syndrome, and that's why he was just locked up. That could be what Ruby was feeling when she overused her eye.
But what if it managed to take hold in her? What if Ace was attacking at the end because he couldn't here the orders because the Barbed Wheel didn't care about him or the facility anymore?

What if we- the voices in her head- are the Barbed Wheel?"
  1. I AM
    TO DIE

    IS NOT

    Don't SLEEP they
    are WATCHING
    Who did this?
    This is MY

    bring your

    <ref> Click ref to see the messages left by Red from in Cell #6
    <ref>Filbert: Ruby?... Oh, thank God!
    Ruby: Who... Who are you?
    Filbert: My name is Filbert, I am the head doctor here.
    Ruby: How do you know me?
    Filbert: You were a patient of mine.
    Ruby: What happened to your hand?
    Filbert: I severed my hand by slamming it shut in the security transfer chute down in Level 3. I had to, in order to stop the spread of infection.
    Ruby: WHAT infection?!
    [Filbert nods]
    Filbert: I was attacked and my hand was injured. The infection is like any other localized spread -- in order to stop it from contaminating my entire body, I had to perform an emergency amputation.
    Ruby: What happened here? What is this place? ...And why can't I remember anything?
    Filbert: Why can't you remember anything? Isn't it obvious? You're dead.
    Ruby: Did I kill Tom?
    Filbert: I'm afraid you did. He bled out after the attack you must have seen on the video.
    Ruby: Then how am I MOVING?
    Filbert: You're infected. Most everyone here has succumbed to the infection. Except for me.
    Ruby: Then why did you stumble over to me and say 'Thank God'?
    Filbert: It's not important now.
    Ruby: Do you know anything about Ace? ...Do you know that Red had killed himself?
    Filbert: Ace is tasked with duties as an orderly and a security guard. I was his commanding superior. And yes, I know of Red's death. He finally did it.
    Ruby: Was I sane?
    Filbert: Oh, I doubt it.
    [Ruby begins to tear up at this point]
    Ruby: Is there a cure?
    Filbert: My dear, you ARE the cure!... Have you found the passcode yet? I need to get to the top level. The only option now is to escape. I plan on escaping the entire facility. I need to get out.
    Ruby: What do you mean by that?
    [Filbert turns, suddenly angry, and lays it all out]
    Filbert: You already HAVE the cure: So does everyone in this facility! It has brought you SIGHT! It has made you WELL! You didn't even need to EAT or DRINK! But when you died, you fucked it up! The cure was strong: It brought you BACK! And when you came back you brought something with you. I am the only one left untouched. I have to escape. I want the PASSCODE!!
    [She is now all but in shambles]
    Ruby: You're wrong about me! You're wrong about everything! I have no idea what the code to the surface is!!
    Filbert: You have to stay here now. You can't go to the surface. You can't escape: you are infected, you are BAD! Stay here while I get my tools from the medicine cabinet. I am going to cut your badness OUT!
    [She assaults him with her "spiny fist", sending him backwards and bolts out to the other room]
    Filbert: ...Wait! ...I said WAIT!!
  2. (a recurring RQ player)
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