< Rose of Versailles

Rose of Versailles/Characters

The characters for Rose of Versailles!


Oscar Francois de Jarjayes

Andre Grandier

The Jarjayes clan

  • Parents as People: Madame de Jarjayes seems to be a decent and kind Proper Lady, and Oscar loves her very much. General Jarjayes, on the other hand... oh my. The guy has a good heart, but he is a bundle of HUGE issues and many of them pass onto Oscar.
  • Team Mom: Andre's grandmother.


Rosalie Lamorliere.

Bernard Chatelet

Jeanne de la Motte aka Jeanne Valois


Nicholas de la Motte

Nicole Lamorlière

Alain de Soissons

Marie Antionette

Marie Antoinette of France

Maria Theresa

Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria

Louis XVI

Louis XVI, the Dauphine and later King Louis XVI

Axel von Fersen

Hans Axel von Fersen, The Younger

Louis XV

Louis XV

Louis Joseph

Louis Joseph, the Dauphine

Madame Du Barry

Madame Du Barry

Duchesse de Polignac

Madame Gabrielle de Polastron, aka the Duchesse de Polignac aka Martine Gabrielle

Charlotte de Polignac

Duke of Orleans

Louis Philippe II, Duke of Orléans

The Duke of Guiche

The Count of Girodelle

Henri de Guémént

Leon de Saint-Just

Louis Antoine Léon de Saint-Just


Maximilien Robespierre

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