< Rose of Versailles

Rose of Versailles/YMMV

  • Complete Monster: Jeanne in the anime. She's the entire reason why Marie gets executed AND why the revolution starts.
  • Les Yay:
    • When Marie meets Oscar, she mistakes him for a man, and states she prefers Oscar over her betrothed. Rosalie is also flat-out in love with Oscar for a good portion of the series and apparently retains some feelings for her into the Distant Finale after having married Bernard. Charlotte also seems to have feelings towards Oscar.
    • In the manga, Oscar also appears to return Rosalie's feelings, to an extent.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Jeanne having Nicolas whip Rosalie to force her out of the noble mansion she was living in...then manipulating him into killing the kind woman who took her in AND burning down her house so she could become the heir.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • The death of King Louis XV of smallpox in chapter 9, which eventually leaves him with rotting skin and parts of his skull becoming exposed, while he was still alive!
    • The scene in chapter 10 where a duke shoots a child in the back after he stole some money from him. And they don't cut away, you see it all. Especially jarring considering the cute shoujo style of the manga.
    • Charlotte becoming the Creepy Child version of The Ophelia. Even before she threw herself off a tower, the whole scen was completely heartbreaking as well as really scary.
    • An in episode 26, Andre goes throgh Eye Scream via the still not Heel Face Turn-ed Bernard. The imaginery in the anime (Bernard uses his sword to slash through Andre's mask and eye) may not be at the level of modern horror manga, but it's still unpleasant enough to make you wince. Not helped by Andre screaming, then collapsing to the ground and whispering "M-my eyes...", then attempting to reach for Bernard as Oscar screams...
    • And in episode 32, the sight of Dianne de Soissons's lifeless and rotting body is very tame in regards to how it would be done now, but still unpleasant to watch, Which compared to the manga Dianne's corpse looks like Sleeping Beauty in the anime. In the manga, her body has already started to decompose. It's a view straight from a horror manga. Unless you can't see or read it... through your tears.
  • Narm Charm: Oh boy, is the anime full of it. From the Pastel-Chalked Freeze-Frame to the melodramatic Call My Name, this show was the trope setter for a lot of the devices you find in "girls" anime today. The fact that it's a late 70's show speaks for itself.
  • Tear Jerker: My God, this series is INFAMOUS for the heart-wretching moments. See the series' Tear Jerker page for details.
  • Values Dissonance: Guiche's attitude towards Charlotte and Polignac's obsession with marrying her off despite her being just 12 years old are partially explained by how it was normal, back then, to have high-class girls getting married as soon as they were out of puberty, if not even earlier. Antoinette was indeed lucky to have a fiancé and husband not much older than she was.
  • What an Idiot!: In the manga, Hebért accuses Marie of incest with her surviving son. After Marie Antoinette's reply, Hebért finds himself surrounded by women and mothers who feels offended by his words, and Robespierre starts searching for a reason to get him executed (he'll get it).
  • The Woobie: Some of the characters, like Oscar and Andre have their moments. Rosalie takes the cake, though: her foster mother dies, her sister turns out to be a Manipulative Bitch, and so on... God, the girl seriously needs a hug.
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