< Roommates (2007 webcomic)

Roommates (2007 webcomic)/Tear Jerker

Roommates is a Cerebus Rollercoaster under the surface. This happens when the drama hits.

  • Generally speaking most heartwarming moments in the series also double as this, because of the high probably of someone's traumatic back story, psychological problems etc. playing part in it.
  • Spoiler from Zombieland: if you're not crying after this, you have no heart.
  • Jareth's Backstory revealed in the Kid!Jareth arc. (He never had one in canon.) "It's only forever... It's not long at all..."
  • Each and every page where a character contemplates the futility of fighting his story / archetype.
  • James' whole Cooldown Hug / Heroic Sacrifice action in Such Stuff as Dreams Are Made On (and Jareth's reaction to it), which is also heartwarming and awesome... Again demonstrating Ashe's outstanding talent for creating mixed emotions and Mood Whiplash.
  • The revelation that Jareth's realm is of "The Unwanted" (his Mother's realm is Winter and his Father's is Summer). Someone give this guy another hug.
  • The end quote from the Dreams arc. Jareth further confirms his Woobiedom.

Jareth: Do you know how some families fight and shout and curse at each other but at the end of they day they're still your family and you're with them to the end of the world because you love them and they love you?
Sarah: Well, yeah...
Jareth: My family isn't like that.

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