< Roommates (2007 webcomic)
Roommates (2007 webcomic)/Funny
Roommates IS a Comedy Web Comic. It's funny most of the times but sometimes it's just hilarious.
- The running gag of the hated fruit basket being used as a welcoming gift. Made better when Aziaphale is excited to receive it, to Crowley's chagrin.
- Karaoke. Oh yeah.
- Especially when Norrington is forced to sing "A Pirate's Life for Me," snaps, and lunges for Legolas, screaming "Have at thee, Turner!"
- Movie Night, thank you very much.
Norrington:: "Just because I don't like to talk about it doesn't mean I didn't rock."
Javert to Jareth: You were monologued to death?
- After the full drama and meta of the Dark!Jareth arc this hit HARD.
- Jareth's cold.
- All random magics where hilarious but the Creator Cameo is maybe the best. So this is Ashe.
- The first page of the Zombie arc. What could it be?
- Erik's exclamations. "Sweet sustained sonatas!" "Sweet treble clef!" And more.
- In what Word of Ashe acknowledges is a fandom-specific joke, Aziraphel and Crowley fend zombies off from the TARDOS. The Doctor's response? "The angels have the phone box...and this is a good thing. Huh."
- Also the Doctor admitting that James is being protected not just by being dead in Canon, but by the greatest force in the world: "Narrative Convenience."
- Jareth's hilarious fail level in anything helpful, with added Nightmare Fuel and Tear Jerker since the Dark!Jareth arc.
- Mortal!Jareth having his father's (The Erlkönig's) phone number on speed-dial, labeled simply as "dad". Sounds mundane? It is, but we are talking about an old-school fae royal here.
- James pointing out that a reunion conversation should probably wait until the villain isn't standing right there.
- Mr. King aka the Erlkong telling Jadis "No wonder you were beaten by children" after she fails to see the value of love.
- And he also calls her my Snowflake.
- As noted by many Deviant ART commentators, on page 40 of Such Stuff as Dreams are Made On, Mr. King goes from smug and teasing to downright shocked in two panels at Jareth's sudden jump in badass level.
- Could also be that he just underestimated his son though. (That's pretty easy considering how many Hidden Badass tropes the guy has.)
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