< Roommates (2007 webcomic)

Roommates (2007 webcomic)/Fridge

So this is the Fridge entry of Roommates.

Fridge Brilliance

  • When you realize that the build up for the Dark!Jareth arc (2011 summer) probably begins around this strip two years earlier.
    • Or even earlier. This is one of the first strips and it has Norrington explaining to everyone why they'll never fully manage a Heel Face Turn--because "audiences don't want to see you redeemed, living a normal life...you could spend years making amends and it still wouldn't get half as much attention as a five-minute death scene." That was the 11th comic.
  • While it makes sense that Erik would be attracted to opera singer Mag, I realized why else it made sense. Christine was first played by Sarah Brightman in the musical. Guess who played Mag? That's right, Brightman!
  • Jareth's realm in the Fey world being The Unwanted. Not only because children are wished away to him canonically, but look at where he's currents living and with whom--just about all of the recurring cast have probably been/felt unwanted in their canon at some point. It also explains his potential power--it's not always going to be summer or winter, but there are always unwanted people in the world.
    • It also makes sense given the Kid!Jareth arc and what we see of his childhood.

Fridge Horror

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