Romeo X Juliet/Characters
This is the character sheet for the anime series, Romeo X Juliet.
The Montagues and Their Allies
The Montagues
Romeo Candore Van di Montague
Voiced by: Takahiro Mizushima (JP), Chris Burnett (EN)
The heir to the Montague throne, Romeo is kind, sweet, and nothing like his father Laertes. He and Juliet fall in love eventually.
- Battle Couple: With Juliet.
- Blue Eyes
- Capulet Counterpart: Ironically enough.
- Cool Horse: He got Cielo from his mother, and it's been with him ever since until he lets him go.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Lonely Rich Kid: Romeo is hinted to be one, since Benvolio seems to be his only friend and all other nobles look at him with different degrees of contempt.
- Mad Dictator's Handsome Son
- Meaningful Name: "Candore" is an English name meaning "One who is like god," referring to his good-hearted personality.
- Nice Guy: Romeo is really nice. Like, really really really nice.
- Official Couple: With Juliet.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- Say My Name: JULIEEEET!
- Sweet on Polly Oliver: Juliet, duh.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Lord Laertes Montague
Voiced by: Kouji Ishii (JP), Sean Hennigan (EN)
Romeo's father, and the man who rules Neo Verona with an iron fist. He was the one who murdered Juliet's parents fourteen years ago, starting off the story. It's revealed that he's an illegitimate child of a Capulet man and a prostitute, and swore revenge against his father's family after his mother died.
- Beard of Evil
- From Nobody to Nightmare
- Freudian Excuse: His hatred against the Capulets was because his father was one and abandoned him and his prostitute mother to a poor life. After his mother died from sickness, Laertes swore revenge against his father and his family for not taking care of them by killing all of them. Yikes!
- Man of Wealth and Taste
- Perpetual Frowner
- Rags to Royalty
- Self-Made Man
- Son of a Whore
- Tyrant Takes the Helm
- Villainous Breakdown
- "What the Hell?" Dad
- Why Couldn't You Be Different?: To Romeo, to the point that he exiles him to the mines and tries to make Mercutio his heir. It backfires.
- Wicked Cultured
Portia Montague
Voiced by: Aya Hisakawa (JP), Dana Schultes (EN)
Romeo's mother, who left Laertes out of disgust and now lives in a convent. She still loves her son, however, and Romeo visits her regularly.
- Beauty Mark
- Curtains Match the Window
- Hot Mom: Romeo's.
- Parental Favoritism: Sorta, Laertes keeps thinking Romeo is a failure but Portia openly favors him.
- Proper Lady: The perfect one, except for one detail: she chose to live in a convent rather than continuing as the puppet wife of Laertes, after he massacres the Capulets.
Their Allies
Benvolio di Frescobaldi
Voiced by: Shinnosuke Tachibana (JP), Sean Michael Teague (EN)
One of Romeo's close friends. He is the son of the mayor of Neo Verona and one of the few people concerned with Romeo's well-being. He often acts as Romeo's voice of reason and moderation.
- Beta Couple and Happily Married: With Cornelia.
- Fallen Prince
- Nice Guy
- The White Prince: Though after he and his clan are stripped of their royalties, he adapts to peasant life very quickly and happily
Vittorio di Frescobaldi
Voiced by: Eiji Miyashita (JP), Joel McDonald (EN)
Benvolio's father, leader of the House of Frescobaldi, the mayor of Neo Verona, and an old friend of Conrad's, who held reservations concerning Montague's rule.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: As the mayor of Neo Verona, he questioned Laertes's measures more than once. That almost gets him and his family murdered by Laertes's hitmen.
Voiced by: Tetsuya Kakihara (JP), Christopher Bevins (EN)
An ambitious and sly noble who wishes to become Montague's heir due to his apparent resentment of his father. He is contemptuous of the common people and is charged by Montague to spy on Romeo.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Go Mad from the Revelation: Seeing his dad murdered for no real reason drives him insane.
- Jerkass
- Professional Butt-Kisser: To Lord Montague after his father is killed. Poor fellow's probably too afraid to act any other way, though.
- Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids: Not shy about telling Romeo that his idealism and kindness is horribly out of place in a Crap Saccharine World world like theirs. And considering what happened to Romeo in the end, he was at least partially right.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: The manga, only spanning two volumes, actually cuts out and rearranges (with very little effect) whatever plot relevance he had left. He's basically there to seethe about Romeo, and unlike many of the other surviving characters, it's never revealed what happened to him afterwards.
Voiced by: Jin Urayama (JP), Sonny Strait (EN)
Mercutio's father who is an alcoholic degenerate of the court.
- Badass Decay: In-universe example. He was Laertes's top hitman when he was young; now he's gotten fat, greedy and lazy, much to his son Mercutio's frustration.
- Man of Wealth and Taste
- Stuffed Into the Fridge: His murder at Laertes's hands completely shatters Mercutio's mental stability.
- Too Dumb to Live: He blackmails Laertes to make Mercutio his new heir or he'll spill the beans about his past. Laertes agrees.... and later kills Titus for blackmailing him!
Voiced by: Sayaka Ohara (JP), Carrie Savage (EN)
A young noblewoman of the House of Borromeo, who is betrothed to Romeo in a political marriage at the Rose Ball.
- Arranged Marriage: With Romeo. He sees her as a sweet and nice friend, she's in love with him.
- Betty and Veronica: Betty to Juliet's Veronica.
- Hair of Gold
- The Ingenue
- Off-Model: Horribly so, in some of the middle episodes. Later fixed in the DVDs.
- Parasol of Prettiness
- Please Spare Him, My Liege: She pulls this against Laertes, of all people. And it works.
- Princess Curls
- Proper Lady
- Purple Eyes
- Romantic Runner-Up
- Spoiled Sweet: Is mostly a Naive Everygirl caught up in a Crap Saccharine World
- Stood Up: by Romeo, at the Rose Festival
- Yandere: Briefly, but she gets better. More as a consequence of a brief Break the Cutie than real insanity: she kept it all bottled up, then exploded when she couldn't handle it anymore, and got better once it was cleared up.
The Capulets and Their Allies
The Capulets and Their Allies
Juliet Fiammatta Ars di Capulet aka Odin aka The Red Whirlwind
Voiced by: Fumie Mizusawa (JP), Brina Palencia (EN)
The last member of the Capulet family.
- Action Girl: From a Cute Bruiser to a Lady of War.
- Apocalypse Barrier Maiden
- Attractive Bent Gender -- "Odin" is called pretty when "crossdressing" as a girl.
- Badass Adorable: One of the cutest ladies of war ever.
- Battle Couple: With Romeo.
- Betty and Veronica: Veronica to Hermione's Betty
- Bifauxnen: Lives dressed up as a boy for years, taking up the name "Odin". Pretty much dropped later: once she finds out her real identity, she starts wearing dresses in private, and when everyone learns who she is, she doesn't bother majorly with dressing up as male again.
- Bokukko
- Compressed Hair -- Juliet's hair is waist-length, but she has no problems concealing it under the short-haired "Odin" wig. Justified, as it is rather easy concealing it. Just put it in a French twist, pin the wig in place, and everything's fine.
- Cool Mask/Nice Hat -- As the Red Whirlwind
- Curtains Match the Window
- Dangerous Sixteenth Birthday: Didn't know who she really was until she turned 16.
- Dropped a Bridget On Him: On many, many people. Her boyfriend included.
- Even the Girls Want Her: Oh, Emilia.
- Fallen Princess
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- The Ingenue
- Meaningful Name: "Fiamma" is an Italian word meaning "flame." The name "Fiammetta" means "little fiery one," which touches nicely on Juliet's personality and her role in the story.
- The Messiah
- Plucky Girl
- Recursive Crossdressing: She was born a girl, then dressed up as a guy for years... and then got dolled up as a female for the party in which she met Romeo.
- Red Headed Heroine
- Skilled but Naive: Sure, Juliet's totally badass when it comes to swordfighting. She should have known, though, that falling in love with that noble boy whom she barely knew was a very bad idea.
- Sweet Polly Oliver
- Vigilante Man: As Red Whirlwind, after Curio lose an eye because of her, when she was a kid.)
- Wholesome Crossdresser: Not by choice though.
Lord and Lady Capulet
- Death by Origin Story
- Fisher King: The House of Capulet is responsible for taking care of Escalus; when Montague replaces them, the tree begins to die.
- Sacrificial Lamb
Their Allies
Voiced by: Katsuhisa Houki (JP), R. Bruce Elliott (EN)
Captain of the Capulet Guards who saved Juliet and Cordelia from their family massacre. Now a priest, he looks after Juliet and is exasperated by her antics.
- Badass Grandpa
- Badass Preacher
- Cool Old Guy
- Retired Badass
- Secret Keeper
- Team Dad: He is also Antonio's grandfather.
Voiced by: Miyu Matsuki (JP), Colleen Clinkenbeard (EN)
Juliet's best friend since childhood and another survivor of the Capulet massacre. She tends to Juliet as a maid, acting as her private confidante.
- Beta Couple: With Benvolio.
- The Caretaker: To Juliet.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Hot Mom
- Plucky Girl
- Team Mom
- Tsundere: Generally a Proper Lady, she becomes a VERY light Type Dere to Benvolio.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
Voiced by: Hirofumi Nojima (JP), Eric Vale (EN)
Childhood friend of Curio and the more refined of the duo. Out of all of Juliet's comrades, he is the one who openly vouches for Romeo's love for Juliet.
- Ambiguously Gay
- The Archer
- Bishonen
- Bi the Way: Maybe. He's hinted to have a small crush on Juliet, but he's alo got quite the Ho Yay with Curio despite claiming to not really be interested in men. Hence the infamous Fan Nickname for both of them: "Fai and Kurogane"
Francisco: Unfortunately for you, I'm not interested in men.
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy
- Rapunzel Hair
- Real Men Wear Pink -- Francisco's battle armour is rather pinkish.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: In the end, he's elected as a member of the new Parliament)
- The Strategist
- The Tease: Poor, poor Curio. But the fangirls love it. (Can you blame them, tho?)
Voiced by: Kosuke Toriumi (JP), Robert McCollum (EN)
A close friend of Francisco and Juliet's fencing teacher.
- An Axe to Grind: His Weapon of Choice.
- Big Brother Mentor
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: One of the standard heroic scars, a huge one over his now blind left eye.
- Eye Scream: He lost his eye to evil Montague guards when young. This motivated "Odin" to become Red Whirlwind
- Retired Badass: He opens his own shop at the end of the series.
- Tsundere: For some, towards Francisco.
Voiced by: Ryo Hirohashi (JP), Maxey Whitehead (EN)
Conrad's grandson and a sidekick to Juliet.
- Dogged Nice Guy: To Regan, the local Bokukko
- Maxey Whitehead
- Sidekick
- Stuff Blowing Up His Weapon of Choice are several smokebombs.
- Tagalong Kid: More competent than the usual standard, though.
Voiced by: Ryotaro Okiayu (JP), Mike McFarland (EN)
A mysterious warrior later revealed to be the son of Leontes Montague.
- Aloof Big Brother: To Romeo, though Romeo doesn't know they're half-siblings.
- Anti-Hero
- Badass
- Bishonen
- Curtains Match the Window
- Defrosting Ice Lord
- Heroic Bastard: Son of Laertes and a Capulet lady who fell victim to Death by Childbirth some years before the massacre.
- Kissing Cousins: Subverted. He looked like a possible romantic rival to Romeo (who even mistook him once as Juliet's lover), but he doesn't feel like that for her. In fact, he becomes a Shipper on Deck later...
- Mad Dictator's Handsome Son
- Shoot the Dog: Kills a corrupt priest who was about to stab her when Juliet can't bring herself to do it.
Voiced by: Saito Jiro (JP), Christopher Sabat (EN)
Conrad's good friend who betrayed him by giving information regarding the Capulets' hideout to the Montagues.
Dr. Lancelot
Voiced by: Keiji Fujiwara (EN), Kent Williams (EN)
A doctor who is an ally of the Red Whirlwind, whom he attends and counsels after each skirmish with the city guards.
- Dying Moment of Awesome
- Heroic Sacrifice: Dresses up as Red Whirlwind and confronts the Montague guards fully knowing that they'll kill him.
- The Medic
- Megane
- Never Found the Body: We know he's Killed Off for Real, but he dies in such circumstances that it looks plausible for the Red Whirlwind to return.
- Sacrificial Lion
- Secret Keeper
The Others
Other Characters
William de Farnese aka Willy
Voiced by: Kazuhiko Inoue (JP), J Michael Tatum (EN)
A flamboyant playwright whose works have not been well-received by audiences. He allows Juliet and her entourage to use his theater for shelter.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: He's a very talented writer, yet he's very quirky and perpetually late with his scripts.
- Camp...uh...: He's certainly camp, to say the least.
- Captain Ersatz: Of You Know Who
- Dude, Where's My Respect?: His co-workers often teade him or are exasperated at him
- Large Ham
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Tells Juliet that their love has inspired to him to write a love story to last the ages.
- Obfuscating Stupidity
Lady Ariel de Farnese
Voiced by: Yoshino Ohtori (JP), Margaret Walker (EN)
Present head of the noble Farnese family.
- Cool Old Lady
- The Ojou
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Not only she is Willy's mother, but a rather well-respected politician.
Voiced by: Ayako Kawasumi (JP), Larissa Wolcott (EN)
An actress infatuated with Juliet's disguise, Odin.
- Genki Girl
- Stupid Sexy Flanders: Gets a big one when she learns that her friend "Odin" was a very beautiful girl...
Voiced by: Akio Suyama (JP), Dan Forsythe (EN)
A weak young man who works in one of the Montagues' mines and is saved from being crushed by Romeo. He and Romeo eventually become friends.
- Ill Boy
- Sacrificial Lamb
- Promotion to Parent: has two little siblings
- Street Urchin: In his backstory
- Cool Horse
- Intellectual Animal
- Loyal Animal Companion
- Meaningful Name: "Cielo" is "sky" in Italian.
- Non-Human Sidekick
Voiced by: Junko Iwao (JP), Jamie Marchi (EN)
A mysterious woman who tends to the Great Tree Escalus.
- Ax Crazy
- Mysterious Waif
- One-Winged Angel: Post-transformation.
- The Ophelia: Duh. Goes from Mysterious Waif to Ax Crazy in all of two episodes.
- Plant Person: Her body turns to wood near the end.
- Slasher Smile
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
Voiced by: Ikuo Nishikawa (JP), Mark Stoddard (EN)
One of Ariel's butlers, he passes on information from his master to Juliet and company.
Voiced by: Chiwa Saito (JP), Leah Clark (EN)
Balthazar's granddaughter and frequent helper around the mansion.
Voiced by: Tohru Ookawa (JP), Greg Dulcie (EN)
A miner who looks out for Romeo during his stay at the mines. While he admires Romeo's idealistic dream of creating a world where people can live together without sacrifices, Giovanni also believes that Romeo has chosen a long and difficult path to pursue.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Leader of the small mining town where Romeo is exiled.
- Team Dad
The Old Man
Voiced by: Kazuo Oka (JP), T.A. Taylor (EN)
A mysterious yet sage man who frequently smokes from a long pipe, he is suggested to bear some connection to Escalus. He acts as Romeo's spiritual adviser, mentioning that the noble will have to someday shoulder Juliet's fate.