< Ring of Honor

Ring of Honor/Characters

/wiki/Ring of Honorcreator

The Era of Honor Begins: 2002-2004

Jay and Mark Briscoe

  • Badass - Yes, this is a wrestling character page, but the fact that the Briscoes are total badasses needs to be reiterated.
  • Badass Beard - Mark.
  • Bald of Awesome - They both have shaved heads.
  • Beauty Equals Goodness - Usually averted, they've spent a good part of their career as faces.
  • Blood Knight
  • Blue Oni - Mark.
  • Berserk Button - Do NOT hit Papa Briscoe. Likewise, for Papa Briscoe, do not kick either one of the brothers in the testicles.
  • Deep South - Their trunks even have the Stars and Bars on them.
    • Subverted, in that they're from Delaware, which never seceded.
  • Genius Bruiser - Believe it or not, Mark Briscoe. Jay isn't that far behind himself.
  • Lightning Bruiser - Both of them, they're known for both brawling and high flying.
  • Red Oni - Jay.
  • Sibling Team
  • Trope2000 - Originally they were billed as the Briscoe Brothers 2000.
  • Wrestling Doesn't Pay - Are legitimately chicken farmers in addition to their wrestling exploits.
  • Wrestling Family

Colt Cabana

Steve Corino

Christopher Daniels

  • Horrible Judge of Character - He willingly shook Claudio Castagnoli's hand at The 100th Show, marking the first time Daniels had ever adhered to the Code of Honor. Later that night, Castagnoli turned on ROH and joined CZW, reuniting with Chris Hero.
    • Fridge Brilliance. Like recognizes like.
  • Lampshade Hanging - Often does this with his alter ego, Curry Man.
  • Put on a Bus: Twice, both times after signing with TNA.
  • The Bus Came Back: Shocked the world when he appeared at a PPV mere days after his unpublicized release from TNA.

Bryan Danielson

  • Catch Phrase - "I HAVE 'TIL FIVE," and the fan chant of "YOU'RE GONNA GET YOUR FUCKING HEAD KICKED IN!"
  • Couch Gag - He always comes up with custom entrances for Bobby Cruise.
  • Memetic Mutation - The Final Countdown, lampshaded by ROH themselves with "The Final Countdown Tour."
  • Put on a Bus: At the same time as McGuinness, but ended up taking a different bus.
  • Red Baron - The American Dragon.
  • Worthy Opponents - Austin Aries, Nigel McGuinness, Roderick Strong, Tyler Black, Jerry Lynn.


  • Big Damn Heroes - When everyone thought ROH would lose to CZW in Cage of Death...
  • Draco in Leather Pants - Even when he attempted to murder Colt Cabana, he was still treated as a hero in NYC.
  • Heroic BSOD - In 2006, he had shots at the Tag Team, Pure, and World titles, and lost in all three of them. Cue him quitting on ROH.
  • Redemption Quest - The whole impetus for the "Road of Homicide" in the second half of 2006.

Dan Maff

  • Dropped a Bridge on Him - Written out of ROH due to a "car accident."
    • Possibly related to real life problems between him and Homicide.

B.J. Whitmer

Samoa Joe

Generation Now: 2004-2006

Alex Shelley

Austin Aries


  • Ax Crazy - Only when he switches from the trademark green to red.
  • Put on a Bus - After becoming head booker he stopped wrestling for ROH, presumably to prevent any conflict of interest (which is something that people like Kevin Nash would have been wise to do in the past). He has since performed only once at an ROH show, in a match with Colt Cabana dedicated to the late Larry Sweeney.
  • Slasher Smile - Even as a face, there's something unsettling about Delirious's smile.
  • The Unintelligible

Jack Evans

James Gibson

Jimmy Jacobs

  • The Atoner: After he returned, he said "My name is Jimmy Jacobs, and I'm an evil person." The idea was that he was a recovering evil person and that he was Steve Corino's sponsor.
  • Beard of Evil
  • Blood Lust - One of the most gruesome examples.
  • Breakup Breakout - Used in his favor with BJ Whitmer, and used against him with Tyler Black.
  • The Chew Toy - For Lacey.
  • Hannibal Lecture - Given to both Austin Aries and Tyler Black.
  • He's Back
  • He Who Fights Monsters / Evil Feels Good: At ROH's Tenth Anniversary Show, he took on Kevin Steen in a no holds barred match where he released the old, evil Jimmy Jacobs. He even pulled out the spike and stabbed Steen with it. Unfortunately, this led to him apparently being horrified at what he had done and suffering a Heroic BSOD which allowed Steen to recover and catch him off-guard, beating him. But when he was seen next at "Showdown In The Sun", he interfered in Steen's Last Man Standing match against El Generico and stabbed Generico with the spike, joining forces with Steen! The next show opened with him cutting a promo where he said that for a year he had been trying to be good and do the right thing, and that it basically sucked. That when he stabbed Kevin Steen with the spike and froze, it wasn't because he was horrified; it was because he felt like somebody who'd been chaste for a year and then finally had an orgasm. There was no getting him back on the wagon after that.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard - The debut of the Age of the Fall was marked by a bloody Jay Briscoe hanging from the rafters while his blood rained down on Jimmy Jacobs. Jacobs's ROH tenure ended when Tyler Black did the same exact thing to him.
  • Humiliation Conga: Death Before Dishonor VI to End of an Age was a particularly cruel one for Jacobs. Necro Butcher left the Age of the Fall; Jacobs replaced him with Delirious. Jacobs and Tyler Black lost the World Tag Team Titles to Steen and Generico and then Steel Cage Warfare to Austin Aries and the Briscoes the following night. Aries would win the feud between the two in an I Quit Match at Rising Above 2008 when Lacey returned. However, Jacobs blamed Black for the loss, kicking him out of the stable. Delirious turned on him as well. Black and Delirious ended up winning their feuds against Jacobs decisively, and the same masked followers that were present on Day 1 turned their backs on their former leader.
  • Keet - Before he found Lacey.
  • Madden Into Misanthropy - Jimmy's dissatisfaction with Lacey falling in love with him started the Age of the Fall.
  • Moral Event Horizon - Pulling the spike out on the normally despised Lacey.
  • The Plan
  • Pyrrhic Victory]]
  • Redemption Quest]]
  • Unstoppable Rage - After BJ Whitmer attacked Lacey with a railroad spike.
  • Wham! Line - In the same promo: "Love doesn't save. NOTHING SAVES." "This project is over. The Age of the Fall has just begun."
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds
  • World of Cardboard Speech - Supercard of Honor 2 started with one from Jacobs. He returned with one at Supercard of Honor VI.
  • Xanatos Speed Chess - As soon as the Necro Butcher left, he lured a heartbroken Delirious over to the Age of the Fall.

Nigel McGuinness

Adam Pearce

  • The Bus Came Back - He would appear at "Showdown In The Sun" to be interviewed by Jim Cornette one night after successfully defending the NWA World Championship against Adam Cole at an NWA show. This led to an impromptu non-title rematch between the two, the first time ROH fans got to see Pearce wrestle in an ROH ring in quite a while.
  • Put on a Bus - When he became head booker in 2008.
  • Small Name, Big Ego

Jimmy Rave

  • Couch Gag - As part of the Embassy, Rave received a shower of toilet paper in lieu of streamers.
  • Humiliation Conga: Rave endured this frequently:
    • 2005: From the CM Punk feud to the rekindled AJ Styles one, and against Generation Next, the Embassy were thorns in everyone's sides all throughout 05. However, everything unraveled for them with Steel Cage Warfare. Rave got it the worst when Roderick Strong dropped him with backbreaker after backbreaker after backbreaker, forcing him to tap out to the Stronghold minutes later. Then, in a beautiful role reversal, Jade Chung used RAVE as her footstool.
    • 2007: Just when Rave was getting himself back on track after Prince Nana disbands the Embassy, Homicide beats him in a World Title match where Rave used the previously banned Rave Clash. The next night, he ends up in a match with Samoa Joe in lieu of suspension. Joe dismantles him easily. How could it get worse? Nigel McGuinness ends the feud in Liverpool by breaking Rave's jaw with the rebound lariat. When he came back, Bryan Danielson said he should've beaten Rave in a shorter time than he did back at the 4th Anniversary Show. The 4th Anniversary Show title match went 32; the rematch at A Fight at the Roxbury went only 10. Then, for some odd reason, he would get another World Title match at Driven against Takeshi Morishima. Morishima dismantled him in 4 minutes.
  • Put on a Bus: Shortly before Necro Butcher became the Crown Jewel of the Embassy, due to real life problems.
  • Rescued from the Scrappy Heap
  • Small Name, Big Ego
  • Smug Snake
  • The Bus Came Back: Rave returned in December 2011 to challenge Tomasso Ciampa at Final Battle.

Ricky Reyes

Rocky Romero

Matt Sydal

Roderick Strong

Jimmy Yang

Respect Is Earned: 2007-2009

Brent Albright

Tyler Black

Necro Butcher

Claudio Castagnoli

Matt Cross

Eddie Edwards

  • Determinator: He's not called "Die Hard" for nothing. Just watch his title matches at Best in the World and Final Battle 2011 to see how hard, and how many times, Davey Richards had to kick him in the head to keep him down.
  • Implacable Man
  • Made of Iron - Competed in Glory by Honor IX's Ladder War with a broken elbow, and the Survival of the Fittest finals with a torn muscle in his shoulder. He won both.
  • TV Tropes Made of Win Archive - Combine Made of Iron with the fact he is the only triple crown champion in Ring of Honor History.
  • Nakama - With Davey Richards, to the point where Richards didn't want to challenge Edwards for the ROH World Title.
  • Red Baron - Die Hard.
  • Repetitive Name - Eddie Edwards is actually his full name. As a result, Austin Aries once referred to him as Eddie "Eddie Edwards" Edwards alleging that he had no charisma.

El Generico

Chris Hero

Takeshi Morishima

Kenny Omega

  • Put on a Bus - Hasn't been seen in ROH since Death Before Dishonor VIII.
  • Shout-Out - One of his finishers is the HADOUKEN!

Davey Richards

Go Shiozaki

  • Evil Foreigner - Averted, even when he was a member of Sweet 'n Sour Incorporated. While he was aligned with Larry Sweeney, he never really did much in the way of evil.

Kevin Steen

  • Ax Crazy
  • Bilingual Bonus: A native of Quebec, subjecting him to this this promo set before a ROH show in Montreal: Steen attempts to con Colt Cabana into saying "I slept with my mom last night," only for Cabana to switch "my" with "his" while acting oblivious to the con or to how he made it backfire on Steen.
    • Steen also did two promos for this show entirely in quebecois, neither of which were subtitled by Ring of Honor -- albeit they're straight-forward and serious instead.
  • The Cracker - Actually hacked the ROH message boards to play his videos.
  • Complete Monster
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • He's Back
  • Loser Leaves Town
  • Moral Event Horizon - Unmasking El Generico at Glory by Honor IX.
  • Pet the Dog - Undeniable 2007: Kevin Steen declined an offer from the Hangmen 3 after they attacked El Generico.. however..
  • Self-Fulfilling Prophecy - On the same show, Steen told Adam Pearce he was the only one who would have fun smacking Generico around. Two years later...
  • Slasher Smile
  • Wham! Line - "Generico, I just wanted to say... I hate your fucking guts."

Erick Stevens

  • Badass Decay
  • Demoted to Extra - When the Necro Butcher became the official crown jewel of the Embassy...
  • Lightning Bruiser
  • Slasher Smile
  • Put on a Bus
  • Yank the Dog's Chain - Stevens won the FIP World Heavyweight Championship twice, unseating Roderick Strong both times at Final Battle 2007 and FIP's Hot Summer Nights 08. In both reigns, he lost the title in his first defense inside an FIP ring (he had successful defenses in ROH against Austin Aries, Bryan Danielson, Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli, and Davey Richards, however.)

Larry Sweeney

The Current Breed: 2010-

Shelton Benjamin

"The Prodigy" Mike Bennett

Harlem & Lance Bravado

Tommasso Ciampa

Adam Cole

Charlie Haas

Kenny King

Truth Martini

Grizzly Redwood

  • Broken Pedestal - He went from sharing beard sizes with the Necro Butcher to watching him sell out to the Embassy.
  • Canada, Eh? - A rare instance where the traditional version is played straight instead of the professional wrestling version; he's a lumberjack billed from the Yukon Territory.

Kyle O'Reilly

Andy Ridge

Rhett Titus

The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson)

  • Arrogant Kung Fu Guys: They're very good at playing the part of insufferably cocky assholes who think nobody can beat them.
  • Evil Duo
  • I Have the High Ground: Not their entire offense, but a good portion of it. Their finisher, "More Bang For Your Buck", is one brother hitting a 450 splash on their opponent followed immediately by the other hitting a moonsault and then going for the pin.
  • Jerkass: Times two.
  • Kick the Dog: In Real Life, Rhett Titus had suffered a legitimate injury and needed some time off to have it surgically repaired and to rehab. In Kayfabe, the Bucks were the ones who intentionally injured him and put him on the shelf.
  • Large Ham
  • Small Name, Big Ego: After returning to ROH following a stint in TNA, this is basically their gimmick. They have very high opinions of themselves, refuse to shake hands with anybody but each other, and give themselves sole credit for selling all the tickets to the shows.
  • Smug Snake
  • Wrestling Family

Michael Elgin

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