Princess Comet

Princess Comet aka Cosmic Baton Girl Comet-san is a Magical Girl anime about Comet, the 12-year-old princess of Harmonica Star, who is sent to Earth in order to find the prince of Tambourine Star. Comet quickly becomes fond of life on Earth and the people who live there, but her life is made more complicated by Princess Meteor, a rival princess who is also searching for the prince and wants to claim him for her own.

Tropes used in Princess Comet include:
  • Cute Witch: Comet is this type of Magical Girl.
  • Dark Magical Girl: Meteor
  • Easy Amnesia: Keisuke
  • Everything's Better with Princesses
  • Fairy Companion: Rababou (a dog-like creature) and Mook (a bird-like creature).
  • Fish Out of Water: Comet gets hit with this hard when she first arrives on Earth. By the end of her first day, she's reduced to tears because she can't figure out how to get food, since she has no Earth money.
  • Half-Identical Twins: Nene and Tsuyoshi.
  • Jerkass: Meteor
  • Magic Wand: They don't call her "baton girl" for nothing.
  • Muggle Foster Parents: Comet is taken in by a kindly muggle family during her stay on Earth. On the other hand, Meteor barges into an old couple's house and casts a spell on them to make them think they've always known her.
  • Princesses Prefer Pink: Well, heroic princesses do.
  • Punch Clock Villain: Mook, true to her name, is not terribly thrilled to be Meteor's partner and spends a lot of time trying to dissuade Meteor from carrying out her nastier ideas.
  • Rebellious Princess: Comet is a very mild-mannered example. When we first meet her, she's at a betrothal party complaining about her uncomfortable ball gown and wishing she could just ditch the party to go star-gazing, and when she's sent to Earth to find the prince, she's far more interested in exploring this strange new world than she is in chasing after some guy she's never met.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Meteor
  • The Rival: Meteor
  • Rose-Haired Girl: Comet
  • Royal Brat: Meteor is as obnoxious as Comet is sweet.
  • Runaway Fiance: Comet considers running away from the party where the prince will be betrothed either to her or Meteor, only to find that the prince beat her to it by running away himself.
  • Theme Naming: The other worlds all have musical names: Tambourine, Harmonica, Castanet, etc.
  • Transformation Sequence
  • Transformation Trinket: Comet's pendant. It also serves as a Hammerspace for Rababou to hide in.
  • Verbal Tic: Rababou says "-bou" after all his sentences.
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