Prince of the Dark Kingdom

Prince of the Dark Kingdom is a Harry Potter For Want of a Nail fanfic under the premise that Voldemort won the first Wizarding War. The nail seems to be is that Harry's parents fled the country instead of staying at Godric's Hollow. Actually, the prophecy differs in wording, prompting a different response from Harry's parents. Not being defeated by Harry, Voldemort wins the Wizarding War and takes over the country as its new ruler. Instead of killing all the Muggleborns, he implements a series of policies to better integrate them into wizarding society. When Muggleborns first display signs of magic, an official from the Wizarding Youth Reclaimant Agency is dispatched to relocate them to wizarding orphanages, wiping their Muggle parents of their memories of their child.

Henrich, AKA Harry, is forced to live with the Dursleys when his parents are killed by addicts robbing their home in Germany. When Harry's Jerkass cousin Dudley mocks and licks a portrait of his mother, Henrich uses Accidental Magic in a fit of anger. Two days later, the WYRA arrives to reintroduce him to the Wizarding World and join the life his parents left behind, making new friends while meeting old relations and slowly carving out a place in the Wizarding World.

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Tropes used in Prince of the Dark Kingdom include:

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  • Abusive Parents: As their canon depictions, the Dursleys, but also Lucius Malfoy to Hermione, of the neglectful variety.
  • Academy of Adventure: Hogwarts
  • The Alcatraz: Naturally, Azkaban. Moody manages to escape in Harry's third year.
  • Authority Equals Asskicking: The higher-ranked people in Britain are inevitably Inner Circle Death Eaters who did well during the war. The best example is, naturally, Voldemort which makes you wonder why...
  • Bodyguarding a Badass: ...this is needed for him.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Voldemort is prepared to cut off the fingers of his mail sorters if he finds a love letter.
  • Druid: Voldemort and Harry practices paganism.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: It's mentioned that Harry has fanboys as well as fangirls.
  • The Ghost: Arthur Weasley 'til he dies in Azkaban.
  • Has Two Mommies: Natalie Cypher has two mommies, while Harry has two godfathers.
  • Illegal Guardian: The Dursleys initially forced Harry to paint and sold his creations, while also starving him and allowing Dudley to bully Harry.
  • In Spite of a Nail: Being a For Want of a Nail fanfic, this naturally happens. Examples include how the Chamber of Secrets is still opened in Harry's second year, a prisoner still escapes Azkaban in his third year, and the Tri Wizard Tournament is still held in his fourth year.
    • The staff members at Hogwarts do not take up a too radical change. Snape, McGonagall, and Flitwick remain among others.
  • Keeping Secrets Sucks: Harry sincerely believes so.
  • Military Maverick: Vesper Larousse used to be one.
  • Oedipus Complex: Tom has one towards Harry and Voldemort. He outright calls Harry, his mother and Voldemort, his father and competitor.
  • Original Character: A ton of them, and Justified by different people living and dying due to a change in victors.
  • Poisonous Friend: Tom Rook AKA the Diary Horcrux to Harry.
    • His other Slytherin friends could potentially count, though of a less dangerous variety.
  • Reincarnation: Harry is the reincarnation of Carrigan, Voldemort's mentor. Though he has no Past Life Memories or any duty he has to undertake as a continuation of his past life, it is still quite significant nonetheless.
    • Gulandri speculates that Harry and Voldemort have been reincarnating over and over again since the beginning, and alternated roles as teacher and student with each reincarnation.
  • Spared By Adaptation: Quirrell, Tom Rook AKA the Diary Horcrux and many more.
  • Tongue-Tied: In the second 'book', Snape tricks Harry into signing a contract that renders him unable to tell his friends anything about the basilisk.
  • Villain Takes an Interest: Basically, the premise of the fic.
  • Weirdness Magnet: Harry, lampshaded In-Universe by his nickname "The Black Cat of Gryffindor"
  • Why Couldn't You Be Different?: Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy towards Hermonine's muggleborn heritage.
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