Prince of Darkness No More
Prince of Darkness No More is a Castlevania/Touhou crossover by SiFi270. The story begins with Kid Dracula betraying his father and resolving to kill him again. On the way, he meets Remilia and Flandre Scarlet and soon falls in love with the latter. After Dracula is defeated, the three return to Gensokyo, which has become considerably more peaceful, And the Adventure Continues....
At the start of December 2011, a Christmas Special was added. Due to issues with time, it was done as a separate story.
Tropes used in Prince of Darkness No More include:
- Achievements in Ignorance: Only Cirno could bump into Marisa while the latter was a ghost.
- Actor Allusion: Played with. Demo refers to Frankenstein's monster as Yahoo Serious, presumably because she has Young Frankenstein and Young Einstein confused.
- And Now for Someone Completely Different: Demo narrates chapter 34.
- And the Adventure Continues...: After Dracula is defeated.
- And Then What?: Ivan wonders this just before his Heel Face Turn.
- He later experiences it again when he realizes that he has nowhere to go after the castle's destroyed, but Remilia assures him that he can stay with them.
- Angrish: Rumia, as a result of having to put up with Demo.
- Archangel Michael: As well as Gabriel.
- Arc Number: Demo discusses this, and wonders if the number eleven may be one, but it doesn't seem to be just yet.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Mima is now the queen of all ghosts! And, technically, so's Marisa.
- Back from the Dead: Ivan.
- Badass Creed: The Belmonts seem to have adopted "The morning sun will vanquish the horrible night!"
- Badass Finger-Snap: Mima does one to send Shaft back to the afterlife. It doesn't stick.
- Badass Normal: While Ivan is the son of Dracula, and Flandre has the power to destroy anything, Remilia is just a vampire. Despite this, she's able to put up just as much of a fight as the other two, especially when she notices the similarities between Kokoro and Sakuya.
- In the side story, Dorothy proves herself to be quite capable of fighting supernatural creatures. The only problem is that Ivan and company are still out of her league.
- Battle Couple: Ivan and Flandre.
- Battle in the Center of the Mind: In chapter 34, between Demo's two personalities.
- Beard of Evil: The one visual distinction between Dracula and Soma Cruz.
- Berserk Button: If you compare Ivan to Dracula, he will politely correct you... If you're one of his friends. If you're not, then he'll tear you to billions of unrecognizable pieces. There's also the matter of hurting Flandre, but that goes both ways.
- Big Damn Heroes: Kokoro and Gesshi in the seventh chapter.
- Big Red Devil: Satan transforms into this. Apparently, Eidolon was the first to look like this, and all demons are designed in his image.
- Breather Episode: Chapter 34.
- Brick Joke: Demo's Fun with Acronyms nickname for the Touhou series.
- The Cameo: The Cyberdemon is a boss in Dracula's castle.
- Cannot Spit It Out: Remilia and Sakuya, up until the death of the latter. The same happens with Flandre and Ivan, although in this case his death isn't permanent.
- Casting a Shadow: Rumia's abilities seem more varied than before.
- Celebrity Paradox: Kokoro's impression of Dracula is described as "her best Bela Lugosi impression".
- Chekhov's Gun: Several are fired during Satan's arc, including: The Mask of the Seven, a vampire's ability to resurrect when one of its ashes comes into contact with blood, Demo's ability to reverse time, multiple reapers for each cause of death, and Satan's ring.
- Chess with Death: Ivan intends to play this, though he quickly finds that it's Unwinnable by Design.
- Cliffhanger Copout: Zig-Zagged in Chapter 29. Satan decides that the heroes aren't worth his time and leaves for Heaven, but then Rumia realizes how dangerous he could be up there, but then Demo concludes that he doesn't stand a chance because Heaven is where all the Belmonts are, BUT THEN Reimu arrives and confirms that, yes, Satan is a threat to Heaven and she needs their help to stop him.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Demo thinks "going to Dracula's castle" is an Unusual Euphemism for breakfast, amongst other oddities.
- Continuity Porn: Kid Dracula is the main character. Ruukoto has taken Reimu's place as the maiden at the Hakurei Shrine. That's all you need to know.
- Crossover Cosmology: At the very least, it's implied that there are several afterlives besides Heaven and Hell.
- Crossover Ship: The story was written with this in mind, though the pairing in question is barely touched upon until the ninth chapter.
- Crucified Hero Shot: In chapter 30.
- Curb Stomp Battle: When Ivan and/or Flandre are particularly angry, (Or sometimes just excited in the latter's case) you can expect one of these.
- There's also Kokoro's battle against the Cyberdemon.
- It's later revealed that Reisen defeated Rao in one of these, explaining his Cloudcuckoolander tendencies.
- Damage Sponge Boss: Koranot and Frankenstein's Monster, or so Ivan believes at first.
- Deadpan Snarker: Remilia, particularly in the first part. Rumia does most of the snarking afterwards, as a result of spending the most time with Demo.
- Department of Redundancy Department: Cirno succeeds at winning in Chapter 24.
- Despair Event Horizon: Rumia crosses this when Satan brings Demo to his side. Even after things are back to normal, she hasn't properly recovered.
- Digging Yourself Deeper: Flandre doesn't hestitate to explain why Remilia came to Dracula's castle to Kokoro and Gesshi.
- Disney Death: Ivan.
- Do Not Taunt Cthulhu: When Ivan laughs at Satan, it gets him killed.
- Dream Sequence: In the prologue.
- Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors: The solution to defeating Koranot and Frankenstein's monster.
- Explaining Your Power to the Enemy: Flandre to Dracula, though at the time there's no reason to think that he can Won't Work On Me an ability like hers.
- Expressive Hat: Suwako raises an eyebrow, her hat raises an eyebrow.
- Extreme Doormat: Ruukoto has considerably less backbone than Reimu.
- Fan Nickname: Inverted, in a way. "Kid Dracula" obviously isn't his real name, so in this story he's referred to as Ivan Cruz.
- Fascinating Eyebrow: Suwako and her hat. 'Raising an eyebrow' is also one of the story's many forms of Said Bookism.
- Featureless Plane of Disembodied Dialogue: Particularly bad towards the end of the first part, where it's lampshaded in the author's notes.
- First-Name Basis: Ivan refers to Alucard by his real name, Adrian. Sonia and Lisa do the same.
- The Archangels refer to Satan as "Lucifer".
- Lisa is the only one who could ever refer to Dracula as "Vlad".
- Fish Out of Temporal Water: Although Ivan has been asleep for ten thousand years, this is averted, mostly due to Gensokyo being even further behind than he is.
- Flashback Nightmare: Ivan has these in order to foreshadow Carmilla's return.
- Foreshadowing: In chapter 22, Marisa recalls her greatest challenge being her battle against Flandre. 19 chapters later, it turns out that this is because Yukari never existed. Lampshaded in the author's notes.
- Fourth Wall Observer: Demo seems to be one of these, but only occaisionally.
- Freud Was Right: "No, the word 'anal' is not hidden in there. What you're seeing is 'canal'."
- Futureshadowing: In the side story, vague hints were given towards events that would later be seen during Satan's arc. Towards the end of said arc, the trope is inverted when Flandre foreshadows the side story.
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: Flandre to Ivan in the 26th chapter.
- God Is Good: He even allows Reimu into Heaven when no other afterlife will accept her, despite her not even knowing who He is.
- The Grim Reaper: Apparently, there's one for each cause of death, similar to Irregular Webcomic.
- Hannibal Lecture: Evil Demo seems to be good at these.
- Heel Face Turn: The general premise of the first part of the story.
- Heel Realization: Ivan experiences one when an innocent woman is sacrificed in order to resurrect his father.
- Heroic BSOD: Ivan during his And Then What? moments, and Flandre when Dracula pulls a Won't Work On Me on her.
- Ivan is something of a BSOD magnet. His biggest so far has to be when Carmilla comes Back from the Dead, but in the side story Dorothy leaves him with a close contender.
- After the third chapter of the side story, the author decided that he wouldn't be adding any more examples.
- Hero-Killer: Satan.
- Holding Back the Phlebotinum: Demo considers her Time Master abilities to be cheating, and as such only uses them in emergencies.
- After an attempt to use her power results in a Won't Work On Me, Flandre resolves to use it less often.
- Hypocrisy Nod: Rumia acknowledges and apologizes for the example below.
- Hypocritical Humor: Demo barges into the Scarlet Devil Mansion completely uninvited whilst scolding Carmilla for the same thing.
- Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: Each chapter is named after a song from Castlevania or Touhou, or one of the lesser crossovers. From time to time, a fan remix from one of the aforementioned series will be used as well.
- Incoming Ham: "Who dares to invoke the wrath of the ghost queen?". Immediately lampshaded by Remilia.
- In Love with Your Carnage: Ivan realizes his feelings for Flandre when she turns one of their enemies into a Rain of Blood.
- Interface Screw: When Reisen drives the main characters insane.
- Ironic Echo: In chapter 11, Ivan makes it clear that nobody is going to die under his watch, and that everyone the party will make it out of Dracula's Castle "alive or undead". In chapter 27, Carmilla claims that nobody will make it out of the Scarlet Devil Mansion "alive or undead".
- When Carmilla goes One-Winged Angel, the narration takes a moment to tell us that Ivan is hardly impressed. When Flandre goes One-Winged Angel, the narration instead tells us that Satan is only slightly impressed.
- During her Unstoppable Rage, Flandre threatens to "quite literally destroy everything". When Ivan gets his Shonen Upgrade, he says he feels able to... Well, you get the idea.
- Kick the Dog and The Dog Bites Back: Ivan mentions both of these tropes by name in chapter 33.
- Kill It with Fire: Most vampires fight with this. In the side story, Ivan even sets the Crissaegrim on fire in order to make it deadlier.
- Kill It with Water: Koranot and Frankenstein's Monster, both for different reasons.
- Late to the Punchline: Ivan in regards to the Stealth Insult below.
- Let's Get Dangerous: Deconstructed. When Ivan dies, Flandre is willing to destroy quite literally everything in order to avenge him.
- The Load: Demo and Rumia become this towards the end of the battle against Satan.
- Loony Fan: Remilia hasn't come to Castlevania to slay Dracula. She just wants to meet him.
- Loophole Abuse: Apparently for Carmilla, if they don't slam the door in your face, it's pretty much the same as inviting you inside.
- Mama Bear: Mina.
- Meaningful Name: Demo: Short for "demon"?
- Moment Killer: Just as Ivan's about to reveal that Shaft is responsible for their problems, Remilia flat-out says it herself.
- Mood Whiplash: Very common. The author states that not even he can keep track of the mood sometimes.
- My God, You Are Serious: Demo manages to pull this on herself.
- The Nicknamer: Demo, borrowing some from her inspiration and some from fellow Cloudcuckoolander Homsar.
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Sadly, Marisa no longer holds the title of "ordinary magician", as she is now both a maid and a ghost.
- No Internet Celebrities Were Harmed: Demo is basically her creator.
- Won't Work On Me: Dracula manages to do this with Flandre's powers.
- Koranot and Frankenstein's monster pull the same with Marisa's Master Spark.
- Noodle Incident: How Cirno came to be under Suwako's protection.
- Nothing Can Stop Me Now: Dracula believes this after having been dead for ten thousand years.
- Older Than They Look: Sakuya was apparently born in the late '70s.
- One-Winged Angel: Dracula starts with a halfway one-winged angel before going all the way. Ivan later manages one himself.
- Carmilla pulls off the same transformation she did in Rondo of Blood, but Ivan is hardly impressed by it.
- Flandre later steals Carmilla's Amplifier Artifact and accomplishes the same transformation she did.
- Galamoth does this in the side story, though it's more of a Make My Monster Grow.
- Satan's transformation caused the author to decide that he wouldn't be adding any more examples.
- OOC Is Serious Business: Demo is terrifying when she starts talking sense.
- Our Souls Are Different: It gets very confusing. Although someone resembles their living self whilst in the afterlife, they are really just a soul. The confusing part is when Simon's soul bleeds and the blood is used to resurrect Ivan.
- Our Vampires Are Different: It seems to be a matter of experience in this case.
- According to Chapter 8, vampires have enhanced hearing due to their relation to bats.
- Painting the Fourth Wall: When Demo reverses time, the events she's undoing are repeated, but in reverse.
- Papa Wolf: Soma.
- Phrase Catcher: "Demo, it's scary when you're right."
- Polygon Ceiling: Demo brings this up for no reason whatsoever. She calls it "the Bubsy treatment".
- Pragmatic Villainy: Dracula allows Shaft to escape the castle unharmed, but only so that he can be easily resurrected the next time around.
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: "Oh, I'll send the hell out of that postcard!"
- Precision F-Strike: Flandre gets one in chapter 32.
- Rain of Blood: Flandre turns Gaibon into this.
- Retcon: In the prologue, Ivan's referred to as a Dhampir, though a later chapter establishes that he was born fully human, and it wasn't until later he became a vampire from being bitten.
- Ret-Gone: Yukari.
- Rule of Cool: Why Ivan wanted a Cyberdemon in the castle.
- Said Bookism: The author is incredibly frustrated that nobody told him that this was bad writing until he found out for himself after 25 chapters. As well as everything else he's ever written.
- And now he's slipping back into it due to force of habit.
- Satan
- Self-Deprecation: An In-Universe example. When Reimu learns that Ruukoto isn't very good at being a shrine maiden, she says "she already sounds better than me!".
- Self-Serving Memory: The Bible depicts the battle between Lucifer and Micheal as a Curb Stomp Battle. Thousands of years later, Satan remembers Micheal as a Worthy Opponent.
- She's All Grown Up: After ten thousand years, the Scarlet sisters now look twenty-ish!
- Shonen Upgrade: Ivan after being resurrected with the blood of Simon Belmont.
- Shut UP, Hannibal: Flandre after Carmilla claims that nobody cares for Ivan except for the fact that he's the son of Dracula.
- Richter does this to Satan in chapter 30.
- Shut Up, Kirk: Dracula has long grown tired of debating with Belmonts, and as such immediately starts by attacking them.
- Slasher Smile: Flandre sports one before going One-Winged Angel.
- Sinister Scythe: Besides the obvious, Mima has one.
- So Proud of You: Soma to Ivan.
- Spell My Name with an "S": When Gesshi was introduced, there was some confusion on the Castlevania wiki about the ordering of her name. So during the first arc, she is known as Hanafuuma Gesshi, or just Hanafuuma.
- Stealth Insult: Flandre doesn't believe her sister is capable of standing up against Frankenstein. Remilia scolds her for confusing the monster and the creator, and Flandre clarifies that she's explicitly referring to the creator.
- Stepford Smiler: Flandre is implied to have been this prior to meeting Ivan.
- Suicidal Overconfidence: Galamoth in the side story. Ivan seems to exhibit this after coming Back from the Dead, but it's subverted when he lives up to his claims.
- Talkative Loon: Demo.
- Talking Is a Free Action: Frequently lampshaded.
- Demo invokes this in chapter 41, where she kicks Reisen in the middle of one of her monologues.
- Talk to the Whip: Richter has taken this approach.
- Take That: According to Alucard, all human/vampire relationships end in disaster.
- Team Pet: Gergoth.
- Thanatos Gambit: Shaft's death is apparently the final step towards summoning Satan.
- Time Master: Demo is apparently one, though she never uses it because she considers it to be cheating.
- Took a Level in Badass: Mina Hakuba after becoming an angel.
- Tranquil Fury: Mentioned by name in the seventh chapter.
- Tsundere: Rumia always seems to be the most annoyed by Demo, but she's also the most distressed when Demo undergoes a Face Heel Turn. She eventually confesses her true feelings after the battle's over.
- Unstoppable Rage: Kokoro beats Death while ranting about the Castlevania series' difficulty from an In-Universe point of view.
- Ivan goes into this after Flandre is seemingly killed.
- And in chapter 31, the inverse of the above happens, though there is no "seemingly" about Ivan's death.
- Unwinnable by Design: Chess with Death.
- Victory Is Boring: Gensokyo's been very peaceful for the past 10,000 years. Marisa isn't at all happy about this.
- Wham! Episode: Chapter 30. The next one only takes it further.
- Wham! Line: Nearly averted. Marisa brings up how Kaguya died as though it's no big deal, but Patchouli realizes the true implications shortly afterward.
- Another appears in the very next chapter, where Demo reveals that Yukari has been erased from existence, and only she and other Time Masters remember her at all.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: The author forgets completely about Gergoth from time to time, leading him to remind everyone that he still exists at the beginning of the next chapter. Right now, he seems to be in limbo.
- What the Hell, Hero?: While Remilia isn't exactly a hero, Ivan still calls her out on keeping Flandre in the basement for thousands of years.
- Remilia delivers one to God of all people.
- In the side story, Flandre's treatment of Dorothy gets this (again from Ivan).
- Who Dares?: To invoke the wrath of the Ghost Queen?
- Or to punch Carmilla in the face?
- The Worf Effect: Invoked by Satan.
- Writing Around Trademarks: Demo has canonically been to the Mushroom Kingdom before. But since it's been so long, and since she has such a loose grasp on reality in the first place, she fails to properly remember its name, assuming it to be "the Mashed Potato Kingdom".
- You Cannot Grasp the True Form: Ivan's One-Winged Angel form is implied to be one of these.
The Side Story contains examples of
- Adult Fear: Alternate Remilia experiences this when Alternate Flandre goes missing.
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: "Everyone has bad days. It may be when they lose someone or something important to them, or it may be when they suffer a serious injury, or it may even be when they spill coffee all over their computer."
- BFG: Dorothy weilds two in a Shout-Out to Hellsing.
- Christmas Special
- Diabolus Ex Machina: Played for laughs in the author's notes for chapter 4.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Alternate Flandre certainly did.
- Expy: Dorothy Hood is loosely based on B.B. Hood from Darkstalkers.
- Genre Savvy: Alternate Demo and Rumia, according to the author's notes.
- Guns Akimbo: Dorothy.
- I Cannot Self-Terminate: Vampires, apparently. Specifically, alternate Flandre.
- It's a Wonderful Plot: With a twist. Ivan refuses to leave the alternate timeline until he's fixed all the problems caused by his absence.
- Little No: Ivan when he refuses to leave until everything is fixed. He later does this three times in a row when he discovers alternate Flandre.
- My Greatest Failure: Ivan's is neglecting to do anything to save the latest woman to be sacrificed to resurrect Dracula.
- My Name Is Dorothy Hood: Except later, when it's Flandre.
- Mythology Gag: The story begins almost identically to last year's Christmas special, A Christmas Carolvania.
- Neck Lift: Galamoth does this to both Ivan and Simon.
- Pyrrhic Victory: Over Dorothy.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Dorothy is on one.
- Rock Bottom: Dorothy reaches this after failing to avenge her mother.
- Say My Name: In a Shout-Out to Star Trek II the Wrath of Khan at the end of chapter 3.
- Set Right What Once Went Wrong
- Suicide by Cop: What alternate Flandre is hoping for.
- Take My Hand: Simon brings Ivan to various locations this way.
- That Man Is Dead: Una in regards to alternate Flandre.
- Ultimate Evil: Subverted. Galamoth's identity is made perfectly clear, but The Dragon remains anonymous. Until she's revealed to be alternate Flandre.
- You Killed My Mother: Dorothy's motivation.
- You Monster!: Dorothy to Ivan.
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