< Power Rangers Mystic Force
Power Rangers Mystic Force/Characters
Our Heroes
Nick Russell / Red Mystic Ranger | (Actor: Firass Dirani)
I don't know about you guys, but I'm feeling the magic.
- Arbitrary Skepticism: In the premiere, he witnesses (among other things) transportation to an alternate dimension, hordes of the undead, and perfectly normal people harnessing the elements... but believing in magic? Pfft. No way.
- Badass Biker
- The Chosen One: 'The Light'.
- The Drifter: Was one before coming; rode in on his Cool Bike.
- Happily Adopted: Nick has nothing but good things to say about his adoptive parents and doesn't not forget them after finding his bio parents.
- The Hero: He's team leader, he wears red, and often delivers the final blow.
- Heroic BSOD: A brief one in the Darkest Hour, leading to What the Hell, Hero? below.
- Heroes Prefer Swords: Magistaff turns into this.
- I Was Just Passing Through: Inverted, he really was 'just passing through' and the only one who wanted to help.
- Law of Chromatic Superiority: Other than being the center of the show, he gets a Cool Bike, his own Megazord configuration, and the usual Battlizer. Fits right in with being a Canon Sue.
- Playing with Fire
- Personality Powers: Nick is hot-headed and impulsive, which matches his ranger element, fire.
- Refusal of the Call: Doesn't like the fact that he's 'the Light' and wasn' fond of being a Ranger either.
- Secret Legacy: He's Koragg/Leanbow and Udonna's son, Bowen.
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Lampshaded.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- What the Hell, Hero?: In the finale, Nick gets called out by his teammates when he decides to give up, after being Curb Stomped by the Master. It didn't help that they had to pry it out of him since, when asked, he didn't even bother to give them a clear answer.
- To be fair, he was right on the edge of the Despair Event Horizon after watching The Master kill his father right in front of him.
Charlie "Chip" Thorn / Yellow Mystic Ranger | (Actor: Nic Sampson)
A parallel dimension outside of Briarwood? Do we live in a great city or what?
- The Archer: His hobby. His Magistaff also turns into a crossbow.
- Ascended Fanboy: He's read every book and comic, and played every video game in the super hero genre.
- He's also a knight in trainning.
- Badass Bookworm: Admit it, he doesn't look like he'd be the first to lay the smack down on Mooks being a scrawny looking geek, but quickly took to being a Ranger.
- Fun Personified: Chip is the only person in this show who doesn't take himself and the setting too seriously.
- Genre Savvy: The only one not fooled by Vida's vampire transformation or shapeshifters with gifts, or other dangers. Though there was that one Idiot Ball where he opened a mysterious vase that appeared out of nowhere.
- Plucky Comic Relief: Always has a joke, or is the butt of one.
- Redheaded Hero
- Ship Tease: With Vida.
- Shock and Awe
- The Smart Guy: Due to being Genre Savvy he has a general idea about magic and what to do about it and how to solve magic problems.
Madison Rocca / Blue Mystic Ranger | (Actress: Melanie Vallejo)
This is so unlike me, but...I'm sticking with my sister.
- The Face: Her sister tries to cheer up with her success in talking with others (like Nick and Jenji) and inspiring them etc, but it doesn't make her feel better.
- The Chick: The nicest team member, the most girly of the Rangers, and the go to girl for talking people out of Heroic BSOD
- Dawson Casting: Madison is 17-18 years old, while her actress, Melanie Vallejo, was 27 at the time of filming.
- Making a Splash
- Meaningful Name: Her powers are mermaid-based, and Splash was the movie that made Madison into a popular girl's name. Not to mention the whole filmmaker thing...
- The Quiet One: Due to shyness.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Minus the "tall" part.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With Vida.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly Girl to Vida's Tomboy.
Vida Rocca / Pink Mystic Ranger | (Actress: Angie Diaz)
I hate pink.
- Action Girl: Able and willing to kick ass.
- Ambiguously Gay
- The Big Guy: The most aggressive of the team but no more or less strong.
- Blow You Away
- Ship Tease: With Chip.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With Madison.
- Skunk Stripe: It's a different color every episode!
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Tomboy to Madison's Girly Girl.
Xander Bly / Green Mystic Ranger | (Actor: Richard Brancatisano)
How are we gonna defeat pure evil? Our high school hasn't won a football game in, like, six years.
- An Axe to Grind: His Magistaff turns into this.
- The Charmer: Believes himself to be this, with... questionable results.
- Elemental Powers
- Mr. Fanservice
- "Growing Muscles" Sequence: The Mystic Muscles Power-Up, exclusive to him.
- The Lancer: Supervisor but not team leader so there's friction with Nick; the two clashed early on. He's also 'Mr. Personality' to contrast to Nick's loner tendencies.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
Daggeron / Solaris Knight | (Actor: John Tui)
Now Nick is going to be beat - I mean, taught by the best.
- Cool Gun: A genie lamp that shoots energy blasts and... Jenji!?
- Cool Train: His Zord.
- Foe Yay: With Itassis.
- Hey, It's That Guy!: For the second year in a row, John Tui plays a Sixth Ranger. At least this time, you get to see his face.
- Knight in Shining Armor: Literally and figuratively.
- The Mentor: To the other rangers and especially Nick, whose father was his mentor.
- The Power of the Sun: Solaris Knight
- Sixth Ranger
- Voluntary Shapeshifter: With his monstrous Ancient Warrior Mode.
Udonna / White Mystic Ranger | (Actress: Peta Rutter)
Real heroes are born in the face of real danger.
- An Ice Person
- Big Good: She serves the same function to this team as Zordon to the originals; a mentor and parental figure.
- Broken Bird: The great battle twenty years earlier was won, but cost her her husband, son, sister and one of her closest friends.
- The Mentor: After she lost her powers, this was how she helped.
- Eleventh-Hour Ranger: Spends most of the season without her Ranger powers; only getting them back in time for the final battle.
- Parental Substitute: To Clare.
- Redheaded Hero
- Team Mom: Cares about the team and makes soup.
- Action Mom to Nick
- Mama Bear: Performed a Dangerous Forbidden Technique to save the rangers.
- Voluntary Shapeshifter: With her monstrous Ancient Warrior Mode.
- Woman in White: A Big Good version. She wears white, definitely important to the plot, and has experienced death from all sides of her life.
Their Friends
Clare Langtree | (Actress: Antonia Prebble)
- The Apprentice: Udonna's. She's promoted to full sorceress by the end.
- Barrier Maiden: Its up to her to keep the gate to the underworld closed; she's also the key to opening it.
- Book Ends: In her first appearance, she has a lot of difficulty with an invisibility spell. At the end of the season, she effortlessly performs it successfully.
- Butt Monkey: When her spells malfunction, which is often, its funny.
- Inept Mage: Repeat, her spells malfunction often.
- The Klutz: And they're not the only things that trip up.
- Meaningful Name: Clair de lune means "moonlight" in French.
- Missing Mom: Her mother died sealing away the forces of darkness during the Great Battle.
- Parental Substitute: To Fireheart, the last dragon. Clare hatched his egg and Fireheart immediately referred to her as "Momma." Clare is henceforth shown acting like a mother to him.
- Super-Powered Alter Ego / Took a Level in Badass: Far competent as the Gate Keeper, but its hardly an alter ego as everyone knows her.
Phineas | (Actor: Kelson Henderson)
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Despite his strange and offputting behavior, his advice is usually good and he can definitely kick ass when he has to.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Appears to be a pointless funny guy, but he's crucial to Nick's backstory and helps out a number of times.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
- Hot Amazon: Gender flipped version. Lelee showed more interest in him after he beat up a group of mooks.
- Hybrid Monster: Half-troll, half-goblin.
- Tragic Mulatto: And not welcome in either group.
- Parental Substitute: To Fireheart, the last dragon. When Jenji abandoned Fireheart in the woods, Phineas found him and took him in. When Fireheart referred to him as "Daddy", Phineas lit up with happiness.
- Finishing Move: Super Cat Attack (he named it in the episode where he takes the Fire Heart Dragon into the forest), used mostly with Daggeron.
- Genie in a Bottle
- Literal Genie: Sometimes.
- Mega Neko
- Motor Mouth: His stories just go on and on and on, and when he's talking about anything else its on and on and on...
- Sealed Good in a Can: His lamp. He can leave for a few hours at a time (and if not for a curse, could leave permanently any time he wanted), but its more or less a magic life support machine keeping said curse at bay, so he needs to spend most of his time in it.
- Schmuck Bait: It's just a simple box, it won't do nothing except suck him into an black hole, though Daggeron tried to warn him.
The Snow Prince
- An Ice Person
- She's a Man In Japan: Based on Heavenly Saint Snowgel, who was female.
Mystic Mother | (Actress: Machiko Soga, voiced by Susan Brady)
- Alliterative Name
- Big Good: The Empress of all good magic. That makes her Udonna's boss.
- Continuity Nod / Actor Allusion: Played by Machiko Soga, she was "known as Rita in the dark days." In other words, she's Rita Repulsa post Z-wave-induced Heel Face Turn.
- The Other Darrin: A pity they couldn't get Barbara Goodson to voice her again.
- The Empress: Has a impressive looking palace and elaborate robes.
- Not Quite Dead: Everyone, good and bad, thinks she is except she escaped by turning herself into energy. She pulled herself back together after the final battle.
- Reformed Criminal: As mentioned above she is Rita Repulsa.
Their Enemies
Koragg the Knight Wolf/Leanbow / Wolf Warrior | (Actor: Chris Graham)
- Brainwashed
- Big Badass Wolf
- Eleventh-Hour Ranger
- Fallen Hero
- Hellish Horse: Catastros.
- Honor Before Reason: He nevers takes the pragmatic approach like Imperius and this gets him into trouble more than once. However, he makes a good defense of his position. The minion that insists on fighting fair is more trustworthy than a pragmatic minion that will stab his master in the back.
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me
- Luke, I Am Your Father: To Nick.
- Noble Demon: Claims to be evil but never delivers more than a but kicking then leaves.
- Voluntary Shapeshifter: With his monstrous Ancient Warrior Mode.
- Wolf Man: He doesn't actually turn into a wolf, but 'wolf' is his theme and it WAS unwilling and he was bitten by the Master
The Master | (Voice actor: John Leigh)
- Bigger Bad: While he's the only villain to last from beginning to end, he spends all but the finale in a pit or a prisoner of Leanbow doing absolutely nothing. Its almost like he's some symbolic figure head that can't do anything. In the finale, he proves his power, but everything leading up to the finale is driven by other lesser Big Bads.
- Cosmic Horror
- Cthulhumanoid: What his true form looks like.
- Evil Laugh: Has a very menacing one.
- Evil Plan: A strange example as he has a plan (see below) but does nothing for the bulk of the series. The Evil Plans of his minions are what drive the conflict.
- The Master: Of the underworld and demons and 'bad' magic. Though the Mystic Mother says he's the master of 'nothing'.
- Omnicidal Maniac: Escentually wants to consume the entire world.
Itassis | (Voice actress: Josephine Davidson)
- Curiosity Causes Conversion: Wants to know more about this power source called 'courage' and how it can be used. Its an intellectual pursuit.
- Heel Face Turn
- Foe Yay: With Daggeron.
- For Science!: "I'm not like the others; I seek knowledge, not power."
- Redemption Promotion: Granted, she was already pretty dang powerful, but after her Heel Face Turn, she destroys Sculpin in a one on one fight and manages to send the Master into retreat momentarily.
- The Rival
- What Is This Thing Called Courage?: Asks Daggeron at the end.
Leelee Pimvare | (Actor: Holly Shanahan)
- All of the Other Reindeer Once her secret is revealed, the Rangers hardly want anything to do with her. It's not their fault she's been such a bitch to them, though.
- The Ditz
- Expy: Sort of one to Nadira.
- Heel Face Turn: Of course, she wasn't that evil to start with...
- Love Redeems Though she was Heel Face Turning on her own, Phineas pushed her over the edge.
- I Hate You Vampire Mom
- I Just Want to Have Friends: She's far more interested in this than, say, conquering the world. After the Rangers learn who she really is, she has a heck of a hill to climb.
- Meaningful Name: Her last name is an anagram of "vampire," which Leelee Lampshades near the end of the season.
- Noble Demon: Despite initiall identification as evil she only comitted one deed in the series that can be called 'evil' and that was almost get Nick fired. When asked if she was good or evil she replied "A little bit of both".
Necrolai / Nikki Pimvare | (Voice actress: Donogh Rees; actress: Brigitte Berger)
- Our Vampires Are Different
- Significant Anagram: Same as Leelee.
- Action Mom: Leelee's mom who one time took on all five rangers.
Imperious/Calindor]] | (Voice actor: Stuart Devine; actor: Will Hall)
- Big Bad: The second one.
- The Dragon to the Bigger Bad but the arc focuses on him and his plans.
- Deceptive Disciple
- The Dark Side: Fell to it pre-series.
- Evil Feels Good: This is why, that and the power boost.
- Red Mage: Performs many diverse forms of magic; growth, transporation, transformation, all the elementals.
- The Starscream: Plans to overthrow the master and rule the underworld.
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