< Power Rangers Jungle Fury

Power Rangers Jungle Fury/YMMV

  • Non Sequitur Scene: The Masters' Half-Human Hybrid forms in the finale, which happen to be the Seven Kensei from Gekiranger.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: When Casey walks through a crowd of Rin Shi in a textbook display of Tranquil Fury and wipes them all out - UNMORPHED - on his way to rescue Jarrod.
    • When RJ pulls a Big Damn Heroes moment to save his dad. 'He's strong RJ,' 'So am I'
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: When you suffer through two pieces of horrible music, the theme song for Jungle Fury feels like a breath of fresh air. It helps that this is the first Power Rangers theme in a very long time to actually have harmony.
    • There's also the jungle-themed background music, which is heavy on the African drums. Some East Asian music is also mixed in, to match the shows kung-fu motif.
  • Ear Worm: The theme song is damn catchy, those vocal harmonies (seriously, when was the last time Power Rangers even did that?) just get stuck in your brain and refuse to leave
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Despite being a lesser-loved series, Jungle Fury has one of the most loved non-Ranger characters of the Disney era: Fran, the glasses-wearing, Adorkable girl who slowly comes out of her shell, is well loved amongst the fans.
    • RJ also got a good deal of praise for his unique approach toward mentoring and more laid-back persona.
  • Epileptic Trees: RJ is implied to have got the morphers "from a guy who knew a guy who had an uncle". There are lots of fan theories involving Andros, Tommy and Cam in various configurations providing him with the morphers.
  • Fan Nickname: Doogie-Nick for Dominic, due to actor Nikolai Nikolaeff's resemblance to Neil Patrick Harris.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: the second wave of basic figures has their electronics taken out and placed inside "sound chips", which resemble USB flash drives. Guess what Kamen Rider Double and its toyline would be based around.
  • Needs More Love: While this season isn't up to the standards of fan-favorites In Space, Time Force, and RPM, it's still a marked improvement over many of the previous ones.
    • This season had two of the things that made those three series so standout. Character development and story arcs (especially for Casey, Fran and RJ). Makes you wonder what might have been had the writer's strike not occurred.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: Several changes to some of the franchise's details irked fans, like the Rangers' suits lacking belts and having short gloves and shoes rather than the long gloves and boots that had been the standard costume choice for years, as well as the stronger focus on Chinese Kung-Fu as opposed to Japanese martial arts. And then there's the Solar Morphers issue...
    • This actually has more to do with the source footage than anything. Except for the Solar Morphers.
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