< Power Rangers Jungle Fury
Power Rangers Jungle Fury/Characters
Our Heroes
Casey Rhodes / Jungle Fury Red Ranger | (Actor: Jason Smith)
My spirit doesn't make me stronger. I make my spirit stronger.
- Cool Sword: Sharkswords, which he Dual Wields, and can combine to a single sword.
- Fighting with Chucks
- The Hero: Although he rarely, if ever takes on the dominant role of leader, and even then under protest.
- Law of Chromatic Superiority: Averted - despite getting a Cool Bike only for himself, he's the first Red Ranger in years to not get a Super Mode. He gains a second master last and earns his Master stripes later than Lily and Theo.
- The McCoy
- Took a Level in Badass: In the finale, he takes down a crowd of Mooks. While unmorphed. And proceeds to go one-on-one with the Big Bad without dying horribly.
- Panthera Awesome: Tiger
- Rookie Red Ranger: Possibly a deconstruction, as he constantly worries about not being able to catch up to Theo and Lily.
- Warrior Therapist: How he breaks Jarrod free of Dai Shi in the finale.#
Lily Chilman / Jungle Fury Yellow Ranger | (Actress: Anna Hutchison)
I'm the Ranger you're gonna wish you'd never met!
- Action Girl:Despite being the The Smurfette Principle she is ready to kick ass
- The Chick
- Epic Flail: Jungle Mace
- The Kirk
- No Indoor Voice: Like Jason before her, once she morphs, she screams every single word.
- Panthera Awesome: Cheetah
- Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs
- She's All Grown Up
- Simple Staff
- The Smurfette Principle
- Will They or Won't They?: With Theo.
Theo Martin / Jungle Fury Blue Ranger | (Actor: Aljin Abella)
My mind is a well-oiled machine. It can juggle two jobs, read a book and save the world - all before the lunch rush.
- Ascended Fanboy: "No way! Ever since I was a little kid, I always wanted to be a -- if that's what it takes."
- Dual Tonfas
- Jerkass: Though a heart of gold tended to show up when it counted.
- The Lancer
- The Napoleon: Shorter even than his own love interest and anyone else in the series, with a massive ego and pushing himself as the best of the bunch.
- In fact, it kind of screws around the show a bit, because when he morphs he's around the same height as the other Rangers.
- Panthera Awesome: Jaguar
- Paper Fan of Doom
- The Smart Guy
- The Spock
- Will They or Won't They?: With Lily.
Robert "R.J." James / Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger | (Actor: David de Lautour)
Remember, guys! The enemy is *merciless.* And just as graceful as - (falls over, springs back up) Me!
- Bare-Fisted Monk
- Big Badass Wolf
- Big Eater
- The Big Guy
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
- Erudite Stoner
"I always like to leave my opponent with a...confusing thought."
"Theo, I'm ignoring your negative energy."
- Genius Bruiser
- Ki Attacks
- The Mentor
- Big Brother Mentor: He's far more social and "one of the guys" with his charges though, possibly because he was probably the youngest Mentor until Power Rangers RPM.
- Team Dad
- Trademark Favorite Food: Pizza. He loves it so much he opened his own shop just to have an endless supply.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy
- Wolf Man
Dominic "Dom" Hargan / Jungle Fury Rhino Ranger | (Actor: Nikolai Nikolaeff)
Theo: That's your very, very safe place. Under [a seat cushion] with old french fries and dead cockroaches?
Dom: Genius, huh? No-one's gonna put their hands down there.
- Power Fist: Well, it's more like a Power Chop, since it's used for chopping instead of punching.
- Rhino Rampage
- Sixth Ranger
- Will They or Won't They?: With Fran.
Their Friends
Fran | (Actor: Sarah Thomson)
- Adorkable
- Ascended Fangirl: In a sense. She loved the pizza place so much that she was thrilled to be offered a job there.
- Dojikko
- Iron Woobie: Non-dramatic version: she goes through a lot of work-related crap even before learning who her workmates really are. While a straight comic relief would either laugh it or be ignored by karma, she does get the chance to vent her frustrations.
- Meganekko
- Secret Keeper: Eventually becomes one.
- Will They or Won't They?: With Dominic.
Their Enemies
Jarrod/Dai Shi | (Actor: Bede Skinner; Geoff Dolan voices Dai Shi once he and Jarrod are separated)
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: As Jarrod.
- Big Bad
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: In the finale, Jarrod, Dai Shi's former vessel, does this with his true form.
- Demonic Possession
- Evil Sounds Deep
- Expy: Johnny, what are you doing on Power Rangers?
- Also, look at him in an average episode and say he's not channelling teen Anakin Skywalker
- Four Is Death: Lampshaded in that his name is Japanese.
- Ki Attacks
- Love Redeems (Minion Shipping): With Camille.
- One-Winged Angel: He assumes his true form, which is that of an eight-headed dragon, in the finale.
- Our Dragons Are Different
- Panthera Awesome: King of Beasts
- Parental Abandonment: During his childhood, his parents weren't around much, and he had to stay with a neighbor most of the time.
- Sealed Evil In A Man
- You Have Failed Me...: He strips Whiger of his Rinzin, title, and rank and banishes him from his temple as punishment for his defeat by the hands of the Jungle Master Stampede Formation.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: He allows the Rangers to destroy Carnisoar and Grizzaka and the Phantom Beast Generals to destroy Jellica because they are no longer needed by him now that he has learned to harness his hatred and deceit thanks to Carnisoar and Jellica and has learned Zocato on his own.
Camille | (Actor: Holly Shanahan)
- The Baroness: In a complete departure from Dark Genki Girl Mele.
- Dark Action Girl
- The Dragon: To Dai Shi.
- Fetish Fuel: Her tongue.
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Before Camille, Holly Shanahan played Leelee in Power Rangers Mystic Force.
- Love Redeems (Minion Shipping): With Jarrod.
- Reptiles Are Abhorrent: Her animal motif being the Chameleon.
- The Phoenix: Her motif after gaining Rinzin Power.
- Undying Loyalty: Stays loyal to Dai Shi even after he abuses her, and even gets deposed.
Carnisoar | (Voice actor: Cameron Rhodes)
- Doppelganger Spin
- Evil Mentor: To Dai Shi until Grizzaka's arrival.
- Feathered Fiend
- The Evil Genius
- The War Has Just Begun: His last words after being destroyed by the Rhino Pride Megazord.
Jellica | (Voice actress: Elisabeth Easther)
- Dark Chick
- Everything's Squishier with Cephalopods
- Evil Mentor: First to Camille, then to Dai Shi.
- Oh Crap: She gets one when the Phantom Beast Generals turn against her, just before destroying her.
- Everything's Worse with Bears
- The Brute
- Smug Super: His arrogance about his immense power and his claims to be completely invincible are good reasons why he counts as one.
- The Starscream: He steals Dai Shi's throne from him because he blames him for losing the great Beast War, and even more for inhabiting a human body. Dai Shi later returns to take his throne back.
- This Cannot Be!: He screams this after the rangers destroy him with the Jungle Master Stampede Formation.
- This Is Unforgivable!: Before his huge battle with the Rangers, he declares to them, "You destroyed all my warriors, my royal guards, and the great Overlord Carnisoar. Finally, I shall destroy you!"
- Unstoppable Rage: Even Dai Shi and the other villains are wary of pissing him off.
- We Meet Again: He says this verbatim to the Rangers before their huge fight in his last episode appearance before the finale.
- Wolverine Claws
Scorch | (Voice actor: Mark Wright)
- Our Dragons Are Different
- The Dragon: Seems to be leader of the Phantom Beasts, so he essentially takes this role for Dai Shi.
Snapper | (Voice actor: Richard Simpson)
Whiger | (Voice actor: Jared Turner)
- Heel Face Turn: After being stripped of his Rinzin, title, and rank by Dai Shi and banished from his temple for being defeated by the Jungle Master Stampede Formation, he does this when Casey shows him his own kindness to his surprise, and the two even team up for a while. Shortly after their teamup, he fades away from existence, but not from Casey's memory.
- Panthera Awesome
Flit | (Voice actor: Kelson Henderson)
- Combat Commentator
- Fly Crazy
- Laughably Evil
- Was Once a Man: He was turned into a fly by Camille. He is later turned back into a human towards the finale.
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