< Power Rangers Dino Thunder
Power Rangers Dino Thunder/Characters
Our Heroes
Conner McKnight / Red Tyranno Ranger | (Actor: James Napier)
Dude. "Computer club?"
- The Hero
- Jerk Jock → Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Law of Chromatic Superiority: Taken to ridiculous extremes; see Super Mode. It should also be noted that Conner received his Super Dino Mode first.
- The McCoy
- Right Behind Me: In the season premere he says that Principal Randall is just a woman and women are just grown-up girls, just in time for her to appear and catch him for ditching class to play soccer.
- Simple Staff
- Super Mode: All the Rangers receive super modes, but he's the only one to receive three of them.
- Super Speed
"Now you see me...now you're unconscious."
- Tyrannosaurus Rex
- You Look Familiar: His twin brother went to a certain ninja school (a pity they didn't mention this during the actual team-up).
Ethan James / Blue Tricera Ranger | (Actor: Kevin Duhaney)
Ten years from now when your hairline's receding and you're playing pick-up soccer in the park because your dreams of turning pro never quite worked out? I'll have my own multibillion dollar software business.
Kira Ford / Yellow Ptera Ranger | (Actress: Emma Lahana)
Did you just call me "babe"? Did he just call me "babe?"
- The Chick
- Cute Bruiser
- Dual-Wielding
- Idol Singer
- The Kirk
- Make Me Wanna Shout
- Ship Tease: Has some of this with Trent.
- Shorttank
- The Smurfette Principle
Dr. Tommy Oliver / Black Brachio Ranger | (Actor: Jason David Frank)
Just like riding a bike.
- The Ace
- Broken Ace: If the events of "Fighting Spirit" are any indication.
- Adventurer Archaeologist
- Badass Bookworm
- Badass Teacher
- Big Good
- The Big Guy
- The Bus Came Back
- Cerebus Retcon: You know all that dark stuff that happened to Tommy in the first five seasons? It all comes crashing down.
- Cool Teacher
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Deadpan Snarker
- Four Is Death: He's the fourth Ranger on the team and is wearing his fourth color overall. Over the course of the series, he gets frozen in amber, hit with two different instances of Power Incontinence, and is briefly put in a coma.
- He's Back
- Hot Scientist
- Iconic Character
- Invisibility: Was even stuck like this for two eps.
- I Was Quite a Fashion Victim: Hey, Badass Long Hair was cool back in the 90s!
- The Mentor
- The Obi-Wan: A non-lethal example.
- Older and Wiser
- Papa Wolf: Do not threaten his students if you know what's good for you. It will not end well.
- Power Incontinence: Twice; the first time, he got stuck in his morphed form by the White Drago Ranger, and the other time, he got stuck in his invisible form.
- Retired Badass
- Same Character but Different
- Stern Teacher
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- Team Dad
Trent Fernandez-Mercer / White Drago Ranger | (Actor: Jeffrey Parazzo)
- Ascended Fanboy: He gets to meet a comic book artist he admires and the two even work on a comic together after Trent is forced to tell him he's the White Ranger (Anton bankrolls it without telling him).
- Brainwashed and Crazy
- Cloning Blues/Evil Twin: Because Abarekiller is evil/morally ambiguous for the majority of Abaranger, Trent was given an evil clone so that they could use more of the stock footage.
- Cool Sword: It shoots energy arrows!
- Evil Sounds Deep (when brainwashed)
- Heel Face Turn
- Invisibility
- Light Is Not Good
- Rain of Arrows
- Ship Tease: Has some of this with Kira.
- Sixth Ranger
- Super-Powered Evil Side: The White Ranger at first, who gradually takes more and more control over him until he's finally freed and can utilize his powers.
- Supporting Leader
Their Friends
Hayley Ziktor | (Actress: Ismay Johnston)
Never fear. I have something for just such an occasion.
- Gadgeteer Genius: Built the morphers, the bikes, half of the Mezodon...
- Mission Control: though she does share this role with Tommy.
- Shout-Out: Her last name.
- Team Mom
Devin del Valle & Cassidy Cornell | (Actors: Tom Hern and Katrina Devine)
- Alliterative Name: Cassidy Cornell. (And Devin Del Valle comes oh-so-close.)
- Alpha Bitch: Cassidy, though it's a pretty mild case and she gradually becomes a Lovable Alpha Bitch.
- Intrepid Reporter: What Cassidy sees herself as, anyway.
- Last-Minute Hookup
- Secret-Chaser
- Secret Keeper: In the finale
- Those Two Guys: Almost to the point of being Spiritual Successors to Bulk and Skull, considering they spent a chunk of the season trying to discover the Rangers' identities.
- Unwanted Glasses Plot: Devin tries to avoid wearing glasses. Then an MOTW creates a bunch of Cassidy clones who all start badgering him at the same time.
"My mom always say to wear my glasses. But no, I'm afraid of looking like a dork!"
- What Could Have Been: Devin was going to be the Triassic Ranger, but as Abaranger continued it became apparent that rather than a separate hero it was just another Super Mode for Red, meaning these plans had to be discarded entirely.
Their Enemies
Mesogog/ Anton Mercer | (Actor: Latham Gaines)
- Agony Beam / Mind Rape: His preferred method of keeping his minions in line (he uses it on them more than his actual enemies).
- Badass Longcoat
- Bad Boss
- Big Bad
- Creepy Monotone
- Deadpan Snarker
- Enemy Within → Enemy Without
- Expy: A Big Bad who was a scientist before going Professor Guinea Pig? Sounds like Master Org/Dr. Viktor Adler.
- Honest Corporate Executive: As Anton, who continues being one after the two personalities seperate.
- Mad Scientist
- Manipulative Bastard
- No Sense of Personal Space: Especially when interrogating Tommy
- One-Winged Angel
- Professor Guinea Pig
- Sssssnaketalk
Elsa/Principal Randall | (Actress: Miriama Smith)
- Badass Adorable: A dark version.
- Clark Kenting: Lampshaded
- Meaningful Name: Her first name, Elsa, is both a typical Northern-Europe name (or a shortening of 'Elizabeth'), but also the name of the heroine of one of Wagner's operas, who loves a man she cannot ever see the face of.
- Dark Action Girl
- Evil Teacher
- Foe Yay: With Tommy
- Redemption Demotion: Loses all her action abilities when she turns good.
- The Renfield
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: A black, stitched scar runs from her bottom lip to her chin. Ironically, it acts quite a bit like a 'good' scar (vanishing when she transforms, not detracting from her looks, etc.), but marks her as a villain at the same time.
Zeltrax | (Voice actor: James Gaylyn)
- An Axe to Grind: Unless he's using the Cool Sword instead.
- Ascended Extra: In Abaranger, Zeltrax was originally a MoTW named Geildon who died in the first two episodes. Here in Dino Thunder, Zeltrax is given an upgrade to The Rival to Tommy, The Dragon to Mesogogg, and lasts throughout the series.
- Badass Baritone
- Evil Sounds Deep
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me
- Rival Turned Evil
- The Starscream
- One-Winged Angel
- What Could Have Been: Some rumors claim that the character was originally intended to be Tommy's former teammate Billy, but the producers were unable to get David Yost to return and ended up having to play Remember the New Guy? instead.
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