< Power Rangers Dino Thunder

Power Rangers Dino Thunder/Headscratchers

  • Where the hell did Trent live while he was good and Anton was still Mesogog? He couldn't have lived at home, or he'd have died. He couldn't have lived with Tommy/the other Rangers, because that would have been mentioned. So where WAS he?
    • In a hotel room, paid for by the very wealthy Anton's credit cards.
  • Now, I haven't seen this season for a while, but I remember that there was one line that really bugged me. During the Dino Thunder/Ninja Storm teamup, the Dino Thunder team is watching the possessed Wind Rangers on their screen. During this moment, one of them asks if it was possible for there to be evil Power Rangers. Um, hello, did you forget about your (fairly recent) battle with evil Trent? Heck, your mentor is the original evil Ranger! You would think that this brief moment of forgetfulness would be addressed, but they just look back at the screen and the episode goes on as normal.
    • Perhaps they meant Rangers who were evil of their own free will.
      • Oh, like the Titanium Ranger or the Thunder Rangers? (though perhaps they don't count either since they were lied to about the matter). With the special recap database, they should know all about at least one of these.
        • Also, don't forget the SPD A-squad rangers
        • SPD and on doesn't count, happening after Dino Thunder. Still, when HASN'T there been an evil ranger?
        • By "evil of their own free will", I think the second poster meant a group like the Psycho Rangers. Granted, the Psycho Rangers (as I recall) werent mentioned much in the Clip Show, so it would be plausible the Rangers forgot about them. Though that would be ridiculous, considering Psycho Pink killed the first Galaxy Pink Ranger (She got better, thankfully), but still.
  • On a more technical note, why is the first episode called "Day of the Dino", when it technically spans over two days? Shouldn't it be called Days of the Dino, or which day is it specifically addressing as that day of the dino?
    • Its a Shout-Out to the very first episode, "Day of the Dumpster".
  • Let's see, Evil White Ranger... nope, can't do anything, let's kill him! REALLY, Tommy? And WHO was evil THREE FREAKING TIMES? Seriously, this takes Out of Character to whole new levels...
    • He does soften his stance after Trent's Heel Face Turn, and even tells Conner that they can't just destroy the brainwashed Wind Rangers during the Ninja Storm teamup.
  • During the "Fighting Spirit" episode, Tommy has a Battle in the Center of the Mind against his former Ranger forms. However, there's one glaring problem: Tommy was, for the first half (or less) of the season, the Red Turbo Ranger, but he (Tommy) never fought it (his Turbo form). Why? Sure, his Dino Gem was split into three pieces and not four, but that could've been changed. This is exceptionally confusing when, during the Clip Show, Tommy was, in fact, shown as the first Red Turbo Ranger. So, again, what gives?
    • Off screen reasons? Probably due to being limited to a 20 minute time slot. The red, white and green rangers already had fairly short fights in the episode, throwing a fourth one in would have made their fights even shorter. Not to mention that three rangers allows them to tie it into a three act structure. Secondly, they probably felt that two red rangers was probably a little redundant. Third, they already had trouble acquiring the three suits for this episode, getting a fourth one would have been more trouble and cost more money. Fourth, of all the rangers powers Tommy has had, the red Turbo powers are the least iconic, largely because he was in Turbo for a relatively short period of time, so if any power had to be dropped, that one made the most sense. As for an onscreen reason, the most generally accepted theory is that having passed the red Turbo powers on to another person, Tommy no longer feels the burden of those powers.
  • Why was the Valkasaurus Megazord only used once and then never mentioned again? It was stronger than the Triceramax Megazord, for Zordon's sake! Plus, combining all the Zords (thus, giving a reason to have the core Rangers and the Sixth Ranger in one huge cockpit) became a staple for later seasons (except Mystic Force), so, what the hell?
    • I'm not intimately familar with Abaranger, but from what I understand, the White Ranger's counterpart (Abare Killer) was a villain for the majority of the season and only turned good near the end. So I assume the Valkasaurus Megazord's counterpart (Ooabaren Oh) wasn't used much, meaning there was very little footage of it to use in Dino Thunder.
  • Was the White Range Clone just the powers in a replica suit or a human clone of Trent permanently morphed? If so, doesn't that mean that Trent killed a human destroying him? It doesn't bug me THAT much as he's purely evil, having no elements of Trent's good side in him, but I'm surprised this isn't brought up.

Last Episode Deus Ex Machina Quiz

1) Summon one of the Super Megazords which they had used previously, but hadn't used against this one (hey, they could choose between the Triceramax or the Valkasaurus, and actually be able to use all the zords for both of them.
2) Have all the Zords fire a combined blast to destroy the monster.
3) Kamikaze the Zords, even though they are still capable of fighting.
4) Keep fighting using different finishing moves something will to stick eventually.

    • Answer: 2, then 3 even though 1 makes the most sense
Worst thing after the first Deus Ex Machina the monster starts to die, but then they play the footage backwards to give it a justification for another one. Which itself is the biggest Ass Pull of the episode in an episode full of the stuff.
    • I'm about to make it worse: Where the heck was the Dragozord? Trent should have been able to handle those Triptoids by himself...
  • After defeating the last MOTW (previous question) the Big Bad shows up and changes into another MOTW after a battle the big bad is hit with the Battlizer's laser cannons, he comes out from behind the rubble and...

1) Say this isn't over, before being finished off with the All Their Colors Combined weapon.

2) Have him fall over and die.

3) Have the Rangers use their powers to summon a glowing energy dino to kill the big bad.

4) Split into multiple copies to give you a justification for another Deus Ex Machina.

    • Answer: 4, then 3
      • In the defense of 3, the Rangers had been seen using their Dino Gems in the comic book episode where they used a dinogem strike to destroy a monster. I assume it works on the same principle, only much stronger.
      • Forgot about that, but they only used it in the comic book. Where less than a minute earlier, Trent had his claws extend to a length greater than his height. Even then, it screams of a type 3 Deus Ex Machina (it was episode 34 of 38).
  • Since the show is over, we need a reason for the Rangers to retire. Do you...

1) Have the energy drained from the Dino Gems because of the ridiculous Deus Ex Machina you already pulled.
2) Have the Rangers realize there is no need to remain active and simply stop using their powers, but they still have them.
3) Have Tommy collect the Dino Morphers.

4) Have the Big Bad destroy the morphers and the heroes never rebuild them because there is no need (they defeat the Big Bad in an epic unmorphed battle).

    • Answer: 1
Again, is it so hard to believe that tiny crystallized rocks might eventually run out of power? (Though how does that work anyways?)
    • Yes, it is impossible for the gems to have that much power anyway so them running out of power (unless they were directly converting mass into energy but it doesn't) immediately after that stunt is extremely improbable, and you can ask the audience to believe the impossible, but not the improbable.
  • Apparently, this ending was a heavy case of Executive Meddling, making much of it as (that's right) a Stupid Sacrifice.
  • Also, the sacrificing the Zords thing was due to the original Japanese footage having the Big Bad pull a Taking You with Me. Why they just didn't do that again also falls in here.
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