Pokémon: Zoroark: Master of Illusions
Zoroark: Master of Illusions was the 4th and final movie in the Diamond and Pearl saga of Pokémon.
A new sports game called 'Pokémon Boccer' is having its world cup tournament held in a place called Crown City. Excited, Ash and his friends decide to travel to Crown City to watch. Everyone is very excited to see the game, especially because the three Legendary Beasts of Johto are going to be playing, led by businessman Grings Kodai. However, everything falls apart with that idea, since the evil Pokémon Zoroark stowed away on Grings Kodai's ship, controlling the beasts and making them wreak havoc across the city, causing everyone to evacuate.
At least until Ash finds out that Zoroark is Zorua's mother, and that she's only doing these things for Zorua's sake. Ash takes it upon himself to return Zorua to Zoroark, and to find out just what it is that Grings Kodai is up to. Which is further complicated by the appearance of the real Legendary Beasts that have come to stop Zoroark.
- Accidental Pervert: Piplup the second time Zorua takes Dawn's form. Dawn does not approve.
- Action Mom: Zoroark, full stop.
- Adorably Precocious Child: Zorua.
- Adult Fear: Zoroark knows her child is in danger, then sees him being tortured right in front of her. Both times, she just can't get to him.
- Badass Adorable: Zorua tries to be this, he really does. Unfortunately, he is very small and only knows one move, and hasn't actually been able to prove his worth yet.
- Despite that, he still ultimately ends up setting off Kodai's downfall by biting his wrist in their brief struggle. Turns out, he broke Kodai's illusion canceller in the process, setting the stage for the man's humiliating defeat. Probably not on purpose, but still.
- He was also able to hold his own for a brief moment against Kodai's Shuppet and Mismagius by transforming into a Tangrowth. He only lost that time because of Kodai's illusion canceller.
- Beneath the Mask: The Big Bad Grings Kodai tries to present himself as an honest rich businessman trying his 'honest best to stop the "evil" Zoroark' from destroying Crown City. In reality, he's a greedy, sadistic Complete Monster who's coercing Zoroark to attack the city by threatening to kill her baby.
- Berserk Button: Kodai decides it's a good idea to hurt poor little Zorua right in front of Zoroark. Zorua ends up crying out for his 'Meema' before getting knocked out. Cue 'Meema' breaking out of her prison and going on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge.
- Big Bad: Grings Kodai. In terms of evil, he's up there with Hunter J and the Iron-Masked Marauder for being the most monstrous Pokémon [anime] antagonist ever.
- Big Badass Fox: Zoroark.
- Big Damn Heroes: There are several. First in the opening scene, Zorua finds himself cornered against a cliff by a mob of angry Vigoroth he accidentally angered while escaping from Kodai, but thankfully the group manage to arrive just in time to bail him out. Next, he, Piplup, and Pikachu end up cornered by another, more varied mob of Pokémon, but Celebi flies in and smooths things out. Later, Kodai finally catches up with him and Celebi and Zorua, despite his best attempts, is powerless to stop him, but thankfully Ash and company arrive in time to rescue them. The last two belong to Zoroark, who arrives just in time to save an extremely outnumbered Dawn and Brock from Goon, Kodai's Dragon, and take him out. Her last one comes when she arrives at the stadium just in time to stop Kodai from absorbing the Time Ripple; though at first it seems to be a subversion, as he stops her by holding Zorua hostage, it is Double Subverted when she traps him in an illusion and sets off his Humiliation Conga.
- Dawn and Bronzor (and Brock, though he doesn't do anything) show up in time to save Ash from Kodai's Mismagius and then defeat it.
- When both Zorua and Celebi have been taken down by Kodai, they're saved by Pikachu and Piplup, who are then set on by Goone's Scizor and end up being rescued by Togekiss and the rest of Ash's group.
- Big Friendly Hyena: The Mightyena that Carl's grandpa owns.
- The Cameo: Team Rocket is in the movie for spans of about five minutes with absolutely no purpose.
- A shitton of minor characters from the Diamond & Pearl anime appear during the credits. Good luck naming them all - you'll need it.
- The Cavalry Arrives Late: The real Legendary Beasts show up to stop Zoroark...after she stopped tearing the city apart and is now only looking for her injured son.
- Blackmail: Kodai forces Zoroark to wreak havoc among the citizens of Crown City in exchange for Zorua's safety. He doesn't hold up his part of the deal at all.
- Character Tics / Catch Phrase: Zorua's mischievous giggle. Heeheeheeheehee!
- Chekhov's Gun: Zorua biting Kodai's wrist in their fight, which seems completely useless; it turns out that he happened to clamp down on Kodai's illusion canceler without him realizing it, and guess what Kodai needs for his plan to work?
- Clear My Name: Subverted, kind of. Zorua averts Poor Communication Kills by quickly explaining to Ash and company that Zoroark is his mother just trying to protect him and Kodai is the real Big Bad. Everyone else still seemed to blame Zoroark though. Played straight with the Legendary Beasts, who have to be convinced that Zoroark is the good guy.
- Continuity Nod: Subverted. It was believed that Jimmy had made a cameo dressed up as HGSS Ethan. Sadly, it wasn't.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Kodai is the founder and owner of a huge company...who is secretly a murderous and extremely selfish villain. Really.
- Crazy Prepared: Kodai seems to be this, having a gadget for nearly anything. Makes sense, as he is able to see the future and is a Manipulative Bastard.
- Cross-Dressing Voices: Eileen Stevens as Zorua.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Almost any battle Zorua is in ends up this way, though it's mainly because, despite him trying as hard as he can, he's still just a baby and only knows one real move, plus his illusions were pretty much useless against Kodai because of the villain's illusion canceler. However, Zoroark delivers one in a Big Damn Heroes fashion by rushing in and saving the outnumbered Dawn and Brock from Goon and taking out all his Pokémon with little effort.
- In spite of being a legendary Pokémon, Celebi gets defeated once after one attack by a regular Pokémon, and a second time by a human using only his bare hands.
- Darker and Edgier: Compare this movie to many of the movies before it. The antagonist Grings Kodai is so evil that he strangles Celebi, tries to kill Ash and his friends, and near the end, threatens to kill Zorua in front of its mother.
- It Gets Worse. In the English Dub, Zorua gives up and submits himself to die at the hands of Kodai.
- And if you've had some practice at filling in the blanks about what Pokemon say, you can practically hear Celebi crying "STOPITSTOPITICAN'TBREATHE!"
- Another thing to add is the previous two films had Well-Intentioned Extremist who at least thought they were doing the right thing. Kodai's a Selfish Evil Complete Monster only out for himself.
- Darkest Hour: Zorua has been captured by Kodai, Ash, Celebi, and Pikachu are caught in his Mismagius's Psychic and unable to so much as move, and Dawn and Brock are too far away to help. Zoroark arrives and makes a beeline for Kodai, but her love for her child is used to disable her, allowing Kodai's Shuppet to take her out too! With no one left to oppose him, Kodai obtains the Time Ripple and all plant life in Crown City begins to die. Yeah, it turned out to be a fake, but it was still a rather dark moment.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Zoroark and Zorua are both Dark Types, and Zoroark is rather frightening looking, but they're both rather heroic.
- Death by Irony: Kodai's defeat is the direct result of Zorua, the little kid he's been kicking around the entire movie and who just crossed the Despair Event Horizon because he thinks he's failed everyone.
- Death Glare: Kodai gets a mass Death Glare in his final scene, courtesy of the entire cast.
- Decoy Protagonist: Usually Ash is the one who pulls all the Big Damn Heroes and Deus Ex Machinas to Save the World. This time, it's Zoroark.
- Defeat Means Friendship: For the Legendary Beasts, at least.
- Deleted Scene: In the Cartoon Network premiere of this movie, the beginning sequence before the title card is cut out entirely. There really isn't any information cut out that the viewers don't get later, barring one exception. Grings Kodai makes a comment that Zorua is adopted.
- Later airings of the movie included this scene.
- Despair Event Horizon: Zorua when he gets shocked to the bone by Kodai. However, it may also have to do with the fact it seems that him getting captured by Kodai seemingly allows the villain to win by preventing his mother from stopping him in addition to the fact Zorua thinks he's about to die.
- Determinator: Zoroark, even more so than Ash in this movie, made better by the fact that the only noises she makes are screams, and they sound just like another well known determinator due to sharing the same seiyū.
- Must run in the family, kind of. Zorua isn't nearly as strong and gets beaten much more easily, but the little guy just keeps trying until he's finally nearly killed by an electric shock that is ultimately used to kill his mother.
- Disney Death: Happens to Zoroark, then is quickly followed by a Tear Jerker (Zorua frantically nuzzling her face to try and wake her, complete with a heartbroken "MEEMA!"), and when she does wake up (thanks to Celebi bringing her back to life), Zoroark and Zorua nuzzle each other happily.
- Disney Villain Death: Subverted. Kodai is tricked by Zoroark's illusions to trip off and fall from a balcony in the stadium, a rather large height, and lays motionless on the ground below. However, he was just knocked out, not killed.
- Played straight in the manga, where Zoroark's illusions instead take the form of vines trying to kill him, causing him to take a fall off the very top of the stadium to the arena far below. Since he doesn't appear again, it's implied that he died.
- The Dragon: Goon pretty much takes that role for Kodai's Big Bad.
- Dub Name Change: Zorua's pet name for his mother changes from 'Maa' to 'Meema' between dubs.
- Early-Bird Cameo: Starring Zorua and Zoroark, who appear in Pokémon Black and White. A very subtle one is shown on Karl's cap. The silhouette on it looks very much like a Woobat.
- Earn Your Happy Ending: Zorua and Zoroark, big time. Unlike in some other movies where Ash and company do all the work, they end up being the primary characters instead. They have to fight Kodai at practically every single turn, and get tricked, battered, and electrocuted. Zorua tries his absolute hardest to protect his friends, only to be repeatedly defeated, while Zoroark has to fight the Guardian Olympus Mons of Crown City singlehandedly, defeat The Dragon and all his Pokémon, and finally die protecting her son. Thankfully, Celebi returns the favor to Zorua for the little guy protecting it by restoring Zoroark to life. At the end, when you see them nuzzling each other arriving back home, you know they went through heck to get there.
- Edited for Syndication: The broadcast debut of the movie in the US cut out the first ten minutes before the title sequence. TPCi was not happy.
- Electric Torture: Kodai's method of choice, though he only uses it like this once on Zorua to get his mother to back down. And it actually subverts Harmless Electrocution, as Zorua is clearly badly injured from it and in agonizing pain.
- Engineered Public Confession: Kodai's downfall.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Kodai has a Mook named Goon. Though said Mook is actually his Dragon.
- Family-Unfriendly Death: Zoroark's (temporary) death is absolutely brutal.
- For the Evulz: Just to prove what a Complete Monster he is, Kodai electrocutes a baby in front of its mother, who had already given up the moment she saw he had her son, with a smile on his face. He then quips that he thoroughly enjoyed it.
- Glamour Failure: Zorua's human guises all show his tail. It doesn't happen when he turns into fellow Pokémon. He is just a baby, though, so he probably hasn't had enough practice with it yet. Zoroark has no such problem.
- Maybe because she has no tail?
- Glass Cannon: Kodai's Pokémon both are. They're very powerful but both go down extremely quickly once someone actually gets a shot at them.
- Go Through Me: the collective Pokémon of Crown City pull this on the Legenday Beasts to protect Zoroark.
- Zorua tries his hardest to stand in front of and protect Celebi, but is just blasted out of the way and knocked out. At least he tried, though.
- Go Out with a Smile: Zoroark, after bringing down Kodai with her last breath, smiles as she suffers her Disney Death.
- Genre Savvy: Kodai has shades of this. He was smart enough not to risk his entire plan on a Pokémon battle (despite having quite powerful Pokémon) and even disables Ash before he could even send out his Pokémon. He was also Genre Savvy enough to assume that Zoroark had broken out at some point and is on her way, so he makes sure to take her son after defeating him instead of just rushing off to his destination. However, he's stopped from being Dangerously Genre Savvy by his choice to go into Evil Gloating after seemingly winning and not thinking that his illusion canceler could be broken at some point.
- Harmless Electrocution: While electric attacks play this straight as always, this is subverted HARD by Kodai's weapons. No one he uses his wrist claw's shock on recovers quickly, and it even kills Zoroark.
- Hero Antagonist: The real Legendary Beasts to Zoroark when they show up to protect the city...after she's stopped attacking it, and is only trying to reach her injured son and take revenge on Kodai for making her attack the city in the first place. They make it up later, though, by helping her defeat Kodai.
- Averted in the manga, they don't fight Zoroark and have come simply to stop Kodai.
- Heroic Resolve: For once, not Ash; Zoroark gets this after spending a few hours trying and failing to free herself from her prison (cage encased in an outer coating of steel that badly shocks her whenever she touches it). Then she hears Zorua cry out for help and proceeds to tear her way out. After that, she's completely unstoppable, proceeds to pull two Big Damn Heroes moments (One by saving a heavily outnumbered Dawn and Brock from The Dragon and his Pokémon, then another by arriving in the nick of time to stop Kodai from winning), and fight to a draw against three Olympus Mons. By the time she's finally saved her son, she's sustained so much damage she actually dies, though she gets better.
- In-game, Zoroark's defensive stats are sub-par at best, so that makes this Zoroark's rugged determination even more impressive.
- He's Dead, Jim: The writers/animators really went all out to show that, yes Zoroark is dead and not just Only Mostly Dead like Celebi and Ash in previous movies, what with her falling to the ground in extreme slowmo and Zorua and Ash's extended futile attempts to wake her up.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Romi Park as Zoroark, Rie Kugimiya as Celebi, Koichi Yamadera as Goon, and Shoko Nakagawa as Proof.
- In the dub, we have Sean Schemmel as Kodai, Bella Hudson as Rowena, and Wayne Grayson as Karl.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Kodai uses his TV network and the televisions placed throughout the city to broadcast an 'apology' to Crown City for Zoroark's 'controling' his Legendary Beasts and order an evacuation. At the end of the film, the group uses the same network and system of televisions to broadcast his Evil Gloating and reveal him.
- Humiliation Conga: Kodai gets one. It is VERY satisfying.
- An even more humiliating fact about it; it was aired on HIS own TV network.
- I Have Your Son: The entire reason Zoroark does anything Kodai says is that she believes he's got her son and will hurt him if she doesn't. He doesn't, but she doesn't know that. However, he pulls this again at the end when he really does have Zorua.
- Infant Immortality: Zorua is a little baby, so he's in line for this, right? Wrong! Zorua gets the living tar beat out of him by Grings Kodai and his cronies, and Kodai even electrocutes the poor guy. In the English dub, Zorua even says that he thinks he's going to die.
- It's All About Me: Grings Kodai's philosophy. He even comes right out and says it.
Ash: Stop, Kodai! All the trees and flowers will die!
Kodai: What do I care? So long as my visionary powers grow, it's all worth it!
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Zorua is rather mean and brash, but then again, he's just a baby.
- Karmic Defeat: Kodai is defeated by Zoroark using her illusion powers on him to trick him into falling off a stadium balcony and knocking himself out; when he comes to, his Evil Gloating is broadcast on the television network HE owns! And he's surrounded by the entire populace of Crown City, including the police force.
- Lack of Empathy: Grings Kodai.
- Made of Iron: Zoroark is pretty darn sturdy. Subverted at the climax.
- Please note, she manages this trope compared to other Pokémon, who by their nature are Made of Iron.
- She also manages this trope compared to her species in particular (read: a bunch of Glass Cannons.)
- Please note, she manages this trope compared to other Pokémon, who by their nature are Made of Iron.
- Mama Bear: Zoroark. Enough to break out of her prison all on her own, fight the Legendary Beasts to a standstill, and even foil the Big Bad's Evil Plan. In fact, she has such a defined motherly instinct, she can feel her son getting pushed around! Zorua even points it out near the end.
"I knew you were strong, Meema!"
- Manipulative Bastard: Kodai again.
- Master of Illusion: Zoroark transforms into Entei, Raikou, and Suicune during its search for Zorua, and also Pikachu at the end. Zorua, on the other hand, changes into a number of creatures.
- Medieval Stasis: Averted. Twenty years ago, Kodai's extendible claw was clunky and glaringly obvious. Now it's merely a string with a claw at the end of it that can be hidden in his sleeve.
- Missing Trailer Scene: EVERYTHING. The very first teaser of Ho-Oh and Lugia, as well as Zoroark transforming into a darker version of Ash. Zorua does that, but it's in a different scene, which is brief and has no real plot relevance.
- A later trailer included a scene where Zorua wakes up all alone in the middle of a forest in front of the Time Ripple, different scenes for the destruction of Crown City by the Legendary Beasts, a scene where Kodai is talking to himself behind a window, a scene where Celebi is chased by Ninjask, and finally a scene where Zorua shouts "maa~" on top of an old building and summons Zoroark. This trailer once again showed Zoroark turning into a dark version of Ash, this time in front of the real Ash, Brock, and Dawn before taking her real form.
- Moment Killer: Almost literally. Zoroark and Zorua are moments away from finally reuniting when Kodai decides to break up the touching reunion by trying to kill Zorua, with Zoroark ultimately Taking the Bullet for her son and suffering a Disney Death.
- Monster Is a Mommy: Zoroark.
- Happily Adopted: It's stated that Zorua isn't Zoroark's biological child.
- Monster Clown: Zoroark has a very clownish look about it due to its facial markings.
- Mood Whiplash: See Disney Death entry.
- Morality Kitchen Sink: If it weren't for 'businessman' Grings Kodai, this movie would be full-on White and Gray Morality.
- Mortal Wound Reveal: After being badly shocked by Kodai, Zoroark manages to drive him off with the help of the Legendary Beasts and appears to be fine. However, after he's out of the scene, she collapses and barely lives long enough to bring Kodai down with an illusion. She Gets Better though.
- Eucatastrophe: Possibly the closest call of the movies so far.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: The Legendary Beasts, who are the guardians of Crown City, but believe that Zoroark is attacking the city (which she was, when they started off towards the city) and attack her...stopping her from reaching her injured baby who is in dire need of help.
- Nothing Can Stop Us Now: After absorbing the Time Ripple, Kodai, given his huge ego, cannot resist going on about how he's won and there's nothing Ash or anyone else can do about it. He comes right out and says that he destroyed all of Crown City's greenery 20 years ago, and has absolutely no qualms about doing it again, because no one will ever find out. Turns out he absorbed an illusion Time Ripple created by Zoroark and Ash's reporter friends caught his Evil Gloating on film, marking the beginning of his well deserved Humiliation Conga.
- Off-Model: A minor case, but the animators never can seem to make up their mind whether or not Zorua's hind legs have ankle joints.
- Oh Crap: Goon gets a delightful one when he sees Zoroark, in a full on Mama Bear Roaring Rampage of Revenge, running straight at him. Later on, Kodai gets his own when Zoroark fights through his electrical shock and blasts him off his feet. From then on, this becomes his default expression.
- On a less fun, more tragic note, Zorua has one when he realizes his mother just jumped over him and got hit with a Shadow Ball meant for him...right as they were about to reunite...
- One Pokémon Army: Zoroark, though mainly when her Mama Bear side kicks in. She was powerful enough to take on the three Olympus Mons guarding Crown City, who themselves probably fit in this trope, singlehandedly, and tied with them.
- Note too that she fought several Bug Pokemon, which Dark-types are weak against, and stomped them all. Of course, they kept attacking with Ghost moves, which she resists.
- The Password Is Always Swordfish: In the Japanese version, the password to Kodai's files about the Time Ripple is..."Time Ripple" ("VISION" in the English dub). Rowena lampshades this.
- Pay Evil Unto Evil: Ash and company are normally fine with letting the Big Bad be arrested and being done with it, but Kodai is such a horrible, evil person, they're not letting him off that easy. He finds himself intentionally forced to witness his Evil Gloating be broadcast live on his own TV network. To make it even more crushing, the entire cast is just sitting around him in absolute silence, giving him a mass Death Glare the entire time, including the police who likely just heard about what he's done. Did he deserve it? You bet!
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Karl's Bronzor, who's strong enough to psychically levitate Kodai's car into the air and THROW IT AGAINST A TREE.
- Please Wake Up: After Zoroark dies from wounds inflicted by Kodai, Zorua tries desperately to wake her, crying and even making an illusion of their home and promising her they can go back. She gets better, but that doesn't make it any less of a Tear Jerker.
- Police Are Useless: Subverted at the end. Both Kodai and Goon are arrested for their crimes.
- Pokémon Shield: Kodai is not above using a baby as a shield to prevent said child's mother from taking her EXTREMELY justified revenge on him. Also, he was smart enough to come prepared with said living shield just in case she showed up.
- Poor Communication Kills: Par for the course of a Pokémon movie.
- Actually somewhat less; Zorua quickly dispels the belief that Zoroark is the bad guy to Ash and the gang almost instantly. And as to the Legendary Beasts attacking Zoroark, she did think her son was in danger at the time and may have been too angry and/or not had enough time to explain.
- The Power of Love: This is what enables Zoroark to be so Badass.
- Prophecy Twist: Very early in the film, Kodai has a vision of himself absorbing the Time Ripple. Turns out that what he saw was him absorbing a fake Time Ripple created by Zoroark.
- Rapunzel Hair: Zoroark. She can even fit her son in it!
- Reverse Mole: Rowena.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Zoroark's rampage towards the end is one half this, one half her being one serious Mama Bear.
- Running Gag: Zorua turning into Dawn and Dawn getting mad.
- Samus Is a Girl: A lot of people who only take a passing glance at this movie assume Zoroark to be male. She's not.
- Sequel Hook: Ash promising to meet up with Zorua and Zoroark again whenever he sets up his mind to go to Unova.
- Shock and Awe: Kodai seems to have a thing for electric power. His Shuppet can use electric attacks, and his two favorite weapons both involve it, an iron cage surrounded by steel which is electrified and a robotic claw that can dish out a deadly electric shock. Worth noting is that, in a rarity for Pokémon, Harmless Electrocution is subverted.
- Smug Snake: Kodai is extremely smug for most of the film, though he gets progressively less composed the closer to the deadline he gets, and he completely loses it when he's tricked at the end and tries to murder Zoroark. He further breaks down when his plan is completely ruined.
- The Sociopath: Grings Kodai, through and through.
- Spanner in the Works: Zorua turns out to ultimately be this to Kodai's plan. Yeah, that little bite on his wrist? The one Kodai just shrugged off with little effect? Kodai finds out a good bit too late that little bite destroyed the only thing protecting him from Zoroark's illusion powers, allowing his entire Evil Plan to come crashing down around his ears and his Humiliation Conga to start.
- Say My Name: A positively heartbreaking one from Zorua after his mother dies and he's tried for several minutes to revive her to no avail.
- Spot the Imposter: The real Legendary beasts happen to be shiny, wheras Illusionary Legendary Beast Zoroark is not.
- Taking the Bullet: When Kodai has his Shuppet fire a Shadow Ball at Zorua, Zoroark leaps in front of the attack and takes it for her son.
- Taking You with Me: When Zoroark is mortally wounded by Kodai, she uses her last energy to create an illusion and send him falling off a balcony and getting knocked out before she dies, leading to his downfall. While he doesn't die and She Gets Better, it still counts.
- Even more fitting in the manga; while Zoroark's fate is pretty much the same, her final act of revenge is a good bit different. She chases Kodai with illusionary vines, causing Kodai to fall off of the top of the stadium to his death.
- Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: Averted with Zoroark. Nothing about her suggests that she is female except for her son constantly calling her 'Meema'.
- This Is Unforgivable!: While Zoroark seems to feel this way about him harming her child, everyone seems to feel this way about Grings Kodai's actions by the end.
- Unstoppable Rage: Kodai hurting Zorua sends Zoroark into one of these. Let's just say that when she gets mad, standing between her and her baby is a very bad idea.
- Verbal Tic: Zorua ends all of his sentences with the adorable "zo".
- Villainous Breakdown: Kodai goes through both versions of this. After Zoroark tricks him with an illusion, Kodai snaps and tries to murder her and Zoroark on the spot. After Zoroark counterattacks and fries his Time Ripple absorbing claw, Kodai's behavior becomes far less composed, and he's hysterically screaming that the Time Ripple will be his.
- Villain with Good Publicity: Grings Kodai.
- Would Hurt a Child: Kodai threatens to kill Zoroark's baby boy, Zorua. He is not kidding.
- You Can't Fight Fate: Kodai's visions will always come true, though his words imply that if one knows what they're doing, it's possible to Screw Destiny, as he claims that he can remove obstacles he's foreseen from his path.
- You Shall Not Pass: Brock and Dawn hold off Goone while Ash tries to reach the time ripple.
- Likewise, the Pokémon of Crown City attack Goone and Kodai while Ash's group escapes with Zorua and Celebi.