Sean Schemmel

DESCRIBE... Sean Schemmel... HEEEEEERRRRREEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! *Power Level goes Over 9000!*
He's Goku. Plain and simple.
Sean Schemmel started dubbing in 1999. His first (and breakout) role would be the providing the voice for Goku in Dragon Ball Z (in other words, he became the English voice of possibly the most powerful and famous Shonen hero of all time). He originally wanted one of the villain roles, since he only saw a few episodes of the series before being cast, and NEVER knew who Goku was before walking into the recording studio! Once he saw that he was pasted on all the posters on the wall, he realized he was cast as "The Guy"! With Kai, and new video game adaptations, he is still voicing Goku to this day.
He did some other roles for FUNimation before moving to New York to work for 4Kids! Entertainment. Still occasionally returns to FUNimation, since Kai is recorded there today, and since 4Kids! Entertainment currently has less work available.
He has a MAJOR voice range; no pigeon hole there.
And he can scream, EPICALLY! This alone makes for Absolute Crowning Moment of Awesome!
Notable roles from Sean Schemmel:
- Adult Goku in the Dragon Ball series
- King Kai, Nail, Vegito, and Gogeta in Dragon Ball Z
- Super Saiyan 4 Goku and Gogeta in Dragon Ball GT
- Gonard (and additional voices) in Kappa Mikey, who is rumored to be a Goku Expy. He stated it was a coincidence. He also voices nearly all the Large Ham Villains Of The Week.
- Morrison (Masamune), Archie (Aogiri), Juan (Adan), and Cyrus (Akagi) in Pokémon
- Jimmy (Kenta) in The Legend of Thunder
- Lucario in Pokémon: Lucario and The Mystery of Mew and in Super Smash Bros Brawl.
- Kodai in Pokémon Zoroark Master of Illusions
- Black Narcissus in Sonic X
- Black Doom and Doom's Eye in Shadow the Hedgehog
- Onsokumaru, the lecherous, round, yellow... thing... in Ninja Nonsense
- Mr. Akashi and Shigeru Murota in Yu Yu Hakusho
- Amidamaru and Rio in Shaman King
- Helmeppo, Hachi, and Wapol in the 4Kids dub of One Piece
- Mr. Haywood in Magical Doremi
- Dickie Ranford in Speed Racer: The Next Generation
- Zander in Dinosaur King
- Bobassa in Yu-Gi-Oh!
- Dr. Vellian Crowler and Ojama Yellow in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
- Paradox in Yu-Gi-Oh 3D: Bonds Beyond Time
- Hamilton Horstachio in Viva Pinata
- Yes, his brother is Dan Green!
- Sh'Okanabo, Constable Biggles, Master Khan, and about three dozen minor characters in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003 series).
- And Mirage Raphael from Turtles Forever.
- Gaston and Conrad in Berserk. Lampshaded in the Outtakes, where Guts asks "So, which one of you is Goku?"
- Ricardo Gomez in Shadow Hearts: From the New World
- Elliot Grant in Mew Mew Power
Apologies from stealing the Nobuyuki Hiyama joke from his page.