Planet Sheen

Spin-Off of The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius.
One day, Jimmy Neutron's intellectually-challenged friend Sheen sneaks into the secret lab and boards Jimmy's latest experimental rocket.
Before too long, he finds himself accidentally stranded on the planet Zeenu, four million and one light-years away from home. There, he becomes an ambassador to the local purple-skinned Zeenubians, the Emperor of whom believes him to be a hyper-intelligent being sent from the heavens to guide them. He makes some new friends, too, including Doppy--an alien who looks remarkably like his old friend Carl--and Nesmith--a highly intelligent astronaut chimp who tries to fix the rocket so Sheen can return home to Earth.
Unfortunately, a being named Dorkus Aurelius, whose house Sheen accidentally wrecked during his crash-landing, is bent on destroying him.
Aired alongside Tuff Puppy on Nickelodeon October 2, 2010.
No connection to Charlie Sheen, or whatever planet he's from.
- Abhorrent Admirer: Princess Oom towards Sheen.
- A Day in the Limelight: You only get 1 guess on how this is to Sheen.
- Aerith and Bob: Oom, Dorkus, Nesmith, and Bob.
- Aliens Speaking English: Lampshaded.
Sheen: Wow, Zeenubian sounds just like English! (Slowly turning to look at screen) What an incredible coincidence!
- Apes in Space: Nesmith.
- Art Evolution: The animation software used is a much bigger improvement than The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, and is the same software as used in Back at the Barnyard, and it shows.
- Betty and Veronica: The hideous Oom is Betty and Aseefa is the Veronica.
- Big Bad: Dorkus Aurelius.
- Brain Bleach: The episode The Oomlick Maneuver" has the wonderful line.
Sheen: I have seen things so horrible they will never ever go away, no matter how much I think of soap.
- The Cameo: In the first episode, after convincing himself that it's all a dream, Sheen imagines waking up... back on a farm - with Otis and Pig walking by the window.
- Cloudcuckooland: Zeenu.
- Courtroom Episode: "Trial By Jerry."
- Disguised in Drag: In "Joust Friends," Sheen attempts to get out of a duel. Doppy is the only one who's fooled.
- Everything's Better with Monkeys: Mr. Nesmith the chimpanzee.
- Everything's Better with Bobb
- Evil Chancellor: Dorkus, until his royal adviser position is given to Sheen.
- Expy:
- Doppy who is Carl's Expy appeared in the pre-premiere commercials, and at the ending of the first episode, prompting Sheen to stare in Jaw Dropped awe.
- Mr. Nesmith seems more like Jimmy Neutron's counterpart of the show.
- Fail O'Suckyname: The series' villain, Dorkus.
- Fluffy the Terrible: The warrior who can kill in over 107 ways, including emotionally...Bobb.
- Full-Name Basis: In the pilot, Sheen calls Jimmy Neutron by his first and last name just to illustrate how dumb he is for not realising what the initials on the sticky notes stand for.
- Blue Skinned Space Babe: Aseefa.
- Huge Schoolgirl: Princess Oom.
- Idiot Hero: Guess who.
- Interspecies Romance: Sheen and Aseefa.
- Meaningful Name: Planet Zeenu's name sure does sound like "Xeno". Or "Xenu".
- My Nayme Is:
- D-O-P-P-tralalalalalalalalalala-Y. The tralalalalalas are silent, but felt.
- Bobb. Two Bs just aren't enough.
- Never My Fault: Mr. Nesmith tends to receive this treatment from Sheen.
- Only Sane Man: Nesmith.
- Potty Emergency: Sheen has one in the first episode after a long ride in a space ship.
- Put on a Bus: In an inversion, the whole supporting cast of The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron.
- Rubber Forehead Aliens
- Running Gag:
- Sheen's Uncle Miguel gets mentioned (and a picture of him is shown) quite frequently.
- Dorkus's house getting destroyed.
- Shout-Out: Mr. Nesmith, the chimpanzee, complete with trademark pompom hat.
- Spin-Off: Of The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius.
- Split Personality: Princess Oom with her two faces.
- Stop Helping Me!: Nesmith says this word-for-word when Sheen tells the Emperor he can say stuff like "GUILTY!" and "OFF WITH HIS HEAD!"
- Talking Animal: Nesmith the Chimpanzee.
- Visual Pun:
- Carl wears glasses, thus making him a “four-eyes.” His Expy in this series actually has four eyes, complete with similar glasses. Behold the eight-eyed slug man.
- The planet, as seen during the intro, looks like the typical screwball design.