Back at the Barnyard

Back at the Barnyard is a show from Nickelodeon. It started on October 8, 2007, and ended in June 2010. Based off the 2006 movie Barnyard which features the same characters though the series seems to ignore the events of the movie (and replaces one of them) for its own continuity. Created and animated by the same people as Jimmy Neutron.
Tropes used in Back at the Barnyard include:
- All CGI Cartoon
- Alternate Continuity: More or less.
- Animal Gender Bender: The "male cow" with an udder, of course.
- Art Evolution: Freddy becomes less "hairy" in the series.
- Audio Erotica: Sad, but true - Abby at 8:10 in Abby & Veronica.
- Blatant Lies: "We are not talking animals." "There's no such things as talking animals."
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: Otis and Abby.
- Bifauxnen: Otis is rumored to be this.
- So shouldn't that be more like BEEFauxnen?
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: They interacted with their narrator in an episode.
- Buffy-Speak: Otis.
- The Cassandra: Mrs. Beady.
- Catch Phrase: "Milk me."
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Daisy, despite Otis helping her to raise her son, Ben.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Freddy is this Up to Eleven.
- The Chew Toy: Peck
- Chronic Villainy: Mrs. Beady.
- Deadpan Snarker: Bessy and Mr. Beady.
- Does Not Understand Sarcasm: Mrs. Beady
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: The male cows having udders and being able to produce milk.
- The way Freddy admits to his parents that Peck - whom he just saved from becoming their meal - is his best friend, and his parents' reaction from this, obviously parallels word for word someone admitting to his parents that he's homosexual and introducing his partner to them.
- What makes that one even funnier is the fact that Freddy's voice actor is gay.
- The way Freddy admits to his parents that Peck - whom he just saved from becoming their meal - is his best friend, and his parents' reaction from this, obviously parallels word for word someone admitting to his parents that he's homosexual and introducing his partner to them.
- Enemy Mine: Otis and Mrs. Beady in "Cowman: The Uddered Avenger".
- Episode Title Card
- Expy: Abby looks surprisingly like Daisy from the source movie. She replaces both Daisy and her son.
- Failure Is the Only Option: Whenever Pip tries to hit on Bessy.
- Fat Idiot: Snotty Boy fits this trope to a "T".
- Pig is a less negative version.
- Forgotten Fallen Friend: Ben.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: "Milk me."
- "I need privacy when I make #3!"
- The parody of Girls Gone Wild commercials on their own.
- In "The Haunting" the rabbit spirit comes out of Pig's anus when expelled/exorcised...yeah.
- "As they say in British-land, BITE ME!~" Seriously, they got away with this.
- Gretzky Has the Ball: There are so many things wrong with the football game they play, someone who has never seen a single football game in their life could find at least 3 things wrong with it.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Otis managed to hypnotize himself in "Hypno-A-Go-Go"
- Horror Hunger: Freddy.
- Housewife: Mrs. Beady.
- Hugh Mann: Many of the animals assume the surname "Nota[animal name]" when going out in public.
- Idiot Hero: Otis, in contrast to his film counterpart.
- Insult Misfire: Otis does this often.
- Keet: Freddy the ferret, pretty much.
- Kent Brockman News: Hilly Buford.
- Kids Are Cruel: Eugene and his friends.
- Lampshade Hanging
- Lighter and Softer: The movie got pretty dark at points. This...doesn't.
- Limited Social Circle
- Mad Scientist: Professor Mertin Fargleman.
- Maniac Monkeys: Bingo.
- Masquerade
- My Friends and Zoidberg: "Hello, animals of the farm. And Bessy."
- My Name Is Not Durwood: Baxter keeps calling the gang different names.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Jessica Allspice (Jessica Alba).
- Also, a Geraldo Rivera lookalike appears in "The Big Barnyard Broadcast".
- Oblivious to Love: Otis doesn't seem to be aware that Abby likes him. Or won't admit that he likes her too.
- Ominous Latin Chanting: In "Hypno-A-Go-Go", when showing a montage of Otis trying to kill the farmer.
- Also invoked by Otis when they try to contact ghosts via Canis Latinicus.
- The Other Darrin: Otis - Kevin James (movie) and Chris Hardwick (series).
- Paper-Thin Disguise
- Rule of Drama: Overlaps with Rule of Funny, and is acknowledged in-universe.
- Rule of Funny: The whole show seems to revolve around this trope.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Winky the rabbit.
- Secret Ingredient: At the end of "Chez Pig", all of the barnyard animals ask Pig for the secret ingredient of his grandma's Truffle Pies, Pig finally gives in but when he reveals the secret ingredient, a duck shows up and quacks, completely drowning out what Pig said. However, the other animals are heard exclaiming in disgust, implying that the secret ingredient was actually disgusting.
- She Is Not My Girlfriend
- Smelly Skunk: Pig's pet Skunky.
- Something We Forgot: One episode closed with Duke getting carted off to the pound in the same kennel that Freddy tricked him into earlier in the episode.
- Somewhere a Mammalogist Is Crying: MALE. COWS. DON'T. HAVE. UDDERS.
- And they're called bulls.
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Abby for Daisy.
- Take That: To the animals, there is no worse form of torture than to be strapped to a table and forced to watch something about kids in high school making a musical.
- Talking Animal
- Those Two Guys: The Pizza Twins.
- Twenty-Four-Hour Party People: Subverted, since it's a farm they show the same animals.
- Two Girls to a Team: Abby and Bessie.
- "Weird Al" Yankovic: Played himself in an episode where Bessy is his personal shopper. Apparently, he's a horse.
- Unreliable Narrator: The Narrator sometimes likes to go into his own little world.
Narrator: Don't worry! He's fine and will soon star in my amazing go kart episode!
Pip: I think we need a new narrator.
Narrator: Too late, the end!
- Verbal Tic: Snotty calls everyone "stupid", "stinky", etc., even when there's no reason to.
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