Pink Kitty Rose
Pink Kitty Rose, Cat Gamer!
Pink Kitty Rose is a person who does playthroughs of video games on YouTube. An avid fan of platformers, mostly Mega Man, she engages in Let's Plays on her account.
What makes Pink unique from the Eleventy-Zillion other Let's Play accounts is two things. First, her videos include captions or annotations explaining what to do in that game instead of relying on verbal commentary. Second, she's one of the few successful enough to warrant a website to showcase her works.
Her YouTube account can be found here and she has her own website here.
Games she has done a playthrough of:
- Mega Man 1-10 (including Mega Man and Bass)
- I Wanna Be the Guy (with no breaks)
- The Guardian Legend
- Battletoads
- Kirby Super Star
- Kirby 64 The Crystal Shards
- Kirby's Dreamland 2
- Wild Guns
- Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
- Sunset Riders (Arcade and SNES versions)
- A Super Mario Thing
- Kirby's Dream Course
- Mega Mari
- Yoshi's Island
- Mega Man X
- Zelda II the Adventure of Link (Her current project)
Tropes applying to her or her playthroughs:
- All There in the Manual: A lot of information about Pink herself can be found on her website or in her explanatory video.
- Berserk Button: Real Is Brown and most female fanservice tropes.
- Boobs of Steel: Pink, in real life, exercises frequently. Her avatar is appropriately endowed.
- Canada, Eh?: Subverted. Pink almost never does or says anything stereotypically Canadian.
- Although, during her playthrough of Mega Man 6, she does take the time to lampshade the stereotypes in Blizzard Man's stage.
- Catgirl: Her fursona of choice.
- Character Portrait: Sometimes accompanies a caption, illustrating her feelings on that particular part of a playthrough.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: This happens when she's really mad.
- Sweat Drop: A more frequent sight.
- Cute Little Fang: She usually has them on her avatar.
- Cuteness Proximity: Browse her fanart long enough and you'll get this.
- Dead Pink Snarker: She dips into this during live broadcasts and once in a while during normal videos.
- Did Not Do the Research: Her playthrough of Kirby's Dream Land 2 erroneously claims it was the first game with Kirby's copy ability, when Kirby's Adventure was the first.
- Difficult but Awesome / Heart Is an Awesome Power: Pink will often show off powers that are usually discarded as useless that are actually amazing once you figure out how to use them. The Top Spin being the most prominent example.
- Drop the Hammer: Her Weapon of Choice in most games, mostly Kirby.
- Everything's Better with Spinning: Mega Man 3's Top Spin and Mega Mari's Rolling Slash. Spinnnnnnn~!
- Gamer Chick
- Guide Dang It: Referred to by name in regards to part of the final dungeon in Zelda II.
- Irony: During her A Super Mario Thing playthrough, Pink swore she never had or would play a Touhou game. One month later, she did the eight game for a live broadcast and shortly after that, a playthrough of Mega Mari.
- Lipstick Lesbian: More of the Invisible to Gaydar Distaff Counterpart take on this trope than the girly-girl take.
- Let's Play
- Mind Screw: Her thoughts on the final Zelda II dungeon as a whole.
- Oh Crap: Her reaction to a 1st turn Armageddon in Worms, thanks to CutManMike.
- Player Tic: Pink has been known to fire in time to the music when she's not doing anything else of note onscreen.
- Precision F-Strike: She refers to the Zelda II scorpions as being "bloody annoying".
- Rose-Haired Girl: Both her human and catgirl avatars have lustrous locks of pink hair.
- Self-Deprecation: Pink adds commentary after recording, sometimes months after, and sometimes comments on the crazy stuff she did. The best example is her Yoshi's Island videos were recorded significantly before she started adding commentary and she admonishes her "past self" for the more unusual behavior.
- Schedule Slip: Generally averted with her live broadcasts, but when it hits her YouTube videos, it hits hard.
- Self-Imposed Challenge: Sometimes she gives herself a challenge to make a playthrough more interesting. These can include:
- No Damage Run: Frequently employed.
- No Death Run: Employed if the No Damage Run is too hard for the game.
- Shout-Out: During the Metroid: Other M live broadcast, some of the others burst into the Forklift song from the MST3K episode of Fugitive Alien.
- Straw Feminist: Averted. Pink is generally level-headed in regards to her viewpoints.
- Symbol Swearing: Only happened once, and that was when she was really, really mad.
- Take That: Mostly at things agitating her in the game she's playing. Much more frequent and about other things in the live broadcasts.
- True Companions: The only way to describe her relationship with Roahm Mythril, Shagg, Kit and BlackRaiden, to the point where she refuses to name one of them as her best friend.
- The Voiceless: Usually Pink herself, at least on her YouTube channel; the reason for this is unknown.
- She doesn't actually say all that much without others around, and her voice tends to inspire Viewer Gender Confusion.
- Subverted in her Worms videos.
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