< Pajama Sam

Pajama Sam/YMMV

  • Accidental Innuendo: In the first game, Sam will grab a plank of wood at the cost of a rope he borrowed from a tree. If you have Sam offer the wood to the tree in exchange, she'll be disgusted and tell Sam to take it away. Said tree might also be thinking of the wood as a dead corpse, possibly of her kin ... !
  • Ear Worm:
    • In No Need To Hide When It's Dark Outside, EVERYTHING in Darkness' kitchen sings when clicked on, and as such the player can create some pretty catchy songs.
    • The level select/credits theme from SockWorks, also heard in One-Stop Fun Shop.
    • The main theme from Thunder And Lightning Aren't So Frightening.
    • The theme from Lost & Found's "Bop a Prize" bonus game.
    • Point, one of the Group EF background music tracks from Life Is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff!
  • Excuse Plot: From the fourth game: Oh no! Sam's comic book is gone! Help him find it!
  • Fanon Discontinuity: Most fans out there like you to think that Life Is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff! never existed, to the point where they'll refuse to call it Pajama Sam 4.
  • Good Bad Bugs: Life Is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff! has two mutually exclusive ones, both involving the Dresser Scaling mini-game.
    • If you don't want to scale the dresser, just have Sam fall down the first time you play the mini-game. From then on, Sam will be able to skip straight to the top of the dresser as if you had already completed the mini-game.
    • If you have completed the mini-game and can play it from the menu, playing it from there and having Sam fall down will warp Sam to the bottom of the dresser, regardless of where he was when you accessed the menu. This basically serves as a Warp Whistle (especially useful in a game with Loads and Loads of Loading), and even a Door to Before since it still works after the Point of No Return near the end of the game (allowing Sam to go back and pick up any trading cards he may have missed).
  • Moment of Awesome: Towards the end of the second game:

Lightning: And this is the volume control for the "ka-booms"!
Sam: Oh boy! (Turns it up all the way)

  • Most Annoying Sound:
    • A few of the sound effects can become this over time.
    • In Lost & Found, you will CONSTANTLY hear "I picked up a bonus puzzle piece!". There's 8 bonus pieces per level, and there's 100 levels, so you'll hear this at the very least 700 times.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • The Land of Darkness, at first.
    • The trees in the first game, especially in the scene where they steal all of your stuff.
    • Darkness. Although Dark Is Not Evil, just lonely, he still managed to traumatize many children.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: Sam's change in voice actor in the fourth game was not accepted by many long time fans.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: Wait, did he just call Thunder "Ma'am"?
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